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2018-10-17 14:11:16 -06:00
# Awesome VSCode Snippets for PowerShell
> A curated list of awesome vscode snippets for PowerShell.
*Inspired by the [awesome]( lists, focusing on PowerShell snippets in VSCode*
## What are snippets
Code snippets are templates that make it easier to enter repeating code patterns, such as loops or conditional-statements.
The list of snippets below is not integrated into the extension. However, instead, users can add them to their own, custom snippets file.
Check out the [VSCode documentation on snippets]( It provides an overview and instructions on how to author snippets. It's really simple - just a little bit of JSON.
_To contribute, check out our [guide here](#contributing)._
## Table of contents
| Snippet name | Description |
| --------- | ---------|
| [AssertMock](#assert-mock) | _Creates assert mock Pester test_ |
| [AWSRegionDynamicParameter](#awsregiondynamicparameter) | _Creates a dynamic parameter of current AWS regions by @jbruett_ |
| [CalculatedProperty](#calculatedproperty) | _Create a calculated property for use in a select-object call by @corbob_ |
| [DataTable](#datatable) | _Creates a DataTable_ |
| [DateTimeWriteVerbose](#datetimewriteverbose) | _Write-Verbose with the time and date pre-pended to your message by @ThmsRynr_ |
| [Error-Terminating](#error-terminating) | _Create a full terminating error by @omniomi_ |
| [IfShouldProcess](#ifshouldprocess) | _Added If Should Process_ |
| [MaxColumnLengthinDataTable](#maxcolumnlengthindatatable) | _Gets the max length of string columns in datatables_ |
| [Parameter-Credential](#parameter-credential) | _Add a standard credential parameter to your function by @omniomi_ |
| [PesterTestForMandatoryParameter](#pestertestformandatoryparameter) | _Create Pester test for a mandatory parameter_ |
| [PesterTestForParameter](#pestertestforparameter) | _Create Pester test for parameter_ |
| [PSCustomObject](#pscustomobject) | _A simple PSCustomObject by @brettmillerb_ |
| [Region Block](#region-block) | _Region Block for organizing and folding of your code_ |
| [Send-MailMessage](#send-mailmessage) | _Send an mail message with the most common parameters by @fullenw1_ |
## Snippets
### Assert Mock
Creates Assert Mock for Pester Tests y @SQLDBAWithABeard
#### Snippet
"AssertMock": {
"prefix": "AssertMock",
"body": [
"$$assertMockParams = @{",
"\t'CommandName' = '${1:Command}'",
"\t'Times' = ${2:1}",
"\t'Exactly' = $$true",
"Assert-MockCalled @assertMockParams"
"description": "AssertMock snippet for Pestering"
### AWSRegionDynamicParameter
Creates a dynamic parameter of the current AWS regions. Includes parameter validation.
#### Snippet
"AWSRegionDynamicParam": {
"prefix": "aws_region",
"body": [
"DynamicParam {",
"\t$ParamDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary",
"\t$CR_ParamName = 'Region'",
"\t$CR_AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]",
"\t$CR_Attribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute",
"\t$CR_Attribute.HelpMessage = 'List all the regions to be included in the document'",
"\t$CR_Attribute.Mandatory = $true",
"\t$CR_Attribute.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true",
"\t$CR_intRegions = Get-AWSRegion -IncludeChina | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Region",
"\t$CR_intRegions += Get-AWSRegion -IncludeGovCloud | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Region",
"\t$CR_intRegions = $CR_intRegions | Select-Object -Unique",
"\t$CR_ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($CR_intRegions)",
"\t$CR_Param = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($CR_ParamName, [String[]],$CR_AttributeCollection)",
"\t$ParamDictionary.Add($CR_ParamName, $CR_Param)",
"\treturn $paramDictionary",
"description": "A dynamic parameter that builds a list of AWS regions"
### CalculatedProperty
Create calculated property for use in Select Statements
#### Snippet
"Add Calculated Property": {
"prefix": "cf",
"body": [
"@{'Name' = '$1' ; 'Expression' = {$2}}",
"description": "Create calculated property for use in Select Statements"
### DataTable
Quickly create a Data Table object by @SQLDBAWithABeard.
#### Snippet
"DataTable": {
"prefix": "DataTable",
"body": [
"# Create DataTable Object",
"$$table = New-Object system.Data.DataTable $$TableName",
"\r# Create Columns",
"$$col1 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn NAME1,([string])",
"$$col2 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn NAME2,([decimal])",
"\r#Add the Columns to the table",
"\r# Create a new Row",
"$$row = $$table.NewRow() ",
"\r# Add values to new row",
"$$row.Name1 = 'VALUE'",
"$$row.NAME2 = 'VALUE'",
"\r#Add new row to table",
"description": "Creates a Data Table Object"
### DateTimeWriteVerbose
Quickly add a `Write-Verbose` with the current date and time inserted before the message you're going to write to the verbose stream, by @ThmsRynr.
#### Snippet
"DateTimeWriteVerbose": {
"prefix": "dtwv",
"body": [
"Write-Verbose \"[$(Get-Date -format G)] ${1:message}\"$0"
"description": "Pre-pend datetime for Write-Verbose"
### Error-Terminating
Quickly add a fully defined error record and throw. by @omniomi
#### Snippet
"Throw Terminating Error": {
"prefix": "error-terminating",
"body": [
"\\$Exception = New-Object ${1:System.ArgumentException} (\"${2:Invalid argument provided.}\")\r",
"\\$ErrorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::${3:InvalidArgument}\r",
"# Exception, ErrorId as [string], Category, and TargetObject (e.g. the parameter that was invalid)\r",
"\\$ErrorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord(\\$Exception, '${4:InvalidArgument}', \\$ErrorCategory, ${5:\\$null})\r",
"description": "Throw a full terminating error."
