🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ Neofetch with LGBTQ+ pride flags!
Find a file
2016-04-24 14:22:26 +10:00
.github Update issue template 2016-04-24 14:17:16 +10:00
ascii/distro KDE Neon ascii art 2016-04-21 09:05:11 +10:00
config --colors use color 7 instead of foreground. Adds 'fg' as new value for colors 2016-04-24 11:10:57 +10:00
.travis.yml Travis print color blocks 2016-03-31 20:01:53 +11:00
1.7.md Fixed bug with error message and changelog 2016-04-24 14:22:26 +10:00
LICENSE.md Fixed license 2016-02-21 10:12:21 +02:00
Makefile Fixed Makefile 2016-03-05 12:34:17 +07:00
neofetch Fixed bug with error message and changelog 2016-04-24 14:22:26 +10:00
neofetch.1 Remove 'image_backend' as we now detect it automatically 2016-03-30 10:22:29 +11:00
README.md readme: updated installation instructions for CRUX 2016-04-22 11:35:47 +03:00


Gitter Build Status MIT licensed Latest release

This is the home of my fetch script! This script gathers info
about your system and prints it to the terminal next to an image, <br > your distro's logo or any ascii art of your choice!


Table of Contents


Linux Windows Mac OS X Linux


  • Supports Linux, Mac OS X, BSD (FreeBSD, OpenBSD & NetBSD) and Windows (Cygwin)
  • Display a full color image, a file containing ascii art or your distro's logo in ascii next to the info.
  • The script is fast. We use bash builtins wherever possible and only spawn external processes when necessary.
  • Take a screenshot of your desktop on script finish.
  • Customize which info is displayed, where it's displayed and when it's displayed.


Required dependencies:

  • Bash 3.0+
    • Alpine Linux: You also need ncurses.
  • xprop [1]
  • procps-ng
    • Not required on OS X

Optional dependencies:

  • Displaying images: w3m-img [2] [3] or iTerm2 [4]
  • Thumbnail creation: imagemagick
  • Displaying song information from Google Play Music Desktop Player: gpmdp
Linux / BSD
  • Wallpaper: feh, nitrogen or gsettings
  • Current Song: mpc, cmus, moc, spotify, gpmdc
  • Resolution: xorg-xrandr or xorg-xdpyinfo [5]
  • Screenshot: scrot [6]
  • Resolution (quicker): screenresolution

terminal emulators that don't support the xterm escape sequences we're using for image sizing.


changing the config option $image_backend to iterm2.




program's cmd and neofetch will use it instead of scrot.


Those using a git version of neofetch should check this page after<br > updating, this page lists any breaking changes that were made and<br > how you can workaround them.



  1. Install neofetch or neofetch-git from the aur.

Gentoo / Funtoo

  1. Add the 3rd party repo
    • layman -o https://gist.githubusercontent.com/z1lt0id/24d45b15800b98975260/raw/2fdf6645cdc3c1ca0b0af83a7bf8f86598e386ae/fs0ciety.xml -f -a fs0ciety
  2. Sync the repos
    • layman -S
  3. To enable w3m and scrot support, enable the appropriate flags.
    • echo "x11-apps/neofetch" >> /etc/portage/package.use
  4. Install the package
    • emerge -a x11-apps/neofetch

There is also a git version available: emerge --autounmask-write =x11-apps/neofetch-9999


  1. Install git and the git ports(8) driver
    • sudo prt-get depinst git
  2. Add the 3rd party repo
    • sudo wget -O /etc/ports/tudurom.git https://git.io/vV46y
  3. Sync the repos
    • sudo ports -u
  4. Add the repo to /etc/prt-get.conf with your text editor of choice
    • prtdir /usr/ports/tudurom
  5. Install the package
    • sudo prt-get depinst neofetch

Or alternatively use the port:

  1. Download port
    • wget -O ~/work/neofetch/Pkgfile https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tudurom/crux-ports/master/neofetch/Pkgfile
  2. Build the package
    • fakeroot pkgmk -d
  3. Install the package
    • sudo pkgadd neofetch#git-*.pkg.tar.gz

Debian / Ubuntu

  1. Add the 3rd party repo
    • echo "deb http://dl.bintray.com/dawidd6/neofetch jessie main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
  2. Add public key (you need to have curl installed)
    • curl -L "https://bintray.com/user/downloadSubjectPublicKey?username=bintray" -o Release-neofetch.key && sudo apt-key add Release-neofetch.key && rm Release-neofetch.key
  3. Update repositories
    • sudo apt-get update
  4. Install the package
    • sudo apt-get install neofetch


