{ ".source.go": { "single import": { "prefix": "im", "body": "import \"${1:package}\"", "description": "Snippet for import statement" }, "multiple imports": { "prefix": "ims", "body": "import (\n\t\"${1:package}\"\n)", "description": "Snippet for a import block" }, "single constant": { "prefix": "co", "body": "const ${1:name} = ${2:value}", "description": "Snippet for a constant" }, "multiple constants": { "prefix": "cos", "body": "const (\n\t${1:name} = ${2:value}\n)", "description": "Snippet for a constant block" }, "type interface declaration": { "prefix": "tyi", "body": "type ${1:name} interface {\n\t$0\n}", "description": "Snippet for a type interface" }, "type struct declaration": { "prefix": "tys", "body": "type ${1:name} struct {\n\t$0\n}", "description": "Snippet for a struct declaration" }, "package main and main function": { "prefix": "pkgm", "body": "package main\n\nfunc main() {\n\t$0\n}", "description": "Snippet for main package & function" }, "function declaration": { "prefix": "func", "body": "func $1($2) $3 {\n\t$0\n}", "description": "Snippet for function declaration" }, "variable declaration": { "prefix": "var", "body": "var ${1:name} ${2:type}", "description": "Snippet for a variable" }, "switch statement": { "prefix": "switch", "body": "switch ${1:expression} {\ncase ${2:condition}:\n\t$0\n}", "description": "Snippet for switch statement" }, "case clause": { "prefix": "cs", "body": "case ${1:condition}:$0", "description": "Snippet for case clause" }, "for statement": { "prefix": "for", "body": "for ${1:index} := 0; $1 < ${2:count}; $1${3:++} {\n\t$0\n}", "description": "Snippet for a for loop" }, "for range statement": { "prefix": "forr", "body": "for ${1:var} := range ${2:var} {\n\t$0\n}", "description": "Snippet for a for range loop" }, "channel declaration": { "prefix": "ch", "body": "chan ${1:type}", "description": "Snippet for a channel" }, "map declaration": { "prefix": "map", "body": "map[${1:type}]${2:type}", "description": "Snippet for a map" }, "empty interface": { "prefix": "in", "body": "interface{}", "description": "Snippet for empty interface" }, "if statement": { "prefix": "if", "body": "if ${1:condition} {\n\t$0\n}", "description": "Snippet for if statement" }, "else branch": { "prefix": "el", "body": "else {\n\t$0\n}", "description": "Snippet for else branch" }, "if else statement": { "prefix": "ie", "body": "if ${1:condition} {\n\t$2\n} else {\n\t$0\n}", "description": "Snippet for if else" }, "if err != nil": { "prefix": "iferr", "body": "if err != nil {\n\t${1:return}\n}", "description": "Snippet for if err != nil" }, "fmt.Println": { "prefix": "fp", "body": "fmt.Println(\"$1\")", "description": "Snippet for fmt.Println()" }, "fmt.Printf": { "prefix": "ff", "body": "fmt.Printf(\"$1\", ${2:var})", "description": "Snippet for fmt.Printf()" }, "log.Println": { "prefix": "lp", "body": "log.Println(\"$1\")", "description": "Snippet for log.Println()" }, "log.Printf": { "prefix": "lf", "body": "log.Printf(\"$1\", ${2:var})", "description": "Snippet for log.Printf()" }, "log variable content": { "prefix": "lv", "body": "log.Printf(\"${1:var}: %#+v\\\\n\", ${1:var})", "description": "Snippet for log.Printf() with variable content" }, "t.Log": { "prefix": "tl", "body": "t.Log(\"$1\")", "description": "Snippet for t.Log()" }, "t.Logf": { "prefix": "tlf", "body": "t.Logf(\"$1\", ${2:var})", "description": "Snippet for t.Logf()" }, "t.Logf variable content": { "prefix": "tlv", "body": "t.Logf(\"${1:var}: %#+v\\\\n\", ${1:var})", "description": "Snippet for t.Logf() with variable content" }, "make(...)": { "prefix": "make", "body": "make(${1:type}, ${2:0})", "description": "Snippet for make statement" }, "new(...)": { "prefix": "new", "body": "new(${1:type})", "description": "Snippet for new statement" }, "panic(...)": { "prefix": "pn", "body": "panic(\"$0\")", "description": "Snippet for panic" }, "http ResponseWriter *Request": { "prefix": "wr", "body": "${1:w} http.ResponseWriter, ${2:r} *http.Request", "description": "Snippet for http Response" }, "http.HandleFunc": { "prefix": "hf", "body": "${1:http}.HandleFunc(\"${2:/}\", ${3:handler})", "description": "Snippet for http.HandleFunc()" }, "http handler declaration": { "prefix": "hand", "body": "func $1(${2:w} http.ResponseWriter, ${3:r} *http.Request) {\n\t$0\n}", "description": "Snippet for http handler declaration" }, "http.Redirect": { "prefix": "rd", "body": "http.Redirect(${1:w}, ${2:r}, \"${3:/}\", ${4:http.StatusFound})", "description": "Snippet for http.Redirect()" }, "http.Error": { "prefix": "herr", "body": "http.Error(${1:w}, ${2:err}.Error(), ${3:http.StatusInternalServerError})", "description": "Snippet for http.Error()" }, "http.ListenAndServe": { "prefix": "las", "body": "http.ListenAndServe(\"${1::8080}\", ${2:nil})", "description": "Snippet for http.ListenAndServe" }, "http.Serve": { "prefix": "sv", "body": "http.Serve(\"${1::8080}\", ${2:nil})", "description": "Snippet for http.Serve" }, "goroutine anonymous function": { "prefix": "go", "body": "go func($1) {\n\t$2\n}($0)", "description": "Snippet for anonymous goroutine declaration" }, "goroutine function": { "prefix": "gf", "body": "go ${1:func}($0)", "description": "Snippet for goroutine declaration" }, "defer statement": { "prefix": "df", "body": "defer ${1:func}($0)", "description": "Snippet for defer statement" }, "test function": { "prefix": "tf", "body": "func Test$1(t *testing.T) {\n\t$0\n}", "description": "Snippet for Test function" }, "benchmark function": { "prefix": "bf", "body": "func Benchmark$1(b *testing.B) {\n\tfor ${2:i} := 0; ${2:i} < b.N; ${2:i}++ {\n\t\t$0\n\t}\n}", "description": "Snippet for Benchmark function" }, "example function": { "prefix": "ef", "body": "func Example$1() {\n\t$2\n\t//Output:\n\t$3\n}", "description": "Snippet for Example function" }, "table driven test": { "prefix": "tdt", "body": "func Test$1(t *testing.T) {\n\ttestCases := []struct {\n\t\tdesc\tstring\n\t\t$2\n\t}{\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tdesc: \"$3\",\n\t\t\t$4\n\t\t},\n\t}\n\tfor _, tC := range testCases {\n\t\tt.Run(tC.desc, func(t *testing.T) {\n\t\t\t$0\n\t\t})\n\t}\n}", "description": "Snippet for table driven test" }, "init function": { "prefix": "finit", "body": "func init() {\n\t$1\n}", "description": "Snippet for init function" }, "main function": { "prefix": "fmain", "body": "func main() {\n\t$1\n}", "description": "Snippet for main function" }, "method declaration": { "prefix": "meth", "body": "func (${1:receiver} ${2:type}) ${3:method}($4) $5 {\n\t$0\n}", "description": "Snippet for method declaration" }, "hello world web app": { "prefix": "helloweb", "body": "package main\n\nimport (\n\t\"fmt\"\n\t\"net/http\"\n\t\"time\"\n)\n\nfunc greet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {\n\tfmt.Fprintf(w, \"Hello World! %s\", time.Now())\n}\n\nfunc main() {\n\thttp.HandleFunc(\"/\", greet)\n\thttp.ListenAndServe(\":8080\", nil)\n}", "description": "Snippet for sample hello world webapp" } } }