# Instructions: select the entire file and hit F8 to # load the extensions. To see the list of registered # extensions and run them, hit Ctrl+Shift+P, type 'addi' # and run the "Show additional commands from PowerShell modules" # command. A quick pick list will appear with all 3 # extensions registered. Selecting one of them will launch it. function Invoke-MyCommand { Write-Output "My command's function was executed!" } # Registering a command for an existing function Register-EditorCommand -Verbose ` -Name "MyModule.MyCommandWithFunction" ` -DisplayName "My command with function" ` -Function Invoke-MyCommand # Registering a command to run a ScriptBlock Register-EditorCommand -Verbose ` -Name "MyModule.MyCommandWithScriptBlock" ` -DisplayName "My command with script block" ` -ScriptBlock { Write-Output "My command's script block was executed!" } # A real command example: function Invoke-MyEdit([Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Extensions.EditorContext]$context) { # Insert text at pre-defined position $context.CurrentFile.InsertText( "`r`n# I was inserted by PowerShell code!`r`nGet-Process -Name chrome`r`n", 35, 1); # TRY THIS ALSO, comment out the above 4 lines and uncomment the below # # Insert text at cursor position # $context.CurrentFile.InsertText( # "Get-Process -Name chrome", # $context.CursorPosition); } # After registering this command, you only need to re-evaluate the # Invoke-MyEdit command when you've made changes to its code. The # registration of the command persists. Register-EditorCommand -Verbose ` -Name "MyModule.MyEditCommand" ` -DisplayName "Apply my edit!" ` -Function Invoke-MyEdit ` -SuppressOutput