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Kaj Forney
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2022-12-06 05:31:59 -07:00
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< img src = "img/art/rakuenDoor.png" class = "d-block w-100" alt = "..." >
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< h5 class = "text-shadow" > RAKUEN ART< / h5 >
< p class = "text-shadow" > A scene from the game < i > Rakuen< / i > , recreated in Blender.< / p >
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< img src = "img/art/airship1.png" class = "d-block w-100" alt = "..." >
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< h5 class = "text-shadow" > AIRSHIP MODEL< / h5 >
< p class = "text-shadow" > Created in Blender< / p >
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< img src = "img/art/airship2.png" class = "d-block w-100" alt = "..." >
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< h5 class = "text-shadow" > AIRSHIP MODEL< / h5 >
< p class = "text-shadow" > Created in Blender.< / p >
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< img src = "img/art/cat.png" class = "d-block w-100" alt = "..." >
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< h5 class = "text-shadow" > DIGITAL PORTRAIT< / h5 >
< p class = "text-shadow" > A digital painting of my cat, Okapi.< / p >
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< img src = "img/art/portrait_dad.png" class = "d-block w-100" alt = "..." >
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< h5 class = "text-shadow" > DIGITAL PORTRAIT< / h5 >
< p class = "text-shadow" > A picture of my dad.< / p >
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< img src = "img/art/dadKaj.png" class = "d-block w-100" alt = "..." >
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< h5 style = "color:#283044" class = "text-shadow" > DIGITAL PORTRAIT< / h5 >
< p style = "color:#283044" class = "text-shadow" > A picture I recreated of my dad and I.< / p >
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2022-12-06 04:28:19 -07:00
2022-12-06 06:14:57 -07:00
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< h1 > GAMES< / h1 >
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< h2 > The Climb< / h2 >
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< p > The Climb is a small game I created in Unity, originally as part of my work in my GIMM 100 course. In the game, you I later updated the game to add improved lighting, using Unity's 2D Lighting system in the Universal Render Pipeline.< / p >
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< iframe class = "youtube-iframe" src = "https://www.youtube.com/embed/N5unzGlC9ME" title = "YouTube video player" frameborder = "0" allow = "accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen > < / iframe >
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< iframe src = "https://itch.io/embed/1308115?border_width=0&bg_color=283044&fg_color=78a1bb&link_color=ffbc42&border_color=283044" frameborder = "0" > < a href = "https://lunarpenguin.itch.io/the-climb" > The Climb by Lunar_Penguin< / a > < / iframe >
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< h2 > Megashigi< / h2 >
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< p > Megashigi is a game that I helped create, with a few friends, as a birthday gift. My portion of the project included the implementation of the game's playable, interactive credits sequence, as well as general level design and subtitles for the game's rap sequence.< / p >
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< iframe src = "https://itch.io/embed/630032?border_width=0&bg_color=283044&fg_color=78a1bb&link_color=ffbc42&border_color=283044" frameborder = "0" > < a href = "https://lopar.itch.io/megashigi" > The Climb by Lunar_Penguin< / a > < / iframe >
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2022-12-04 22:21:44 -07:00
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