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Awesome VSCode Snippets for PowerShell

A curated list of awesome vscode snippets for PowerShell.

Inspired by the awesome lists, focusing on PowerShell snippets in VSCode


What are snippets

Code snippets are templates that make it easier to enter repeating code patterns, such as loops or conditional-statements. The list of snippets below is not integrated into the extension. However, instead, users can add them to their own, custom snippets file. Check out the VSCode documentation on snippets. It provides an overview and instructions on how to author snippets. It's really simple - just a little bit of JSON.

To contribute, check out our guide here.

Table of contents

Snippet name Description
AssertMock Creates assert mock Pester test
AWSRegionDynamicParameter Creates a dynamic parameter of current AWS regions by @jbruett
CalculatedProperty Create a calculated property for use in a select-object call by @corbob
DataTable Creates a DataTable
DateTimeWriteVerbose Write-Verbose with the time and date pre-pended to your message by @ThmsRynr
Error-Terminating Create a full terminating error by @omniomi
IfShouldProcess Added If Should Process
MaxColumnLengthinDataTable Gets the max length of string columns in datatables
Parameter-Credential Add a standard credential parameter to your function by @omniomi
PesterTestForMandatoryParameter Create Pester test for a mandatory parameter
PesterTestForParameter Create Pester test for parameter
PSCustomObject A simple PSCustomObject by @brettmillerb
Region Block Region Block for organizing and folding of your code
Send-MailMessage Send an mail message with the most common parameters by @fullenw1


Assert Mock

Creates Assert Mock for Pester Tests y @SQLDBAWithABeard


"AssertMock": {
    "prefix": "AssertMock",
    "body": [
        "$$assertMockParams = @{",
            "\t'CommandName' = '${1:Command}'",
            "\t'Times'       = ${2:1}",
            "\t'Exactly'     = $$true",
        "Assert-MockCalled @assertMockParams"
    "description": "AssertMock snippet for Pestering"


Creates a dynamic parameter of the current AWS regions. Includes parameter validation.


"AWSRegionDynamicParam": {
    "prefix": "aws_region",
    "body": [
        "DynamicParam {",
            "\t$ParamDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary",
            "\t$CR_ParamName = 'Region'",
            "\t$CR_AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]",
            "\t$CR_Attribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute",
            "\t$CR_Attribute.HelpMessage = 'List all the regions to be included in the document'",
            "\t$CR_Attribute.Mandatory = $true",
            "\t$CR_Attribute.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true",
            "\t$CR_intRegions = Get-AWSRegion -IncludeChina | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Region",
            "\t$CR_intRegions += Get-AWSRegion -IncludeGovCloud | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Region",
            "\t$CR_intRegions = $CR_intRegions | Select-Object -Unique",
            "\t$CR_ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($CR_intRegions)",
            "\t$CR_Param = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($CR_ParamName, [String[]],$CR_AttributeCollection)",
            "\t$ParamDictionary.Add($CR_ParamName, $CR_Param)",
            "\treturn $paramDictionary",
    "description": "A dynamic parameter that builds a list of AWS regions"


Create calculated property for use in Select Statements


"Add Calculated Property": {
    "prefix": "cf",
    "body": [
        "@{'Name' = '$1' ; 'Expression' = {$2}}",
    "description": "Create calculated property for use in Select Statements"


Quickly create a Data Table object by @SQLDBAWithABeard.


"DataTable": {
    "prefix": "DataTable",
    "body": [
        "# Create DataTable Object",
        "$$table = New-Object system.Data.DataTable $$TableName",

        "\r# Create Columns",
        "$$col1 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn NAME1,([string])",
        "$$col2 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn NAME2,([decimal])",

        "\r#Add the Columns to the table",

        "\r# Create a new Row",
        "$$row = $$table.NewRow() ",

        "\r# Add values to new row",
        "$$row.Name1 = 'VALUE'",
        "$$row.NAME2 = 'VALUE'",

        "\r#Add new row to table",
    "description": "Creates a Data Table Object"


Quickly add a Write-Verbose with the current date and time inserted before the message you're going to write to the verbose stream, by @ThmsRynr.


"DateTimeWriteVerbose": {
    "prefix": "dtwv",
    "body": [
        "Write-Verbose \"[$(Get-Date -format G)] ${1:message}\"$0"
    "description": "Pre-pend datetime for Write-Verbose"


Quickly add a fully defined error record and throw. by @omniomi


"Throw Terminating Error": {
    "prefix": "error-terminating",
    "body": [
        "\\$Exception     = New-Object ${1:System.ArgumentException} (\"${2:Invalid argument provided.}\")\r",
        "\\$ErrorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::${3:InvalidArgument}\r",
        "# Exception, ErrorId as [string], Category, and TargetObject (e.g. the parameter that was invalid)\r",
        "\\$ErrorRecord   = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord(\\$Exception, '${4:InvalidArgument}', \\$ErrorCategory, ${5:\\$null})\r",
    "description": "Throw a full terminating error."