  1. Make sure you have installed dnf-plugins-core
    • sudo dnf install dnf-plugins-core
  2. Enable COPR repository
    • sudo dnf copr enable konimex/neofetch
  3. Install the package
    • sudo dnf install neofetch


  1. Change your working directory to /etc/yum.repos.d
    • cd /etc/yum.repos.d
  2. Fetch the repo file
    • wget https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/konimex/neofetch/repo/epel-7/konimex-neofetch-epel-7.repo
  3. Install the package
    • sudo yum install neofetch
      • NOTE: This will only work in RHEL/CentOS 7

Void Linux

  1. Install it from the official repositories
    • sudo xbps-install -S neofetch

Mac OS X

  1. Install neofetch with Homebrew
    • brew install neofetch


  1. Download the latest source at https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch
  2. Run make install inside the script directory to install the script.
    • El Capitan: PREFIX=/usr/local make install

NOTE: Neofetch can be uninstalled easily using make uninstall.

NOTE: Neofetch can also be run from any directory like a normal script,<br > you'll just be missing the ascii distro logos and automatic config file creation.

Post Install

Using the config file

Neofetch will by default create a config file at $HOME/.config/neofetch/config and this file<br > contains all of the script's options/settings. The config file allows you to keep your<br > customizations between script versions and allows you to easily share your customizations<br > with other people.

You can launch the script without a config file by using the flag --config none and you can<br > specify a custom config location using --config path/to/config.

Setting the prompt height

If your shell prompt's height is greater than 1 line high, you'll need to change a config<br > option to avoid issues with the top lines in the script output getting cut off. Set the variable<br > $prompt_height to your shell prompt's height in lines or use the launch flag --prompt_height.

Customizing what info gets displayed

In the config file there's a function that allows you to customize all of the info that<br > gets displayed.

Here's what you can do:

  • Add new info lines
  • Change the ordering of the info
  • Remove unwanted info lines
  • Use bash syntax to control when info gets displayed

See this wiki page that goes more in-depth about it:


Customizing the script using a custom alias

If you don't want to use the config file you can customize almost everything using launch flags!

Here's what my fetch alias looks like:

alias fetch2="fetch \
--block_range 1 8 \
--line_wrap off \
--bold off \
--uptime_shorthand on \
--gtk_shorthand on \
--colors 4 1 8 8 8 7 \


usage: neofetch --option "value" --option "value"

NOTE: There's also a config option for each flag below.

--disable infoname          Allows you to disable an info line from appearing
                            in the output.
                            NOTE: You can supply multiple args. eg.
                            'neofetch --disable cpu gpu disk shell'
--osx_buildversion on/off   Hide/Show Mac OS X build version.
--osx_codename on/off       Hide/Show Mac OS X codename.
--os_arch on/off            Hide/Show Windows architecture.
--speed_type type           Change the type of cpu speed to display.
                            Possible values: current, min, max, bios,
                            scaling_current, scaling_min, scaling_max
                            NOTE: This only support Linux with cpufreq.
--cpu_shorthand type        Shorten the output of CPU
                            Possible values: name, speed, tiny, on, off
--cpu_cores on/off          Whether or not to display the number of CPU cores
--kernel_shorthand on/off   Shorten the output of kernel
--uptime_shorthand on/off   Shorten the output of uptime (tiny, on, off)
--refresh_rate on/off       Whether to display the refresh rate of each monitor
                            Unsupported on Windows
--gpu_shorthand on/off      Shorten the output of GPU (tiny, on, off)
--gtk_shorthand on/off      Shorten output of gtk theme/icons
--gtk2 on/off               Enable/Disable gtk2 theme/icons output
--gtk3 on/off               Enable/Disable gtk3 theme/icons output
--shell_path on/off         Enable/Disable showing \$SHELL path
--shell_version on/off      Enable/Disable showing \$SHELL version
--battery_num num           Which battery to display, default value is 'all'
--battery_shorthand on/off  Whether or not each battery gets its own line/title
--ip_host url               Url to ping for public IP
--song_shorthand on/off     Print the Artist/Title on seperate lines
--birthday_shorthand on/off Shorten the output of birthday
--birthday_time on/off      Enable/Disable showing the time in birthday output
--birthday_format format    Format the birthday output. (Uses 'date' cmd format)

Text Formatting:
--colors x x x x x x        Changes the text colors in this order:
                            title, @, underline, subtitle, colon, info
--underline_char char       Character to use when underlining title
--line_wrap on/off          Enable/Disable line wrapping
--bold on/off               Enable/Disable bold text
--prompt_height num         Set this to your prompt height to fix issues with
                            the text going off screen at the top

Color Blocks:
--color_blocks on/off       Enable/Disable the color blocks
--block_width num           Width of color blocks
--block_range start end     Range of colors to print as blocks