### IfShouldProcess
Add If Should Process with easy tab inputs
#### Snippet
"IfShouldProcess": {
"prefix": "IfShouldProcess",
"body": [
"if ($$PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(\"${1:The Item}\" , \"${2:The Change}\")) {",
"\t# Place Code here",
"description": "Creates an if should process"
### MaxColumnLengthinDataTable
Takes a datatable object and iterates through it to get the max length of the string columns - useful for data loads into a SQL Server table with fixed column widths by @SQLDBAWithABeard
#### Snippet
"Max Length of Datatable": {
"prefix": "Max Length of Datatable",
"body": [
"$$columns = ($$datatable | Get-Member -MemberType Property).Name",
"foreach($$column in $$Columns) {",
"\t$$max = 0",
"\tforeach ($$a in $$datatable){",
"\t\tif($$max -lt $$a.$$column.length){",
"\t\t\t$$max = $$a.$$column.length",
"\tWrite-Output \"$$column max length is $$max\"",
"description": "Takes a datatable object and iterates through it to get the max length of the string columns - useful for data loads"
### Parameter-Credential
Add a `-Credential` parameter that supports a PSCredential object in a variable, `-Credential (Get-Credential)`, or `-Credential Username` (will prompt). Includes an empty PSCredential object as the default value but this is the first tabstop so pressing backspace after inserting the snippet removes it. by @omniomi
#### Snippet
"Parameter-Credential": {
"prefix": "parameter-credential",
"body": [
"# Specifies the user account credentials to use when performing this task.\r",
"$$Credential${1: = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty}"
"description": "Parameter declaration snippet for a Credential parameter."
### PesterTestForMandatoryParameter
Quickly create a Pester Test for existence of a mandatory parameter by @SQLDBAWithABeard
#### Snippet
"Pester for Mandatory Parameter": {
"prefix": "mandatoryParamPester",
"body": [
"It \"${1:FunctionName} Should have a mandatory parameter ${2:ParameterName}\" {",
"\t(Get-Command ${1:FunctionName}).Parameters['${2:ParameterName}'].Attributes.Mandatory | Should -BeTrue",
"description": "Pester Test for Parameter"
### PesterTestForParameter
Quickly create a Pester Test for existence of a parameter by @SQLDBAWithABeard
#### Snippet
"Pester for Parameter": {
"prefix": "Param Pester",
"body": [
"It \"${1:FunctionName} Should have a parameter ${2:ParameterName}\" {",
"\t(Get-Command ${1:FunctionName}).Parameters['${2:ParameterName}'].Count | Should -Be 1",
"description": "Pester Test for Parameter"
### PSCustomObject
A simple PSCustomObject by @brettmillerb. It has 4 properties that you can tab through to quickly fill in.
#### Snippet
"PSCustomObject": {
"prefix": "PSCustomObject",
"body": [
"\t${item1} = ${Property1}\r",
"\t${item2} = ${Property2}\r",
"\t${item3} = ${Property3}\r",
"\t${item4} = ${Property4}\r",
"description": "Creates a PSCustomObject"
### Region Block
Use the `#region` for organizing your code (including good code folding).
#### Snippet
"Region Block": {
"prefix": "#region",
"body": [
"#region ${1}",
"description": "Region Block for organizing and folding of your code"
### Send-MailMessage
Add the Send-MailMessage cmdlet with the most common parameters in a hashtable for splatting, by @fullenw1.
#### Snippet
"ex-Send-MailMessage": {
"prefix": "ex-Send-MailMessage",
"body": [
"$$Params = @{",
" 'SmtpServer' = ''",
" 'Port' = 25",
" 'Priority' = 'Normal'",
" 'From' = ''",
" 'To' = ''",
" 'Cc' = ''",
" 'Bcc' = ''",
" 'Subject' = 'Mail title'",
" 'Body' = 'This is the content of my mail'",
" 'BodyAsHtml' = $$false",
" 'Attachments' = 'c:\\MyFile.txt'",
"Send-MailMessage @Params"
"description": "Send a mail message"
## Contributing
If you'd like to add a snippet to this list, [open a pull request]( with the following changes:
### Table of contents
You need to add an item to the table of contents. The addition should follow the *alpha ordering* of the list.
The ToC item template looks like this:
| [Name of snippet](link to header of your snippet) | _some short description_ |
An example looks like this (NOTE: all lowercase link):
| [PSCustomObject](#pscustomobject) | _A simple PSCustomObject_ |
which will show up in the ToC like this:
| Snippet Name | Description |
|--------- | ---------|
| [PSCustomObject](#pscustomobject) | _A simple PSCustomObject_ |
### Body
You need to also add an item to the body in alpha order. The body item template looks like this:
### Name of snippet
Enter your description here. It can be the same as the ToC or a longer version.
#### Snippet
"Put your":"snippet here",
"indent it":"properly"
An example looks like this:
### PSCustomObject
A simple PSCustomObject.
#### Snippet
"PSCustomObject": {
"prefix": "PSCustomObject",
"body": [
"\t${1:Name} = ${2:Value}",
"description": "Creates a PSCustomObject"
which will show up in the body like this:
### PSCustomObject
A simple PSCustomObject. Note, this snippet ships with the PowerShell extension.
#### Snippet
"PSCustomObject": {
"prefix": "PSCustomObject",
"body": [
"\t${1:Name} = ${2:Value}",
"description": "Creates a PSCustomObject"