Add If Should Process with easy tab inputs


"IfShouldProcess": {
    "prefix": "IfShouldProcess",
    "body": [
        "if ($$PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(\"${1:The Item}\" , \"${2:The Change}\")) {",
        "\t# Place Code here",
    "description": "Creates an if should process"


Takes a datatable object and iterates through it to get the max length of the string columns - useful for data loads into a SQL Server table with fixed column widths by @SQLDBAWithABeard


"Max Length of Datatable": {
    "prefix": "Max Length of Datatable",
    "body": [
        "$$columns = ($$datatable | Get-Member -MemberType Property).Name",
        "foreach($$column in $$Columns) {",
        "\t$$max = 0",
        "\tforeach ($$a in $$datatable){",
        "\t\tif($$max -lt $$a.$$column.length){",
        "\t\t\t$$max = $$a.$$column.length",
        "\tWrite-Output \"$$column max length is $$max\"",
    "description": "Takes a datatable object and iterates through it to get the max length of the string columns - useful for data loads"


Add a -Credential parameter that supports a PSCredential object in a variable, -Credential (Get-Credential), or -Credential Username (will prompt). Includes an empty PSCredential object as the default value but this is the first tabstop so pressing backspace after inserting the snippet removes it. by @omniomi


"Parameter-Credential": {
    "prefix": "parameter-credential",
    "body": [
        "# Specifies the user account credentials to use when performing this task.\r",
        "$$Credential${1: = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty}"
    "description": "Parameter declaration snippet for a Credential parameter."


Quickly create a Pester Test for existence of a mandatory parameter by @SQLDBAWithABeard


"Pester for Mandatory Parameter": {
    "prefix": "mandatoryParamPester",
    "body": [
        "It \"${1:FunctionName} Should have a mandatory parameter ${2:ParameterName}\" {",
        "\t(Get-Command ${1:FunctionName}).Parameters['${2:ParameterName}'].Attributes.Mandatory | Should -BeTrue",
    "description": "Pester Test for Parameter"


Quickly create a Pester Test for existence of a parameter by @SQLDBAWithABeard


"Pester for Parameter": {
    "prefix": "Param Pester",
    "body": [
        "It \"${1:FunctionName} Should have a parameter ${2:ParameterName}\" {",
        "\t(Get-Command ${1:FunctionName}).Parameters['${2:ParameterName}'].Count | Should -Be 1",
    "description": "Pester Test for Parameter"


A simple PSCustomObject by @brettmillerb. It has 4 properties that you can tab through to quickly fill in.


"PSCustomObject": {
    "prefix": "PSCustomObject",
    "body": [
            "\t${item1} = ${Property1}\r",
            "\t${item2} = ${Property2}\r",
            "\t${item3} = ${Property3}\r",
            "\t${item4} = ${Property4}\r",
    "description": "Creates a PSCustomObject"

Region Block

Use the #region for organizing your code (including good code folding).


"Region Block": {
    "prefix": "#region",
    "body": [
        "#region ${1}",
    "description": "Region Block for organizing and folding of your code"


Add the Send-MailMessage cmdlet with the most common parameters in a hashtable for splatting, by @fullenw1.


"ex-Send-MailMessage": { 
	"prefix": "ex-Send-MailMessage", 
	"body": [ 
		"$$Params = @{", 
		"    'SmtpServer'  = ''", 
		"    'Port'        = 25", 
		"    'Priority'    = 'Normal'", 
		"    'From'        = ''", 
		"    'To'          = ''", 
		"    'Cc'          = ''", 
		"    'Bcc'         = ''", 
		"    'Subject'     = 'Mail title'", 
		"    'Body'        = 'This is the content of my mail'", 
		"    'BodyAsHtml'  = $$false", 
		"    'Attachments' = 'c:\\MyFile.txt'", 
		"Send-MailMessage @Params" 
	"description": "Send a mail message" 


If you'd like to add a snippet to this list, open a pull request with the following changes:

Table of contents

You need to add an item to the table of contents. The addition should follow the alpha ordering of the list. The ToC item template looks like this:

| [Name of snippet](link to header of your snippet) | _some short description_ |

An example looks like this (NOTE: all lowercase link):

| [PSCustomObject](#pscustomobject) |  _A simple PSCustomObject_ |

which will show up in the ToC like this:

Snippet Name Description
PSCustomObject A simple PSCustomObject


You need to also add an item to the body in alpha order. The body item template looks like this:

### Name of snippet

Enter your description here. It can be the same as the ToC or a longer version.

#### Snippet

    "Put your":"snippet here",
    "indent it":"properly"

An example looks like this:

### PSCustomObject

A simple PSCustomObject.

#### Snippet

"PSCustomObject": {
    "prefix": "PSCustomObject",
    "body": [
        "\t${1:Name} = ${2:Value}",
    "description": "Creates a PSCustomObject"

which will show up in the body like this:


A simple PSCustomObject. Note, this snippet ships with the PowerShell extension.


"PSCustomObject": {
    "prefix": "PSCustomObject",
    "body": [
        "\t${1:Name} = ${2:Value}",
    "description": "Creates a PSCustomObject"