#!/usr/bin/env bash # set -x # vim: fdm=marker:noai:ts=4:sw=4 # # Neofetch info about your system # https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch # # Created by Dylan Araps # https://github.com/dylanaraps/ version="${BASH_VERSION/.*}" SYS_LOCALE="${LANG:-C}" XDG_CONFIG_HOME="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}" # Speed up script by not using unicode export LC_ALL=C export LANG=C # Config Options {{{ # Info Options {{{ # Info # See this wiki page for more info: # https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch/wiki/Customizing-Info printinfo () { info title info underline info "OS" distro info "Kernel" kernel info "Uptime" uptime info "Packages" packages info "Shell" shell info "Resolution" resolution info "DE" de info "WM" wm info "WM Theme" wmtheme info "Theme" theme info "Icons" icons info "Terminal" term info "Terminal Font" termfont info "CPU" cpu info "GPU" gpu info "Memory" memory info "CPU Usage" cpu_usage # info "Disk" disk # info "Battery" battery # info "Font" font # info "Song" song # info "Local IP" localip # info "Public IP" publicip # info "Users" users # info "Birthday" birthday info linebreak info cols info linebreak info linebreak } # Kernel # Show more kernel info # --kernel_shorthand on/off kernel_shorthand="on" # Distro # Mac OS X hide/show build version # --osx_buildversion on/off osx_buildversion="on" # Mac OS X hide/show codename # --osx_codename on/off osx_codename="on" # Show 'x86_64' and 'x86' in 'Distro:' output. # --os_arch on/off os_arch="on" # Uptime # Shorten the output of the uptime function # --uptime_shorthand tiny, on, off uptime_shorthand="off" # Shell # Show the path to $SHELL # --shell_path on/off shell_path="on" # Show $SHELL's version # --shell_version on/off shell_version="off" # CPU # CPU speed type # Only works on Linux with cpufreq. # --speed_type current, min, max, bios, # scaling_current, scaling_min, scaling_max speed_type="max" # CPU Shorthand # Set shorthand setting # --cpu_shorthand name, speed, tiny, on, off cpu_shorthand="off" # CPU Usage display # Set CPU usage display setting # --cpu_display bar, infobar, barinfo, off cpu_display="off" # CPU Cores # Display CPU cores in output # --cpu_cores on/off cpu_cores="on" # GPU # Shorten output of the getgpu funcion # --gpu_shorthand on/off/tiny gpu_shorthand="on" # Resolution # Display refresh rate next to each monitor # Unsupported on Windows # --refresh_rate on/off refresh_rate="off" # Gtk Theme / Icons # Shorten output (Hide [GTK2] etc) # --gtk_shorthand on/off gtk_shorthand="off" # Enable/Disable gtk2 theme/icons output # --gtk2 on/off gtk2="on" # Enable/Disable gtk3 theme/icons output # --gtk3 on/off gtk3="on" # Battery # Which battery to display. # By default we display all batteries. # NOTE: Only works on Linux. # --battery_num all, 0, 1, 2, etc battery_num="all" # Whether or not to print each battery on the same line. # By default each battery gets its own line and title. # NOTE: Only works on Linux. # --battery_shorthand on/off battery_shorthand="off" # IP Address # Website to ping for the public IP # --ip_host url public_ip_host="http://ident.me" # Song # Print the Artist and Title on seperate lines # --song_shorthand on/off song_shorthand="off" # Birthday # Whether to show a long pretty output # or a shortened one # NOTE: Long pretty output doesn't work on OpenBSD or NetBSD. # --birthday_shorthand on/off birthday_shorthand="off" # Whether to show the time in the output # --birthday_time on/off birthday_time="on" # Date format to use when printing birthday # --birthday_format "format" birthday_format="%a %d %b %Y %l:%M %p" # }}} # Text Colors {{{ # Text Colors # Each number represents a different part of # the text in this order: # title, @, underline, subtitle, colon, info # colors=(4 6 1 8 8 6) # You can also specify: # fg (foreground color) colors=(distro) # }}} # Text Options {{{ # Toggle line wrapping # --line_wrap on/off line_wrap="off" # Toggle bold text # --bold on/off bold="on" # Enable/Disable Underline # --underline on/off underline_enabled="on" # Underline character # --underline_char char underline_char="-" # }}} # Color Blocks {{{ # Color block range # --block_range start end start=0 end=7 # Toggle color blocks # --color_blocks on/off color_blocks="on" # Color block width in spaces # --block_width num block_width=2 # Color block height in lines # --block_height num block_height=1 # }}} # Progress Bars {{{ # Progress bar character # --progress_char elapsed_char total_char progress_char_elapsed="=" progress_char_total="-" # Progress vorder # --progress_border on/off progress_border="on" # Progress bar length in spaces # Number of chars long to make the progress bars. # --progress_length num progress_length="15" # Progress bar colors # When set to distro, uses your distro's logo colors # Takes: num, "distro" # --progress_colors col col progress_color_elapsed="distro" progress_color_total="distro" # Customize how the info is displayed. # bar: Only the progress bar is displayed. # infobar: The bar is displayed after the info. # barinfo: The bar is displayed before the info. # off: Only the info is displayed. # # --memory_display bar/infobar/barinfo/off # --battery_display bar/infobar/barinfo/off # --disk_display bar/infobar/barinfo/off memory_display="off" battery_display="off" disk_display="off" # }}} # Image Options {{{ # Image Source # --image wall, ascii, /path/to/img, /path/to/dir/, off image="wall" # Thumbnail directory thumbnail_dir="$HOME/.cache/thumbnails/neofetch" # W3m-img path # This is automatically detected, this variable # should only be set to w3m-img's location if the # builtin detection doesn't work. w3m_img_path="/usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" # Crop mode # --crop_mode normal/fit/fill crop_mode="normal" # Crop offset # Only affects normal mode. # --crop_offset northwest/north/northeast/west/center # east/southwest/south/southeast crop_offset="center" # Image size # The image is half the terminal width by default. # --size auto, 00px, 00%, none image_size="auto" # Right gap between image and text # --gap num gap=2 # Image offsets # --xoffset px # --yoffset px yoffset=0 xoffset=0 # }}} # Ascii Options {{{ # Default ascii image to use # When this is set to distro