2022-08-05 22:40:48 -04:00

80 lines
2.7 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import os
import shlex
from subprocess import check_output
import pyperclip
import requests
from github import Github
upstream = 'dylanaraps/neofetch'
my_fork = 'hykilpikonna/hyfetch'
my_base = 'master'
# gh_token = os.environ['GH_TOKEN']
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Helper for accepting upstream pull requests')
parser.add_argument('pull', type=int, help='Pull request number')
args = parser.parse_args()
pr = args.pull
print(f'Accepting pull request {pr}...')
# Fetch original pr's information
info = requests.get(f'https://api.github.com/repos/{upstream}/pulls/{pr}').json()
# print(info)
head = info['head']['repo']['full_name']
head_br = info['head']['ref']
head_lbl = info['head']['label']
user = info['user']['login']
print('Original Pull Request Info:')
print('> State:', info['state'])
print('> Title:', info['title'])
print('> User:', user)
print('> Created:', info['created_at'])
print('> Head:', head, head_br, head_lbl)
# Fetch commit information
commits = requests.get(f'https://api.github.com/repos/{upstream}/pulls/{pr}/commits').json()
author = commits[0]['commit']['author']
# Fetch head branch
print('Fetching head branch...')
os.system(f'git fetch https://github.com/{head} {head_br}')
# Merge head branch
print('Merging fetch_head...')
title = info["title"].replace('"', '\\"')
os.system(f'git merge FETCH_HEAD --no-ff --no-edit '
f'-m "[PR] {upstream}#{pr} from {user} - {title}" '
f'-m "Upstream PR: https://github.com/{upstream}/pull/{pr} \n'
f'Thanks to @{user}\n\n'
f'Co-authored-by: {author["name"]} <{author["email"]}>"')
# Push
os.system('git push')
# Get commit SHA
sha = check_output(shlex.split('git rev-parse --short HEAD')).decode().strip()
# Copy comment to clipboard
comment = f"""
Thank you for your contribution!
This PR is [merged into hyfetch](https://github.com/hykilpikonna/hyfetch/commit/{sha}) since this repo (dylanaraps/neofetch) seems no longer maintained.
[HyFetch](https://github.com/hykilpikonna/hyfetch) is a fork of neofetch with LGBTQ pride flags, but the repo also maintains an updated version of the original neofetch, addressing many pull requests that are not merged in the original repo.
Read the ["Running Updated Original Neofetch" section](https://github.com/hykilpikonna/hyfetch#running-updated-original-neofetch) for more info!
print('Comment response copied to clipboard.')