🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ Neofetch with LGBTQ+ pride flags!
Find a file
2016-01-04 09:25:30 +11:00
fetch.sh The get* functions now fallback to 'Unknown' instead of printing nothing 2016-01-04 09:25:30 +11:00
Readme.md Readme 2016-01-03 20:02:39 +11:00


Big update: Check the releases page.

This is the home of my fetch script! This script gathers info <br> about your system and prints it to the terminal.

If you're having any issues or have any ideas, please open an issue! <br> I can't test on many other distros and I want this to work <br> for as many people as possible.



These are the script's required dependencies

  • Text formatting, dynamic image size and padding: tput

These are the script's optional dependencies:

  • Displaying Images: w3m
  • Image Cropping: ImageMagick
  • Display Wallpaper: feh
  • Current Song: mpc


The script now supports dynamic image sizing and padding, <br> it's enabled by default and there's a variable you <br> need to set for it to work correctly.

You can either change the variable $fontwidth inside of the <br> script or launch it with --font_width num.

Once you set the var the script will scale the image and padding <br> to fit your terminal window.

Please report any bugs or issues you're having with this as I can't <br> test with many configurations.

usage: scrot.sh [--colors 1 2 4 5] [--kernel "$(uname -rs)"]

--title string         Change the title at the top
--distro string/cmd    Manually set the distro
--kernel string/cmd    Manually set the kernel
--uptime string/cmd    Manually set the uptime
--packages string/cmd  Manually set the package count
--shell string/cmd     Manually set the shell
--winman string/cmd    Manually set the window manager
--cpu string/cmd       Manually set the cpu name
--memory string/cmd    Manually set the memory
--speed_type           Change the type of cpu speed to get
                       Possible values: current, min, max
--song string/cmd      Manually set the current song

Text Colors:
--colors 1 2 3 4 5      Change the color of text
                       (title, subtitle, colon, info)
--title_color num      Change the color of the title
--subtitle_color num   Change the color of the subtitle
--colon_color num      Change the color of the colons
--underline_color num  Change the color of the underline
--info_color num       Change the color of the info

Text Formatting:
--underline on/off     Enable/Disable title underline
--underline_char char  Character to use when underlineing title
--line_wrap on/off     Enable/Disable line wrapping
--bold on/off          Enable/Disable bold text

Color Blocks:
--color_blocks on/off  Enable/Disable the color blocks
--block_range start end --v
                        Range of colors to print as blocks
--block_width num       Width of color blocks

--image                Image to display with the script
                       The image gets priority over other
                       images: (wallpaper, \$img)

--font_width px        Used to automatically size the image
--split_size num       Width of img/text splits
                       A value of 2 makes each split half the terminal
                       width and etc
--crop_mode            Which crop mode to use
                       Takes the values: normal, fit, fill
--crop_offset value    Change the crop offset for crop_mode normal.
                       Possible values: northwest, north, northeast,
                       west, center, east, southwest, south, southeast
--xoffset px           How close the image will be
                       to the left edge of the window
--yoffset px           How close the image will be
                       to the top edge of the window

--gap num              Gap between image and text right side
--images on/off        Enable/Disable all images
--wall on/off          Enable/Disable the wallpaper function
                       and fallback to \$img
--clean                Remove all cropped images

--help                 Print this text and exit


Here's what's on my todo list

  • Uptime doesn't work in OS X yet.

  • If the customizable info includes a third colon then it breaks.

  • Windows support (I'm almost done)

  • Option to swap the image and text around

  • Imagemagick optimizations

  • Cleanup of info array handling

  • More info outputs. Now that it's easy to customize what's printed and everything is a function we can add optional support for pretty much anything.

    • Resolution
    • GTK themes
    • Terminal Font
    • GPU
    • IP
    • etc

Crop mode comparison