it will use your # distro's logo as the ascii. # --ascii 'distro', path/to/ascii ascii="distro" # Ascii colors # When this is set to distro it will use your # ditro's colors to color the ascii. # NOTE: You can also set this to a range of colors # which will allow you to custom color distro logos # --ascii_colors distro # --ascii_colors 2 4 5 6 ascii_colors=(distro) # Logo size # Arch, Crux and Gentoo have a smaller logo # variant. Changing the value below to 'small' # will make neofetch use the small logo. # --ascii_logo_size small, normal ascii_logo_size="normal" # Bold ascii logo # Whether or not to bold the ascii logo. # --ascii_bold on/off ascii_bold="off" # }}} # Scrot Options {{{ # Whether or not to always take a screenshot # You can manually take a screenshot with "--scrot" or "-s" scrot="off" # Screenshot program to launch # --scrot_cmd scrot_cmd="scrot -c -d 3" # Scrot dir # Where to save the screenshots # --scrot_dir /path/to/screenshot/folder scrot_dir="$HOME/Pictures/" # Scrot filename # What to name the screenshots # --scrot_name str scrot_name="neofetch-$(date +%F-%T).png" # }}} # Stdout options {{{ # Separator for stdout mode # --stdout_separator string stdout_separator=" " # }}} # Config Options {{{ # Enable/Disable config file # --config off, none config="on" # Path to custom config file location # --config path/to/config config_file="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}/neofetch/config" # }}} # }}} # Gather Info {{{ # Set no case match. shopt -s nocasematch # Operating System {{{ case "$(uname)" in "Linux") os="Linux" ;; "Darwin") os="$(sw_vers -productName)" ;; *"BSD" | "DragonFly") os="BSD" ;; "CYGWIN"*) os="Windows" ;; *) printf "%s\n" "Unknown OS detected: $(uname)"; exit 1 ;; esac # }}} # Distro {{{ getdistro () { [ "$distro" ] && return case "$os" in "Linux" ) if type -p lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1; then distro="$(lsb_release -d 2>/dev/null | awk -F ':' '/Description/ {printf $2}')" elif type -p crux >/dev/null 2>&1; then distro="$(crux)" else distro="$(awk -F 'NAME=' '/^NAME=/ {printf $2}' /etc/*ease)" distro="${distro//\"}" # Workaround for distros that store the value differently. [ -z "$distro" ] && distro="$(awk -F 'TAILS_PRODUCT_NAME="|"' '/^TAILS_PRODUCT_NAME=/ {printf $2}' /etc/*ease)" [ -z "$distro" ] && distro="$(awk '/BLAG/ {print $1; exit}' /etc/*ease)" fi ;; "Mac OS X") osx_version="$(sw_vers -productVersion)" osx_build="$(sw_vers -buildVersion)" case "${osx_version%.*}" in "10.4") codename="Mac OS X Tiger" ;; "10.5") codename="Mac OS X Leopard" ;; "10.6") codename="Mac OS X Snow Leopard" ;; "10.7") codename="Mac OS X Lion" ;; "10.8") codename="OS X Mountain Lion" ;; "10.9") codename="OS X Mavericks" ;; "10.10") codename="OS X Yosemite" ;; "10.11") codename="OS X El Capitan" ;; *) codename="Mac OS X" ;; esac distro="$codename $osx_version $osx_build" ;; "iPhone OS") distro="iOS $(sw_vers -productVersion)" # "uname -m" doesn't print architecture on iOS so we force it off. os_arch="off" ;; "BSD") distro="$(uname -s)" distro="${distro/DragonFly/DragonFlyBSD}" # Workaround for PCBSD as uname still displays FreeBSD. [ -f "/etc/pcbsd-lang" ] && distro="PCBSD" ;; "Windows") distro="$(wmic os get Caption /value)" # Strip crap from the output of wmic distro="${distro/Caption'='}" distro="${distro/Microsoft }" ;; esac # Get architecture [ "$os_arch" == "on" ] && \ distro+=" $(uname -m)" [ "$osx_codename" == "off" ] && \ distro="${distro/${codename}/Mac OS X}" [ "$osx_buildversion" == "off" ] && \ distro="${distro/ ${osx_build}}" } # }}} # Title {{{ gettitle () { title="${USER:-$(whoami)}@${HOSTNAME:-$(hostname)}" } # }}} # Kernel {{{ getkernel() { case "$kernel_shorthand" in "on") kernel="$(uname -r)" ;; "off") kernel="$(uname -srm)" ;; esac } # }}} # Uptime {{{ getuptime () { case "$os" in "Linux" | "Windows") case "$distro" in *"Puppy"* | "Quirky Werewolf"* | "Alpine Linux"* | "Windows"*) uptime="$(uptime | awk -F ':[0-9]{2}+ |(, ){1}+' '{printf $2}')" ;; "openSUSE"*) uptime="$(uptime | awk -F ':[0-9]{2}+[a-z][a-z] |(, ){1}+' '{printf $2}')" ;; *) uptime="$(uptime -p)" [ "$uptime" == "up " ] && uptime="up $(awk -F'.' '{print $1}' /proc/uptime) seconds" ;; esac ;; "Mac OS X" | "iPhone OS" | "BSD") # Get boot time in seconds boot="$(sysctl -n kern.boottime)" boot="${boot/'{ sec = '}" boot="${boot/,*}" # Get current date in seconds now="$(date +%s)" uptime="$((now - boot))" # Convert uptime to days/hours/mins minutes="$((uptime / 60%60))" hours="$((uptime / 3600%24))" days="$((uptime / 86400))" case "$minutes" in 1) minutes="1 minute" ;; 0) unset minutes ;; *) minutes="$minutes minutes" ;; esac case "$hours" in 1) hours="1 hour" ;; 0) unset hours ;; *) hours="$hours hours" ;; esac case "$days" in 1) days="1 day" ;; 0) unset days ;; *) days="$days days" ;; esac [ "$hours" ] && \ [ "$minutes" ] && \ hours+="," [ "$days" ] && \ [ "$hours" ] && \ days+="," uptime="up $days $hours $minutes" ;; esac # Make the output of uptime smaller. case "$uptime_shorthand" in "on") uptime="${uptime/up }" uptime="${uptime/minutes/mins}" uptime="${uptime/minute/min}" uptime="${uptime/seconds/secs}" ;; "tiny") uptime="${uptime/up }" uptime="${uptime/ days/d}" uptime="${uptime/ day/d}" uptime="${uptime/ hours/h}" uptime="${uptime/ hour/h}" uptime="${uptime/ minutes/m}" uptime="${uptime/ minute/m}" uptime="${uptime/ seconds/s}" uptime="${uptime/,}" ;; esac } # }}} # Package Count {{{ getpackages () { case "$os" in "Linux" | "iPhone OS") type -p pacman >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ packages="$(pacman -Qq --color never | wc -l)" type -p dpkg >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ packages="$((packages+=$(dpkg --get-selections | grep -cv deinstall$)))" type -p /sbin/pkgtool >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -1 /var/log/packages | wc -l)))" type -p rpm >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ packages="$((packages+=$(rpm -qa | wc -l)))" type -p xbps-query >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ packages="$((packages+=$(xbps-query -l | wc -l)))" type -p pkginfo >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ packages="$((packages+=$(pkginfo -i | wc -l)))" type -p pisi >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ packages="$((packages+=$(pisi list-installed | wc -l)))" type -p pkg >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -1 /var/db/pkg | wc -l)))" type -p emerge >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -d /var/db/pkg/*/* | wc -l)))" type -p nix-env >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -d -1 /nix/store/*/ | wc -l)))" type -p apk >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ packages="$((packages+=$(apk info | wc -l)))" type -p pacman-g2 >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ packages="$((packages+=$(pacman-g2 -Q | wc -l)))" type -p cave >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -d -1 /var/db/paludis/repositories/cross-installed/*/data/* /var/db/paludis/repositories/installed/data/* | wc -l)))" ;; "Mac OS X") [ -d "/usr/local/bin" ] && \ packages="$(($(ls -l /usr/local/bin/ | grep -v "\(../Cellar/\|brew\)" | wc -l) - 1))" type -p port >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ packages="$((packages + $(port installed 2>/dev/null | wc -l) - 1))" type -p brew >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ packages="$((packages + $(find /usr/local/Cellar -maxdepth 1 2>/dev/null | wc -l) - 1))" type -p pkgin >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ packages="$((packages + $(pkgin list 2>/dev/null | wc -l)))" ;; "BSD") if type -p pkg_info >/dev/null 2>&1; then packages="$(pkg_info | wc -l)" elif type -p pkg >/dev/null 2>&1; then packages="$(pkg info | wc -l)" fi ;; "Windows") packages="$(cygcheck -cd | wc -l)" # Count chocolatey packages [ -d "/cygdrive/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib" ] && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -1 /cygdrive/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib | wc -l)))" ;; esac } # }}} # Shell {{{ getshell () { case "$shell_path" in "on") shell="$SHELL" ;; "off") shell="${SHELL##*/}" ;; esac if [ "$shell_version" == "on" ]; then shell+=" " case "$shell" in *"bash"*) shell+="$(bash --version | head -n 1)" shell="${shell/ *, version}" ;; *"zsh"*) shell+="$(zsh --version)" shell="${shell/ zsh}" ;; *"mksh"* | *"ksh") shell+="$("$SHELL" -c 'printf "%s" "$KSH_VERSION"')" shell="${shell/ * KSH}" ;; *"tcsh"* | *"csh"*) shell+="$("$SHELL" --version)" shell="${shell/tcsh}" shell="${shell/\(*}" ;; *"fish"*) shell+="$("$SHELL" -c 'printf "%s" "$FISH_VERSION"')" ;; esac shell="${shell/\(*\)}" fi } # }}} # Desktop Environment {{{ getde () { case "$os" in "Mac OS X") de="Aqua" ;; *) de="${XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP/i3}" de="${de/'X-'}" ;; esac if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ] && [ -z "$de" ]; then de="$(xprop -root | awk '/KDE_SESSION_VERSION|^_MUFFIN|xfce4|xfce5/' 2>/dev/null)" case "$de" in "KDE_SESSION_VERSION"*) de="KDE${de/* = }" ;; *"TDE_FULL_SESSION"*) de="Trinity" ;; *"MUFFIN"*) de="Cinnamon" ;; *"xfce4"*) de="XFCE4" ;; *"xfce5"*) de="XFCE5" ;; esac fi } # }}} # Window Manager {{{ getwm () { if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ] && [ "$os" != "Mac OS X" ]; then id="$(xprop -root -notype | awk '$1=="_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK:"{print $5}' 2>/dev/null)" wm="$(xprop -id "$id" -notype -f _NET_WM_NAME 8t 2>/dev/null)" wm="${wm/*_NET_WM_NAME = }" wm="${wm/\"}" wm="${wm/\"*}" # Fallback for Wayland wms case "$wm" in "xwlc") wm="$(ps -e | grep -m 1 -oE "sway|orbment|velox|orbital")" [ "$version" -ge 4 ] && wm="${wm^}" ;; esac else case "$os" in "Mac OS X") wm="Quartz Compositor" ;; "Windows") wm="Explorer" ;; esac fi } # }}} # Window Manager Theme {{{ getwmtheme () { [ -z "$wm" ] && getwm [ -z "$de" ] && getde case "$wm" in 'BudgieWM') wmtheme="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme)" ;; 'E16') wmtheme="$(awk -F "= " '/theme.name/ {print $2}' "$HOME/.e16/e_config--0.0.cfg")";; 'Sawfish') wmtheme="$(awk -F ")" '/\(quote default-frame-style/ {print $2}' "$HOME/.sawfish/custom")" ;; 'Cinnamon' | 'Muffin' | 'Mutter (Muffin)') detheme="$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.theme name)" wmtheme="$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.wm.preferences theme)" wmtheme="$detheme (${wmtheme})" ;; 'Compiz' | 'Mutter'* | 'GNOME Shell' | 'Gala') if type -p gsettings >/dev/null 2>&1; then wmtheme="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme)" elif type -p gconftool-2 >/dev/null 2>&1; then wmtheme="$(gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme)" fi ;; 'Metacity'*) if [ "$de" == "Deepin" ]; then wmtheme="$(gsettings get com.deepin.wrap.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme 2>/dev/null)" else wmtheme="$(gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme 2>/dev/null)" fi ;; 'E17' | 'Enlightenment') if type -p eet >/dev/null 2>&1; then wmtheme="$(eet -d "$HOME/.e/e/config/standard/e.cfg" config | awk '/value \"file\" string.*.edj/ {print $4}')" wmtheme="${wmtheme##*/}" wmtheme="${wmtheme%.*}" fi ;; 'Fluxbox') [ -f "$HOME/.fluxbox/init" ] && \ wmtheme="$(awk -F "/" '/styleFile/ {print $NF}' "$HOME/.fluxbox/init")" ;; 'IceWM'*) [ -f "$HOME/.icewm/theme" ] && \ wmtheme="$(awk -F "[\",/]" '!/#/ {print $2}' "$HOME/.icewm/theme")" ;; 'Openbox') if [ "$de" == "LXDE" ] && [ -f "${HOME}/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml" ]; then ob_file="lxde-rc" elif [ -f "${HOME}/.config/openbox/rc.xml" ]; then ob_file="rc" fi wmtheme="$(awk -F "[<,>]" '//dev/null)" wmtheme="${wmtheme##*\\}" wmtheme="${wmtheme%.*}" ;; esac wmtheme="${wmtheme//\'}" [ "$version" -ge 4 ] && wmtheme="${wmtheme^}" } # }}} # CPU {{{ getcpu () { # NetBSD emulates the linux /proc filesystem instead of using sysctl for hw # information so we have to use this block below which temporarily sets the # OS to 'Linux' for the duration of this function. case "$distro" in "NetBSD"*) local os="Linux" ;; esac case "$os" in "Linux" | "Windows") # Get cpu name cpu="$(awk -F ': | @' '/model name/ {printf $2; exit}' /proc/cpuinfo)" # Get cpu speed if [ -d "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq" ]; then case "$speed_type" in current) speed_type="scaling_cur_freq" ;; min) speed_type="scaling_min_freq" ;; max) speed_type="scaling_max_freq" ;; bios) speed_type="bios_limit" ;; scaling_current) speed_type="scaling_cur_freq" ;; scaling_min) speed_type="scaling_min_freq" ;; scaling_max) speed_type="scaling_max_freq" ;; esac read -t 1 -r speed < \ /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/${speed_type} speed="$((speed / 100000))" else speed="$(awk -F ': |\\.' '/cpu MHz/ {printf $2; exit}' /proc/cpuinfo)" speed="$((speed / 100))" fi cores="$(awk -F ': ' '/siblings/ {printf $2; exit}' /proc/cpuinfo)" # Fix for speeds under 1ghz if [ -z "${speed:1}" ]; then speed="0.