Azalea (on HyDEV-Daisy) 39e5dd0471 [+] PR statistics feature
2022-08-11 23:14:16 -04:00

70 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import math
import os
import shlex
from collections import Counter
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import check_output
from github import Github
from github.PullRequest import PullRequest
import ruamel.yaml as yaml
from hypy_utils.tqdm_utils import tq, pmap, tmap
def obtain_resolved():
Obtain a list of resolved issues.
prefix = 'dylanaraps/neofetch#'
commits = check_output(shlex.split('git log --pretty=format:"%s"')).decode().strip().split('\n')
commits = [(c, c.find(prefix)) for c in commits]
commits = [(c, i+len(prefix)) for c, i in commits if i != -1]
return sorted([int(c[i:c.find(' ', i)]) for c, i in commits])
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Obtain a list of resolved issues
resolved = set(obtain_resolved())
# Read the ignore-list
with open(Path(__file__).parent / "pull_request_markings.yaml") as stream:
ignore_list: dict[int, str] = yaml.safe_load(stream)['IgnoreList']
ignore_list.update({r: 'merged' for r in resolved})
# Obtain a list of open issues
g = Github(per_page=100, login_or_token=os.environ.get('GH_TOKEN'))
repo = g.get_repo('dylanaraps/neofetch')
pager = repo.get_pulls(state='all')
# Filter only unresolved issues
pages = list(range(math.ceil(pager.totalCount // 100) + 1))
pulls: list[list[PullRequest]] = tmap(pager.get_page, pages, desc='Crawling pull requests...', unit='page')
pulls: set[PullRequest] = {p for lst in pulls for p in lst}
unresolved: set[PullRequest] = {p for p in pulls if p.number not in resolved and p.number not in ignore_list}
# Filter merged / closed
draft = {p for p in unresolved if p.draft}
unresolved -= draft
merged = {p for p in unresolved if p.merged_at}
unresolved -= merged
closed = {p for p in unresolved if p.state == 'closed'}
unresolved -= closed
ignore_counter = Counter(ignore_list.values())
hyfetch_merged = ignore_counter.pop('merged')
print(f'Pull Request Statistics:')
print(f'> {hyfetch_merged} PRs merged by HyFetch')
print('\n'.join(f'> {c} PRs closed as {v} by HyFetch' for v, c in sorted(ignore_counter.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1])))
print(f'> {len(draft)} PR drafts')
print(f'> {len(merged)} PRs merged by neofetch')
print(f'> {len(closed)} PRs closed without merging')
print(f'> {len(unresolved)} open PRs that needs to be addressed:')
opened = sorted(list(unresolved), key=lambda p: p.number)
# Print unresolved issues
print('\n'.join(f'[{p.number}] {p.title} {p.html_url}' for p in opened))