default_resurrect_dir="$HOME/.tmux/resurrect" resurrect_dir_option="@resurrect-dir" SUPPORTED_VERSION="1.9" d=$'\t' # helper functions get_tmux_option() { local option="$1" local default_value="$2" local option_value=$(tmux show-option -gqv "$option") if [ -z "$option_value" ]; then echo "$default_value" else echo "$option_value" fi } # Ensures a message is displayed for 5 seconds in tmux prompt. # Does not override the 'display-time' tmux option. display_message() { local message="$1" # display_duration defaults to 5 seconds, if not passed as an argument if [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then local display_duration="$2" else local display_duration="5000" fi # saves user-set 'display-time' option local saved_display_time=$(get_tmux_option "display-time" "750") # sets message display time to 5 seconds tmux set-option -gq display-time "$display_duration" # displays message tmux display-message "$message" # restores original 'display-time' value tmux set-option -gq display-time "$saved_display_time" } supported_tmux_version_ok() { $CURRENT_DIR/ "$SUPPORTED_VERSION" } remove_first_char() { echo "$1" | cut -c2- } capture_pane_contents_option_on() { local option="$(get_tmux_option "$pane_contents_option" "off")" [ "$option" == "on" ] } save_bash_history_option_on() { local option="$(get_tmux_option "$bash_history_option" "off")" [ "$option" == "on" ] } get_grouped_sessions() { local grouped_sessions_dump="$1" export GROUPED_SESSIONS="${d}$(echo "$grouped_sessions_dump" | cut -f2 -d"$d" | tr "\\n" "$d")" } is_session_grouped() { local session_name="$1" [[ "$GROUPED_SESSIONS" == *"${d}${session_name}${d}"* ]] } # pane content file helpers pane_contents_create_archive() { tar cf - -C "$(resurrect_dir)" ./pane_contents/ | gzip > "$(pane_contents_archive_file)" } pane_content_files_restore_from_archive() { local archive_file="$(pane_contents_archive_file)" if [ -f "$archive_file" ]; then gzip -d < "$archive_file" | tar xf - -C "$(resurrect_dir)" fi } pane_content_files_cleanup() { rm "$(pane_contents_dir)"/* } # path helpers resurrect_dir() { local path="$(get_tmux_option "$resurrect_dir_option" "$default_resurrect_dir")" echo "${path/#\~/$HOME}" # expands tilde if used with @resurrect-dir } resurrect_file_path() { local timestamp="$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")" echo "$(resurrect_dir)/tmux_resurrect_${timestamp}.txt" } last_resurrect_file() { echo "$(resurrect_dir)/last" } pane_contents_dir() { echo "$(resurrect_dir)/pane_contents/" } pane_contents_file() { local pane_id="$1" echo "$(pane_contents_dir)/pane-${pane_id}" } pane_contents_file_exists() { local pane_id="$1" [ -f "$(pane_contents_file "$pane_id")" ] } pane_contents_archive_file() { echo "$(resurrect_dir)/pane_contents.tar.gz" } resurrect_history_file() { local pane_id="$1" echo "$(resurrect_dir)/bash_history-${pane_id}" }