Azalea (on HyDEV-Daisy) 8d9d8a487e [+] Ascii distros parser
2022-08-01 18:38:20 -04:00

85 lines
2 KiB

List distributions supported by neofetch
from __future__ import annotations
import string
import textwrap
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
import regex
RE_SPLIT = regex.compile('EOF[ \n]*?;;')
RE_COLORS = regex.compile("""(?<=set_colors )[a-z\\d ]+(?=\n)""")
class AsciiArt:
match: str
color: str
ascii: str
def get_friendly_name(self) -> str:
return self.match.split("|")[0].strip(string.punctuation + '* ')\
.replace('"', '').replace('*', '')
def substr(s: str, start: str, end: str | None = None):
Get substring between start and end
start = s.index(start) + len(start)
if end is None:
return s[start:]
return s[start:s.index(end, start)]
def parse_ascii_distros() -> list[AsciiArt]:
Parse ascii distros from neofetch script
nf = (Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'neofetch').read_text()
# Get the content of "get_distro_ascii" function
nf = nf[nf.index('get_distro_ascii() {\n'):]
nf = nf[:nf.index('\n}\n')]
# Remove trailing spaces
while ' \n' in nf:
nf = nf.replace(' \n', '\n')
# Split by blocks
blocks = [sub.strip() for b in regex.split('case .*? in\n', nf) for sub in RE_SPLIT.split(b)]
# Parse blocks
def parse_block(block: str) -> AsciiArt:
# Get ascii art
assert "'EOF'\n" in block
art = substr(block, "'EOF'\n")
# Join \
block = block.replace('\\\n', ' ')
# Get switch-case matching parameter
match = block.split('\n')[0].strip()
assert match.endswith(')')
match = match[:-1]
# Get colors
color = RE_COLORS.findall(block)[0]
if len(color) == 0:
raise Exception(block)
return AsciiArt(match, color, art)
except AssertionError:
out = [parse_block(block) for block in blocks]
return [v for v in out if v]