Progress Bars:
--progress_char char        Character to use when drawing progress bars.
--progress_length num       Length in spaces to make the progress bars.
--progress_colors num num   Colors to make the progress bar.
                            Set in this order: elapsed, total
--cpu_display mode1 mode2   Which shorthand to use and how CPU usage should be printed
                            mode1 takes: name, speed, tiny, on, off
                            mode2 takes: info, bar, infobar, barinfo
--memory_display mode       Which way should the memory progress bar be added
                            Takes bar, infobar, barinfo
--battery_display mode      Which way should the battery progress bar be added
                            Takes bar, infobar, barinfo
--disk_display mode         Which way should the disk progress bar be added
                            Takes bar, infobar, barinfo, perc

--image type                Image source. Where and what image we display.
                            Possible values: wall, ascii,
                            /path/to/img, /path/to/dir/, off
--size 20px | --size 20%    Size to make the image, takes pixels or a percentage.
--image_backend w3m/iterm2  Which program to use to draw images.
--image_position left/right Where to display the image: (Left/Right)
--crop_mode mode            Which crop mode to use
                            Takes the values: normal, fit, fill
--crop_offset value         Change the crop offset for normal mode.
                            Possible values: northwest, north, northeast,
                            west, center, east, southwest, south, southeast

--xoffset px                How close the image will be to the left edge of the
                            window. This only works with w3m.
--yoffset px                How close the image will be to the top edge of the
                            window. This only works with w3m.
--gap num                   Gap between image and text.
                            NOTE: --gap can take a negative value which will
                            move the text closer to the left side.
--clean                     Remove all cropped images

--ascii value               Where to get the ascii from, Possible values:
                            distro, /path/to/ascii
--ascii_colors x x x x x x  Colors to print the ascii art
--ascii_distro distro       Which Distro's ascii art to print

--stdout info info          Launch neofetch in stdout mode which prints the info
                            in a plain-text format that you can use with
                            lemonbar etc.
--stdout_separator string   String to use as a separator in stdout mode.

--scrot /path/to/img        Take a screenshot, if path is left empty the screen-
                            shot function will use \$scrot_dir and \$scrot_name.
--scrot_cmd cmd             Screenshot program to launch

--config /path/to/config    Specify a path to a custom config file
--config none               Launch the script without a config file
--help                      Print this text and exit

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enable screenfetch mode?

Launching the script with --ascii or setting ascii="distro" and image="ascii" <br > inside the config file will launch the script in "screenfetch mode". The script will<br > display your distro's ascii next to the info, exactly like screenfetch.

NOTE: If you don't have w3m-img or imagemagick installed screenfetch mode will be<br > used automatically


Why doesn't Neofetch support my wallpaper setter?

It's hard to add support for other wallpaper setters as they don't provide a way of <br > getting the current wallpaper from the cli.

If your wallpaper setter does provide a way of getting the current wallpaper or you<br > know where it's stored then adding support won't be a problem!<br >

Issues and Workarounds

The text is too long for my terminal window and wraps to the next line

There are a few ways to fix this.

  • Disable line wrapping with line_wrap=off in the script or with the launch flag --line_wrap off
  • The uptime and gtk info lines each have a shorthand option that makes their output smaller. You can <br > enable them by changing these variables or using these flags.
# Config options

# Launch flags
--uptime_shorthand on
--gtk_shorthand on
--gpu_shorthand on
--birthday_shorthand on

  • Edit the config to make the subtitles shorter
  • Resizing the terminal so that the lines don't wrap.

The text is pushed over too far to the right

The easiest way to fix this is to change the value of --gap or $gap<br > to a negative value. For example --gap -10 will move the text 10 spaces to the left.

getgpu doesn't show my exact video card name

If your lspci | grep "VGA" output looks like this:

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 1401 (rev a1)

Instead of this:

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM206 [GeForce GTX 960] (rev a1)

Then you're affected by the issue.

This is caused by your /usr/share/misc/pci.ids\* files being outdated and you can fix it<br > by running this command as root.

sudo update-pciids

Neofetch doesn't work correctly with ConEmu.

You need to be using the CYGWIN/Msys connector for Neofetch to work seamlessly with ConEmu.



Thanks to:

  • Screenfetch:
    • I've used some snippets as a base for a few functions in this script.
    • Most of the ascii art.
  • ufetch: Tiny ascii logos
  • @metakirby5: Providing great feedback as well as ideas for the script.
  • @jrgz: Helping me test the Mac OS X version.
  • @mclado: Helping me with Max OS X testing
  • @xDemonessx: Helping me test the Windows version.
  • @tudurom: Helping me test everything.
  • Everyone else who has helped test the script, given feedback or reported bugs.