${speed}" else speed="${speed:0:1}.${speed:1}" fi cpu="$cpu @ ${speed}GHz" ;; "Mac OS X") cpu="$(sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string)" cores="$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)" ;; "iPhone OS") ios_model="${ios_model:-$(uname -m)}" case "$ios_model" in "iPhone1,1" | "iPhone1,2" | "iPod1,1") cpu="Samsung S5L8900 @ 412MHz" cores="1" ;; "iPhone2,1") cpu="Samsung S5PC100 @ 600MHz" cores="1" ;; "iPhone3,1" | "iPhone3,2" | "iPhone3,3" | "iPod4,1") cpu="Apple A4 @ 800MHz" cores="1" ;; "iPhone4,1" | "iPod5,1") cpu="Apple A5 @ 800MHz" cores="2" ;; "iPhone5,1" | "iPhone5,2" | "iPhone5,3" | "iPhone5,4") cpu="Apple A6 @ 1.3GHz" cores="2" ;; "iPhone6,1" | "iPhone6,2") cpu="Apple A7 @ 1.3GHz" cores="2" ;; "iPhone7,1" | "iPhone7,2") cpu="Apple A8 @ 1.4GHz" cores="2" ;; "iPhone8,1" | "iPhone8,2" | "iPhone8,4") cpu="Apple A9 @ 1.85GHz" cores="2" ;; "iPod2,1") cpu="Samsung S5L8720 @ 533MHz" cores="1" ;; "iPod3,1") cpu="Samsung S5L8922 @ 600MHz" cores="1" ;; "iPod7,1") cpu="Apple A8 @ 1.1GHz" cores="2" ;; "iPad1,1") cpu="Apple A4 @ 1GHz" cores="1" ;; "iPad2,1" | "iPad2,2" | "iPad2,3" | "iPad2,4" | "iPad2,5" | "iPad2,6" | "iPad2,7") cpu="Apple A5 @ 1GHz" cores="2" ;; "iPad3,1" | "iPad3,2" | "iPad3,3") cpu="Apple A5X @ 1GHz" cores="2" ;; "iPad3,4" | "iPad3,5" | "iPad3,6") cpu="Apple A6X @ 1.4GHz" cores="2" ;; "iPad4,1" | "iPad4,2" | "iPad4,3") cpu="Apple A7 @ 1.4GHz" cores="2" ;; "iPad4,4" | "iPad4,5" | "iPad4,6" | "iPad4,7" | "iPad4,8" | "iPad4,9") cpu="Apple A7 @ 1.4GHz" cores="2" ;; "iPad5,1" | "iPad5,2") cpu="Apple A8 @ 1.5GHz" cores="2" ;; "iPad5,3" | "iPad5,4") cpu="Apple A8X @ 1.5GHz" cores="3" ;; "iPad6,3" | "iPad6,4") cpu="Apple A9X @ 2.16GHz" cores="2" ;; "iPad6,7" | "iPad6,8") cpu="Apple A9X @ 2.26GHz" cores="2" ;; esac ;; "BSD") # Get cpu name cpu="$(sysctl -n hw.model)" cpu="${cpu/[0-9]\.*}" cpu="${cpu/ @*}" # Get cpu speed speed="$(sysctl -n hw.cpuspeed)" [ -z "$speed" ] && speed="$(sysctl -n hw.clockrate)" speed="$((speed / 100))" # Get cpu cores cores="$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)" # Fix for speeds under 1ghz if [ -z "${speed:1}" ]; then speed="0.${speed}" else speed="${speed:0:1}.${speed:1}" fi cpu="$cpu @ ${speed}GHz" ;; esac # Remove uneeded patterns from cpu output # This is faster than sed/gsub cpu="${cpu//(tm)}" cpu="${cpu//(TM)}" cpu="${cpu//(r)}" cpu="${cpu//(R)}" cpu="${cpu//CPU}" cpu="${cpu//Processor}" cpu="${cpu//Six-Core}" cpu="${cpu//Eight-Core}" cpu="${cpu//Dual-Core}" cpu="${cpu//Quad-Core}" cpu="${cpu//with Radeon HD Graphics}" # Add cpu cores to output [ "$cpu_cores" == "on" ] && [ "$cores" ] && \ cpu="${cpu/@/\(${cores}\) @}" # Make the output of cpu shorter case "$cpu_shorthand" in "name") cpu="${cpu/@*}" ;; "speed") cpu="${cpu#*@ }" ;; "on" | "tiny") cpu="${cpu/Intel }" cpu="${cpu/Core }" cpu="${cpu/Core? Duo }" cpu="${cpu/AMD }" case "$cpu_shorthand" in "tiny") cpu="${cpu/@*}" ;; esac ;; esac [ "$cpu" ] && prin "$subtitle" "$cpu" [ "$stdout_mode" != "on" ] && unset cpu } # }}} # CPU Usage {{{ getcpu_usage () { case "$os" in "Linux" | "Mac OS X" | "iPhone OS") # Get cores if unset if [ -z "$cores" ]; then case "$os" in "Linux") cores="$(awk -F ': ' '/siblings/ {printf $2; exit}' /proc/cpuinfo)" ;; "Mac OS X") cores="$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)" ;; esac fi cpu_usage="$(ps aux | awk 'BEGIN { sum = 0 } { sum += $3 }; END { print sum }')" cpu_usage="$((${cpu_usage/\.*} / ${cores:-1}))" ;; "Windows") cpu_usage="$(wmic cpu get loadpercentage /value)" cpu_usage="${cpu_usage/LoadPercentage'='}" ;; "BSD") # BSD support coming soon. return ;; esac # Print the bar case "$cpu_display" in "info") cpu_usage="${cpu_usage}%" ;; "bar") cpu_usage="$(bar $cpu_usage 100)" ;; "infobar") cpu_usage="${cpu_usage}% $(bar $cpu_usage 100)" ;; "barinfo") cpu_usage="$(bar $cpu_usage 100) ${cpu_usage}%" ;; esac } # }}} # GPU {{{ getgpu () { case "$os" in "Linux") gpu="$(PATH="/sbin:$PATH" lspci | grep -F "3D")" # If a GPU with a prefix of '3D' doesn't exist # fallback to looking for a prefix of 'VGA' [ -z "$gpu" ] && \ gpu="$(PATH="/sbin:$PATH" lspci | grep -F "VGA")" gpu="${gpu//??':'??'.'?}" # Count the number of GPUs count="$(printf "%s" "$gpu" | uniq -c)" count="${count/ VGA*}" count="${count/ 3D*}" # If there's more than one gpu # Display the count. if [ "$count" -gt 1 ]; then count=" x $count" else unset count fi # Format the output gpu="${gpu/* VGA compatible controller: }" gpu="${gpu/* 3D controller: }" gpu="${gpu/(rev*)}" case "$gpu" in intel*) gpu="Intel Integrated Graphics" ;; advanced*) gpu="${gpu/Advanced Micro Devices, Inc\. }" gpu="${gpu/'[AMD/ATI]' }" gpu="${gpu/Tahiti PRO}" gpu="${gpu/Seymour}" gpu="${gpu/Cayman}" gpu="${gpu/Richland}" gpu="${gpu/Pitcairn}" gpu="${gpu/Broadway}" gpu="${gpu/XTMobility}" gpu="${gpu/Mobility}" gpu="${gpu/Hawaii}" gpu="${gpu/Tobago}" gpu="${gpu/Thames}" gpu="${gpu/Kabini}" gpu="${gpu/Bonaire}" gpu="${gpu/XTX}" gpu="${gpu/ OEM}" gpu="${gpu/ Cape Verde}" gpu="${gpu/ \[}" gpu="${gpu/\]}" brand="AMD " ;; nvidia*) gpu="${gpu/NVIDIA Corporation }" gpu="${gpu/G????M }" gpu="${gpu/G???? }" gpu="${gpu/\[}" gpu="${gpu/\] }" brand="NVIDIA " ;; *virtualbox*) gpu="VirtualBox Graphics Adapter" ;; esac gpu="${brand}${gpu}" ;; "Mac OS X") # Use cache if it exists if [ -f "/Library/Caches/neofetch/gpu" ]; then source "/Library/Caches/neofetch/gpu" else gpu="$(system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | awk -F': ' '/^\ *Chipset Model:/ {printf $2 ", "}')" gpu="${gpu//'/ $'}" gpu="${gpu%,*}" cache "gpu" "$gpu" "/Library/Caches/" fi ;; "iPhone OS") ios_model="${ios_model:-"$(uname -m)"}" case "$ios_model" in "iPhone1,1" | "iPhone1,2") gpu="PowerVR MBX Lite 3D" ;; "iPhone2,1" | "iPhone3,1" | "iPhone3,2" | "iPhone3,3" | "iPod3,1" | "iPod4,1" | "iPad1,1") gpu="PowerVR