--- external help file: PowerShellEditorServices.Commands-help.xml online version: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShellEditorServices/tree/master/module/docs/Get-Token.md schema: 2.0.0 --- # Get-Token ## SYNOPSIS Get parser tokens from a script position. ## SYNTAX ```powershell Get-Token [[-Extent] ] ``` ## DESCRIPTION The Get-Token function can retrieve tokens from the current editor context, or from a ScriptExtent object. You can then use the ScriptExtent functions to manipulate the text at it's location. ## EXAMPLES ### -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 -------------------------- ```powershell using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language Find-Ast { $_ -is [IfStatementAst] } -First | Get-Token ``` Gets all tokens from the first IfStatementAst. ### -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 -------------------------- ```powershell Get-Token | Where-Object { $_.Kind -eq 'Comment' } ``` Gets all comment tokens. ## PARAMETERS ### -Extent Specifies the extent that a token must be within to be returned. ```yaml Type: IScriptExtent Parameter Sets: (All) Aliases: Required: False Position: 1 Default value: None Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) Accept wildcard characters: False ``` ## INPUTS ### System.Management.Automation.Language.IScriptExtent You can pass extents to get tokens from to this function. You can also pass objects that with a property named "Extent", like Ast objects from the Find-Ast function. ## OUTPUTS ### System.Management.Automation.Language.Token ## NOTES ## RELATED LINKS