""" This module contains variables with global |jedi| settings. To change the behavior of |jedi|, change the variables defined in :mod:`jedi.settings`. Plugins should expose an interface so that the user can adjust the configuration. Example usage:: from jedi import settings settings.case_insensitive_completion = True Completion output ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autodata:: case_insensitive_completion .. autodata:: add_bracket_after_function .. autodata:: no_completion_duplicates Filesystem cache ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autodata:: cache_directory .. autodata:: use_filesystem_cache Parser ~~~~~~ .. autodata:: fast_parser Dynamic stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autodata:: dynamic_array_additions .. autodata:: dynamic_params .. autodata:: dynamic_params_for_other_modules .. autodata:: additional_dynamic_modules .. autodata:: auto_import_modules Caching ~~~~~~~ .. autodata:: call_signatures_validity """ import os import platform # ---------------- # completion output settings # ---------------- case_insensitive_completion = True """ The completion is by default case insensitive. """ add_bracket_after_function = False """ Adds an opening bracket after a function, because that's normal behaviour. Removed it again, because in VIM that is not very practical. """ no_completion_duplicates = True """ If set, completions with the same name don't appear in the output anymore, but are in the `same_name_completions` attribute. """ # ---------------- # Filesystem cache # ---------------- use_filesystem_cache = True """ Use filesystem cache to save once parsed files with pickle. """ if platform.system().lower() == 'windows': _cache_directory = os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA') or '~', 'Jedi', 'Jedi') elif platform.system().lower() == 'darwin': _cache_directory = os.path.join('~', 'Library', 'Caches', 'Jedi') else: _cache_directory = os.path.join(os.getenv('XDG_CACHE_HOME') or '~/.cache', 'jedi') cache_directory = os.path.expanduser(_cache_directory) """ The path where the cache is stored. On Linux, this defaults to ``~/.cache/jedi/``, on OS X to ``~/Library/Caches/Jedi/`` and on Windows to ``%APPDATA%\\Jedi\\Jedi\\``. On Linux, if environment variable ``$XDG_CACHE_HOME`` is set, ``$XDG_CACHE_HOME/jedi`` is used instead of the default one. """ # ---------------- # parser # ---------------- fast_parser = True """ Use the fast parser. This means that reparsing is only being done if something has been changed e.g. to a function. If this happens, only the function is being reparsed. """ # ---------------- # dynamic stuff # ---------------- dynamic_array_additions = True """ check for `append`, etc. on arrays: [], {}, () as well as list/set calls. """ dynamic_params = True """ A dynamic param completion, finds the callees of the function, which define the params of a function. """ dynamic_params_for_other_modules = True """ Do the same for other modules. """ additional_dynamic_modules = [] """ Additional modules in which |jedi| checks if statements are to be found. This is practical for IDEs, that want to administrate their modules themselves. """ dynamic_flow_information = True """ Check for `isinstance` and other information to infer a type. """ auto_import_modules = [ 'hashlib', # setattr ] """ Modules that are not analyzed but imported, although they contain Python code. This improves autocompletion for libraries that use ``setattr`` or ``globals()`` modifications a lot. """ # ---------------- # caching validity (time) # ---------------- call_signatures_validity = 3.0 """ Finding function calls might be slow (0.1-0.5s). This is not acceptible for normal writing. Therefore cache it for a short time. """