SGX535" ;; "iPhone4,1" | "iPad2,1" | "iPad2,2" | "iPad2,3" | "iPad2,4" | "iPad2,5" | "iPad2,6" | "iPad2,7" | "iPod5,1") gpu="PowerVR SGX543MP2" ;; "iPhone5,1" | "iPhone5,2" | "iPhone5,3" | "iPhone5,4") gpu="PowerVR SGX543MP3" ;; "iPhone6,1" | "iPhone6,2" | "iPad4,1" | "iPad4,2" | "iPad4,3" | "iPad4,4" | "iPad4,5" | "iPad4,6" | "iPad4,7" | "iPad4,8" | "iPad4,9") gpu="PowerVR G6430" ;; "iPhone7,1" | "iPhone7,2" | "iPod7,1" | "iPad5,1" | "iPad5,2") gpu="PowerVR GX6450" ;; "iPhone8,1" | "iPhone8,2" | "iPhone8,4") gpu="PowerVR GT7600" ;; "iPod1,1" | "iPod2,1") gpu="PowerVR MBX Lite" ;; "iPad3,1" | "iPad3,2" | "iPad3,3") gpu="PowerVR SGX534MP4" ;; "iPad3,4" | "iPad3,5" | "iPad3,6") gpu="PowerVR SGX554MP4" ;; "iPad5,3" | "iPad5,4") gpu="PowerVR GXA6850" ;; "iPad6,3" | "iPad6,4" | "iPad6,7" | "iPad6,8") gpu="PowerVR 7XT" ;; esac ;; "BSD") case "$distro" in "FreeBSD"*) gpu="$(pciconf -lv 2>/dev/null | grep -B 4 "VGA" | grep "device")" gpu="${gpu/*device*= }" gpu="${gpu//\'}" ;; *) gpu="$(glxinfo | grep -F 'OpenGL renderer string')" gpu="${gpu/'OpenGL renderer string: '}" ;; esac ;; "Windows") gpu="$(wmic path Win32_VideoController get caption /value)" gpu="${gpu/Caption'='}" ;; esac case "$gpu_shorthand" in "on" | "tiny") gpu="${gpu// Rev\. ?}" gpu="${gpu//AMD*\/ATI\]/AMD}" gpu="${gpu// Tahiti}" gpu="${gpu// PRO}" gpu="${gpu// OEM}" gpu="${gpu// Mars}" gpu="${gpu// Series}" gpu="${gpu// Controller}" gpu="${gpu/\/*}" case "$gpu_shorthand" in "tiny") gpu="${gpu/Graphics }" gpu="${gpu/GeForce }" gpu="${gpu/Radeon }" ;; esac ;; esac gpu="${gpu}${count}" } # }}} # Memory {{{ getmemory () { case "$os" in "Linux" | "Windows") if grep -F "MemAvail" /proc/meminfo >/dev/null 2>&1; then mem=($(awk -F ':| kB' '/MemTotal|MemAvail/ {printf $2}' /proc/meminfo)) memused="$((mem[0] - mem[1]))" else mem=($(awk -F ':| kB' '/MemTotal|MemFree|Buffers|Cached/ {printf $2}' /proc/meminfo) 0 0) memused="$((mem[0] - mem[1] - mem[2] - mem[3]))" fi memused="$((memused / 1024))" memtotal="$((mem[0] / 1024))" ;; "Mac OS X" | "iPhone OS") memtotal="$(($(sysctl -n hw.memsize) / 1024 / 1024))" memwired="$(vm_stat | awk '/wired/ { print $4 }')" memactive="$(vm_stat | awk '/active / { printf $3 }')" memcompressed="$(vm_stat | awk '/occupied/ { printf $5 }')" memused="$(((${memwired//.} + ${memactive//.} + ${memcompressed//.}) * 4 / 1024))" ;; "BSD") case "$distro" in "NetBSD"*) memfree="$(($(awk -F ':|kB' '/MemFree:/ {printf $2}' /proc/meminfo) / 1024))" ;; *) memfree="$(($(vmstat | awk 'END{printf $5}') / 1024))" ;; esac memtotal="$(($(sysctl -n hw.physmem) / 1024 / 1024))" memused="$((memtotal - memfree))" ;; esac memory="${memused}MB / ${memtotal}MB" # Progress bars case "$memory_display" in "bar") memory="$(bar "${memused}" "${memtotal}")" ;; "infobar") memory="${memory} $(bar "${memused}" "${memtotal}")" ;; "barinfo") memory="$(bar "${memused}" "${memtotal}") ${memory}" ;; esac } # }}} # Song {{{ getsong () { if mpc version >/dev/null 2>&1; then song="$(mpc current 2>/dev/null)" state="$(mpc | awk -F '\\[|\\]' '/\[/ {printf $2}' 2>/dev/null)" elif [ -n "$(ps x | awk '!(/awk/) && /cmus/')" ]; then IFS=$'\n' song=("$(cmus-remote -Q | grep "tag artist \|title \|status" 2>/dev/null | sort)") artist="${song[1]/tag artist }" title="${song[2]/tag title }" state="${song[0]/status }" song="$artist - $title" elif pgrep "mocp" >/dev/null 2>&1; then song="$(mocp -Q "%artist - %song" 2>/dev/null)" state="$(mocp -Q "%state" 2>/dev/null)" elif [ -n "$(ps x | awk '!(/awk/) && /spotify/')" ]; then case "$os" in "Linux") # This command is way too long song="$(\ dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 \ org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get string:'org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player' string:'Metadata' |\ awk -F 'string "' '/string|array/ {printf "%s",$2; next}{print ""}' |\ awk -F '"' '/artist|title/ {printf $2 " - "}' )" song="${song% - }" song="${song/'('*}" song="${song//'['*}" ;; "Mac OS X") song="$(osascript -e 'tell application "Spotify" to artist of current track as string & " - " & name of current track as string')" state="$(osascript -e 'tell application "Spotify" to player state as string')" ;; esac elif [ -n "$(ps x | awk '!(/awk/ || /Helper/) && /Google Play Music Desktop Player/')" ] && type -p gpmdp-remote >/dev/null 2>&1; then song="$(gpmdp-remote current)" state="$(gpmdp-remote status)" elif [ -n "$(ps x | awk '!(/awk/ || /Helper/) && /iTunes/')" ]; then song="$(osascript -e 'tell application "iTunes" to artist of current track as string & " - " & name of current track as string')" state="$(osascript -e 'tell application "iTunes" to player state as string')" else song="Not Playing" fi case "$state" in "paused" | "PAUSE") song="Paused" ;; "stopped" | "STOP") song="Stopped" ;; esac # Display Artist and Title on seperate lines. if [ "$song_shorthand" == "on" ] && [ "$stdout_mode" != "on" ]; then artist="${song/ -*}" song="${song/$artist - }" if [ "$song" != "$artist" ]; then prin "Artist" "$artist" prin "Song" "$song" else prin "$subtitle" "$song" fi unset song fi } # }}} # Resolution {{{ getresolution () { case "$os" in "Linux" | "BSD") if type -p xrandr >/dev/null 2>&1; then case "$refresh_rate" in "on") resolution="$(xrandr --nograb --current | awk 'match($0,/[0-9]{2,3}.[0-9]{2}\*/) {printf $1 " @ " substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) "Hz, "}')" ;; "off") resolution="$(xrandr --nograb --current | awk '/*/ {printf $1 ", "}')" ;; esac resolution="${resolution//\*}" elif type -p xdpyinfo >/dev/null 2>&1; then resolution="$(xdpyinfo 2>/dev/null | awk '/dimensions:/ {printf $2}')" fi ;; "Mac OS X") if type -p screenresolution >/dev/null 2>&1; then resolution="$(screenresolution get 2>&1 | awk '/Display/ {printf $6 "Hz, "}')" resolution="${resolution//x??