param([int]$Count=50, [int]$DelayMilliseconds=200) function Write-Item($itemCount) { $i = 1 while ($i -le $itemCount) { $str = "Output $i" Write-Output $str # In the gutter on the left, right click and select "Add Conditional Breakpoint" # on the next line. Use the condition: $i -eq 25 $i = $i + 1 # Slow down execution a bit so user can test the "Pause debugger" feature. Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $DelayMilliseconds } } # Do-Work will be underlined in green if you haven't disable script analysis. # Hover over the function name below to see the PSScriptAnalyzer warning that "Do-Work" # doesn't use an approved verb. function Do-Work($workCount) { Write-Output "Doing work..." Write-Item $workcount Write-Host "Done!" } Do-Work $Count