@/ @ }" else resolution="$(system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType |\ awk '/Resolution:/ {printf $2"x"$4" @ "$6"Hz, "}')" fi [[ "$refresh_rate" == "off" ]] && \ resolution="${resolution// @ *([0-9])Hz}" ;; "Windows") width="$(wmic path Win32_VideoController get CurrentHorizontalResolution /value 2>/dev/null)" width="${width/CurrentHorizontalResolution'='/}" height="$(wmic path Win32_VideoController get CurrentVerticalResolution /value 2>/dev/null)" height="${height/CurrentVerticalResolution'='/}" [ "$width" ] && \ resolution="${width}x${height}" ;; esac resolution="${resolution%,*}" } # }}} # Theme/Icons/Font {{{ getstyle () { # Fix weird output when the function # is run multiple times. unset gtk2theme gtk3theme theme path case "$1" in theme) name="gtk-theme-name" gsettings="gtk-theme" gconf="gtk_theme" xfconf="ThemeName" kde="widgetStyle" ;; icons) name="gtk-icon-theme-name" gsettings="icon-theme" gconf="icon_theme" xfconf="IconThemeName" kde="Theme" ;; font) name="gtk-font-name" gsettings="font-name" gconf="font_theme" xfconf="FontName" kde="font" ;; esac if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ] && [ "$os" != "Mac OS X" ]; then # Get DE if user has disabled the function. [ -z "$de" ] && getde case "$de" in "KDE"*) kdeconfigdir if [ -f "${kde_config_dir}/share/config/kdeglobals" ]; then kde_config_file="${kde_config_dir}/share/config/kdeglobals" theme="$(grep "^[^#]*$kde" "$kde_config_file")" theme="${theme/${kde}*=}" [ "$version" -ge 4 ] && theme="${theme^}" gtk_shorthand="on" return fi ;; *"Cinnamon") if type -p gsettings >/dev/null 2>&1; then gtk3theme="$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.interface "$gsettings")" gtk2theme="${gtk3theme}" fi ;; "Gnome"* | "Unity"* | "Budgie") if type -p gsettings >/dev/null 2>&1; then gtk3theme="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface "$gsettings")" gtk2theme="${gtk3theme}" elif type -p gconftool-2 >/dev/null 2>&1; then gtk2theme="$(gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/"$gconf")" fi ;; "Mate"*) gtk3theme="$(gsettings get org.mate.interface "$gsettings")" gtk2theme="${gtk3theme}" ;; "Xfce"*) type -p xfconf-query >/dev/null 2>&1 && \ gtk2theme="$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/"$xfconf")" ;; esac # Check for gtk2 theme if [ -z "$gtk2theme" ]; then if [ -f "${GTK2_RC_FILES:-$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0}" ]; then gtk2theme="$(grep "^[^#]*$name" "${GTK2_RC_FILES:-$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0}")" elif [ -f "/usr/share/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" ]; then gtk2theme="$(grep "^[^#]*$name" /usr/share/gtk-2.0/gtkrc)" elif [ -f "/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" ]; then gtk2theme="$(grep "^[^#]*$name" /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc)" fi gtk2theme="${gtk2theme/${name}*=}" fi # Check for gtk3 theme if [ -z "$gtk3theme" ]; then if [ -f "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtk-3.0/settings.ini" ]; then gtk3theme="$(grep "^[^#]*$name" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtk-3.0/settings.ini")" elif type -p gsettings >/dev/null 2>&1; then gtk3theme="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface $gsettings)" elif [ -f "/usr/share/gtk-3.0/settings.ini" ]; then gtk3theme="$(grep "^[^#]*$name" /usr/share/gtk-3.0/settings.ini)" elif [ -f "/etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini" ]; then gtk3theme="$(grep "^[^#]*$name" /etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini)" fi gtk3theme="${gtk3theme/${name}*=}" fi # Remove quotes gtk2theme=${gtk2theme//\"} gtk2theme=${gtk2theme//\'} gtk3theme=${gtk3theme//\"} gtk3theme=${gtk3theme//\'} # Uppercase the first letter of each gtk theme if [ "$version" -ge 4 ]; then gtk2theme="${gtk2theme^}" gtk3theme="${gtk3theme^}" fi # Toggle visibility of gtk themes. [ "$gtk2" == "off" ] && unset gtk2theme [ "$gtk3" == "off" ] && unset gtk3theme # Format the string based on which themes exist if [ "$gtk2theme" ] && [ "$gtk2theme" == "$gtk3theme" ]; then gtk3theme+=" [GTK2/3]" unset gtk2theme elif [ "$gtk2theme" ] && [ "$gtk3theme" ]; then gtk2theme+=" [GTK2], " gtk3theme+=" [GTK3] " else [ "$gtk2theme" ] && gtk2theme+=" [GTK2] " [ "$gtk3theme" ] && gtk3theme+=" [GTK3] " fi # Final string theme="${gtk2theme}${gtk3theme}" # Make the output shorter by removing "[GTKX]" from the string if [ "$gtk_shorthand" == "on" ]; then theme="${theme/ '[GTK2]'}" theme="${theme/ '[GTK3]'}" theme="${theme/ '[GTK2/3]'}" fi fi } gettheme () { getstyle theme } geticons () { getstyle icons icons="$theme" } getfont () { getstyle font font="$theme" } # }}} # Terminal Emulator {{{ getterm () { # Check $PPID for terminal emulator. case "$os" in "Mac OS X") # Workaround for OS X systems that # don't support the block below. case "$TERM_PROGRAM" in "iTerm.app") term="iTerm2" ;; "Terminal.app") term="Apple Terminal" ;; *) term="${TERM_PROGRAM/\.app}" ;; esac return ;; "Windows") parent="$(ps -p ${1:-$PPID} | awk '{printf $2}')" parent="${parent/'PPID'}" name="$(ps -p $parent | awk '{printf $8}')" name="${name/'COMMAND'}" name="${name/*\/}" ;; *) parent="$(ps -p ${1:-$PPID} -o ppid=)" name="$(ps -p $parent -o comm=)" ;; esac case "${name// }" in "${SHELL/*\/}" | *"sh" | "tmux" | "screen") getterm "$parent" ;; "login" | "init") term="$(tty)"; term="${term/*\/}" ;; "ruby" | "1" | "systemd" | "sshd" | "python"*) unset term ;; "gnome-terminal-") term="gnome-terminal" ;; *) term="$name" ;; esac } # }}} # Terminal Emulator Font {{{ gettermfont () { [ -z "$term" ] && getterm case "$term" in "urxvt" | "urxvtd" | "xterm") termfont="$(grep -i "${term/d}\*font" <<< $(xrdb -query))" termfont="${termfont/*font: }" # Xresources has two different font syntax, this checks which # one is in use and formats it accordingly. case "$termfont" in "xft:"*) termfont="${termfont/xft:}" termfont="${termfont/:*}" ;; "-"*) termfont="$(awk -F '\\-' '{printf $3}' <<< "$termfont")" ;; esac ;; "xfce4-terminal") termfont="$(awk -F '=' '!/^($|\/\/)/ && /FontName/ {printf $2}' "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc")" ;; "termite") termfont="$(awk -F '= ' '!/^($|#)/ && /font/ {printf $2; exit}' "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/termite/config")" ;; "mintty") termfont="$(awk -F '=' '!/^($|#)/ && /Font/ {printf $2; exit}' "${HOME}/.minttyrc")" ;; "Apple_Terminal") termfont="$(osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to font name of window frontmost')" ;; esac } # }}} # Disk Usage {{{ getdisk () { # df flags case "$os" in "Linux" | "iPhone OS" | "Windows") df_flags="-h -l --total" ;; "Mac OS X" | "BSD") case "$distro" in "FreeBSD"* | *"OS X"* ) df_flags="-H / -l" ;; *) return ;; esac ;; esac # Get the disk info disk="$(df $df_flags 2>/dev/null | awk 'END{print $2 ":" $3 ":" $5}')" # Format the output disk_used="${disk#*:}" disk_used="${disk_used%%:*}" disk_total="${disk%%:*}" disk_total_per="${disk#*:*:}" # Put it all together disk="${disk_used} / ${disk_total} (${disk_total_per})" # Add info bar disk_used="${disk_used/G}" disk_total="${disk_total/G}" # Convert Terabytes to Gigabytes. if [ "$disk_display" != "off" ]; then disk_used="${disk_used/\.}" disk_total="${disk_total/\.}" [[ "$disk_used" == *"T" ]] && \ disk_used="$((${disk_used/T} * 100))" [[ "$disk_total" == *"T" ]] && \ disk_total="$((${disk_total/T} * 100))" fi case "$disk_display" in "bar") disk="$(bar "${disk_used/'.'*}" "${disk_total/'.'*}")" ;; "infobar") disk+=" $(bar "${disk_used/'.'*}" "${disk_total/'.'*}")" ;; "barinfo") disk="$(bar "${disk_used/'.'*}" "${disk_total/'.'*}") $disk" ;; "perc") disk="$disk_total_per $(bar "${disk_used/'.'*}" "${disk_total/'.'*}")" ;; esac } # }}} # Battery Usage {{{ getbattery () { case "$os" in "Linux") if [ "$(ls /sys/class/power_supply/)" ]; then # Set the index to the battery number. case "$battery_num" in "all") battery_num="*" index=0 ;; *) index="$battery_num" ;; esac batteries=($(cat "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT$battery_num/capacity")) battery_state=($(cat "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT${battery_num}/status")) # Get the subtitle and reassign it so it doesn't change. title="$subtitle" # If shorthand is on, print each value on the same line if [ "$battery_shorthand" == "on" ] || [ "$stdout_mode" == "on" ]; then battery="${batteries[*]}" battery="${battery// /%, }" battery="${battery}%" else if [ "${#batteries[@]}" -gt 1 ]; then unset battery # Print each battery on a separate line. for bat in "${batteries[@]}"; do case "$battery_display" in "bar") prin "${title}${index:-0}" "$(bar "${bat/'%'}" 100)" ;; "infobar") prin "${title}${index:-0}" "${bat}% $(bar "${bat/'%'}" 100)" ;; "barinfo") prin "${title}${index:-0}" "$(bar "${bat/'%'}" 100) ${bat}%" ;; *) prin "${title}${index:-0}" "${bat}%" ;; esac index="$((index+=1))" done return fi battery="${batteries[0]}%" fi fi ;; "BSD") case "$distro" in "FreeBSD"* | "DragonFly"*) battery="$(acpiconf -i 0 | awk -F ':\t' '/Remaining capacity/ {print $2}')" battery_state="$(acpiconf -i 0 | awk -F ':\t\t\t' '/State/ {print $2}')" ;; "NetBSD"*) battery="$(envstat | awk '\\(|\\)' '/charge:/ {print $2}')" battery="${battery/\.*/%}" ;; esac ;; "OpenBSD") battery0full="$(sysctl -n hw.sensors.acpibat0.watthour0)" battery0full="${battery0full/ Wh*}" battery0now="$(sysctl -n hw.sensors.acpibat0.watthour3)" battery0now="${battery0now/ Wh*}" [ "$battery0full" ] && \ battery="$((100 * ${battery0now/\.} / ${battery0full/\.}))%" ;; "Mac OS X") battery="$(pmset -g batt | grep -o '[0-9]*%')" battery_state="$(pmset -g batt | awk 'NR==2 {print $3}')" ;; "Windows") battery="$(wmic Path Win32_Battery get EstimatedChargeRemaining /value)" battery="${battery/EstimatedChargeRemaining'='}" [ "$battery" ] && \ battery+="%" ;; esac case "$battery_state" in "charging"*) battery+=" Charging" ;; esac case "$battery_display" in "bar") battery="$(bar "${battery/'%'*}" 100)" ;; "infobar") battery="${battery} $(bar "${battery/'%'*}" 100)" ;; "barinfo") battery="$(bar "${battery/'%'*}" 100) ${battery}" ;; esac } # }}} # IP Address {{{ getlocalip () { case "$os" in "Linux") localip="$(ip route get 1 | awk '{print $NF;exit}')" ;; "Mac OS X" | "iPhone OS") localip="$(ipconfig getifaddr en0)" [ -z "$localip" ] && localip="$(ipconfig getifaddr en1)" ;; "BSD") localip="$(ifconfig | awk '/broadcast/ {print $2}')" ;; "Windows") localip="$(ipconfig | awk -F ': ' '/IPv4 Address/ {printf $2}')" ;; esac } getpublicip () { if type -p dig >/dev/null 2>&1; then publicip="$(dig +time=1 +tries=1 +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com 2>/dev/null)" fi if [ -z "$publicip" ] && type -p curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then publicip="$(curl --max-time 10 -w '\n' "$public_ip_host" 2>/dev/null)" fi if [ -z "$publicip" ] && type -p wget >/dev/null 2>&1; then publicip="$(wget -T 10 -qO- "$public_ip_host" 2>/dev/null; printf "%s")" fi } # }}} # Logged In Users {{{ getusers () { users="$(who | awk '!seen[$1]++ {printf $1 ", "}')" users="${users%\,*}" } # }}} # Birthday {{{ getbirthday () { case "$os" in "linux" | "iPhone OS") birthday="$(ls -alct --full-time / | awk '/lost\+found|private/ {printf $6 " " $7}')" date_cmd="$(date -d"$birthday" "$birthday_format")" ;; "Mac OS X") birthday="$(ls -lUT /var/log/install.log | awk '{printf $6 " " $7 " " $9 " " $8}')" # Split the string into Date + time time="${birthday/*???? }" birthday="${birthday/$time}" case "${time/:*}" in 0? | 10 | 11) time+=" AM" ;; *) time+=" PM" ;; esac birthday+="$time" birthday_shorthand="on" ;; "BSD") case "$distro" in "OpenBSD"*) birthday="$(ls -alctT / | awk '/lost\+found/ {printf $6 " " $7 " " $9 " " $8}')" birthday_shorthand="on" ;; "FreeBSD"*) birthday="$(ls -alctT /etc/hostid | awk '{printf $6 " " $7 " " $9 " " $8}')" date_cmd="$(date -j -f "%b %d %Y" "$birthday" "$birthday_format")" ;; "NetBSD"* | "DragonFly"*) birthday="$(ls -alctT /etc/defaults/rc.conf | awk '{printf $6 " " $7 " " $9 " " $8}')" birthday_shorthand="on" ;; esac ;; "Windows") birthday="$(ls -alct --full-time /cygdrive/c/Windows/explorer.exe | awk '{printf $8 " " $9}')" date_cmd="$(date -d"$birthday" "$birthday_format")" ;; esac # Strip seconds from time output birthday="${birthday/:?? / }" # Pretty output [ "$birthday_shorthand" == "off" ] && \ birthday="${date_cmd//+( )/ }" # Toggle showing the time [ "$birthday_time" == "off" ] && \ birthday="${birthday/??:??*}" } # }}} # Terminal colors {{{ getcols () { if [ "$color_blocks" == "on" ]; then # Convert the width to space chars. block_width="$(printf "%$((block_width-=1))s")" # Generate the string. while [ $start -le $end ]; do case "$start" in [0-6]) blocks+="\033[0m\033[3${start}m\033[4${start}m%${block_width}s" ;; 7) blocks+="\033[0m\033[3${start}m\033[4${start}m%${block_width}s" ;; *) blocks2+="\033[38;5;${start}m\033[48;5;${start}m%${block_width}s" ;; esac start="$((start+=1))" done # Convert height into spaces. spaces="$(printf "%${block_height}s")" # Convert the spaces into rows of blocks. [ "$blocks" ] && cols+="${spaces// /${blocks}"\033[0m"nl}" [ "$blocks2" ] && cols+="${spaces// /${blocks2}"\033[0m"nl}" # Add newlines to the string. cols="${cols%%'nl'}" cols="${cols//nl/\\n${padding}}" fi } # }}} # }}} # Images {{{ # Wallpaper {{{ getwallpaper () { case "$os" in "Linux" | "BSD") if type -p feh >/dev/null 2>&1 && [ -f "$HOME/.fehbg" ]; then img="$(awk -F\' '/feh/ {printf $2}' "$HOME/.fehbg")" elif type -p nitrogen >/dev/null 2>&1; then img="$(awk -F'=' '/file/ {printf $2;exit;}' "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg")" elif type -p gsettings >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Get DE if user has disabled the function. [ -z "$de" ] && getde case "$de" in "MATE"*) img="$(gsettings get org.mate.background picture-filename 2>/dev/null)" ;; *) img="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri 2>/dev/null)" ;; esac # Strip quotes etc from the path. img="${img/'file://'}" img="${img//\'}" fi ;; "Mac OS X") img="$(osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to picture of current desktop')" ;; "Windows") case "$distro" in "Windows XP") img="/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/${USER}" img+="/Local Settings/Application Data/Microsoft" img+="/Wallpaper1.bmp" ;; "Windows"*) img="$APPDATA/Microsoft/Windows/Themes" img+="/TranscodedWallpaper.jpg" ;; esac ;; esac # If img is an xml file don't use it. [ "${img/*\./}" == "xml" ] && img="" # Error msg [ -z "$img" ] && err "Wallpaper detection failed, falling back to ascii mode." } # }}} # Ascii {{{ getascii () { if [ ! -f "$ascii" ] || [ "$ascii" == "distro" ]; then # Error message [ "$ascii" != "distro" ] && \ [ ! -f "$ascii" ] && err "Ascii file not found, using distro ascii" # Lowercase the distro name if [ "$version" -le 3 ]; then ascii="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< "$ascii_distro")" else ascii="${ascii_distro,,}" fi [ "$ascii_logo_size" == "small" ] && \ ascii="${ascii/ *}_small" if [ -f "/usr/share/neofetch/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" ]; then ascii="/usr/share/neofetch/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" elif [ -f "/usr/local/share/neofetch/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" ]; then ascii="/usr/local/share/neofetch/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" else getscriptdir 2>/dev/null # If the ascii file doesn't exist fallback to text mode. if [ ! -f "$script_dir/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" ]; then padding="\033[0C" image="off" err "Ascii file not found, falling back to text mode." return fi ascii="$script_dir/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" fi # We only use eval in the distro ascii files. print="$(eval printf "$(<"$ascii")")" else case "${ascii_colors[0]}" in "distro") ascii_color="$c1" ;; *) ascii_color="\033[38;5;${ascii_colors[0]}m" ;; esac print="${ascii_color}$(<"$ascii")" fi # Set locale to get correct padding export LC_ALL="$SYS_LOCALE" # Turn the file into a variable and strip escape codes. ascii_strip="$(<"$ascii")" ascii_strip="${ascii_strip//\$\{??\}}" ascii_strip="${ascii_strip//'\\'/ }" ascii_strip="${ascii_strip//'\'}" # Get ascii file size in rows/cols ascii_size="$(awk 'END {printf NR " "}length>max{max=length}END{printf max}' <<< "$ascii_strip")" lines="${ascii_size/ *}" ascii_length="${ascii_size/$lines}" padding="\033[$((ascii_length + gap))C" printf "%b%s" "$print" export LC_ALL=C } # }}} # Image {{{ getimage () { # Fallback to ascii mode if imagemagick isn't installed. type -p convert >/dev/null 2>&1 || image="ascii" case "$image" in "wall") getwallpaper ;; "ascii") getascii; return ;; *) if [ -d "$image" ]; then files=("${image%/}"/*.{png,jpg,jpeg}) img="$(printf "%s" "${files[RANDOM % (${#files[@]} - 1)]}")" else img="$image" fi ;; esac # Get terminal width and height stty -echo if [ -n "$TMUX" ]; then printf "%b%s" "\033Ptmux;\033\033[14t\033\033[c\033\\" read_flags="-d c" elif [ "$image_backend" == "tycat" ]; then printf "%b%s" "\033}qs\000" else printf "%b%s" "\033[14t\033[c" read_flags="-d c" fi # The escape code above prints the output AFTER the prompt so this read -t 1 ${read_flags} -s -r term_size stty echo # Split the string if [ "$image_backend" == "tycat" ]; then term_size=(${term_size//;/ }) term_width="$((term_size[2] * term_size[0]))" term_height="$((term_size[3] * term_size[1]))" else term_size="${term_size//'['}" term_size="${term_size/';'}" term_size="${term_size/$'\E4'}" term_size="${term_size/t*}" term_height="${term_size/';'*}" term_width="${term_size/*';'}" fi # If $img isn't a file or the terminal doesn't support xterm escape sequences, # fallback to ascii mode. if [ ! -f "$img" ] || ([ "${#term_size}" -le 5 ] && [ "$image_backend" != "tycat" ]); then image="ascii" getascii # Error messages [ ! -f "$img" ] && err "\$img, isn't a file, falling back to ascii mode." [ "${#term_size}" -le 5 ] && err "Your terminal doesn't support \\\033[14t, falling back to ascii mode." return fi # Get terminal lines and columns lines="$(tput lines)" columns="$(tput cols)" # Calculate font size font_width="$((term_width / columns))" # Image size is half of the terminal case "$image_size" in "auto") image_size="$((columns * font_width / 2))" term_height="$((term_height - term_height / 4))" [ "$term_height" -lt "$image_size" ] && \ image_size="$term_height" ;; *"%") percent="${image_size/\%}" image_size="$((percent * term_width / 100))" [ "$((percent * term_height / 50))" -lt "$image_size" ] && \ image_size="$((percent * term_height / 100))" ;; "none") # Get image size so that we can do a better crop size="$(identify -format "%w %h" "$img")" width="${size%% *}" height="${size##* }" crop_mode="none" ;; *) image_size="${image_size/px}" ;; esac # Fallback if width / height are empty. width="${width:-$image_size}" height="${height:-$image_size}" # Padding is half the terminal width + gap padding="\033[$((width / font_width + gap + xoffset/font_width))C" # Make the directory if it doesn't exist mkdir -p "$thumbnail_dir" # Check to see if the image has a file extension, if it doesn't # then add one. case "${img##*/}" in *"."*) imgname="$crop_mode-$crop_offset-$width-$height-${img##*/}" ;; *) imgname="$crop_mode-$crop_offset-$width-$height-${img##*/}.jpg" ;; esac # Check to see if the thumbnail exists before we do any cropping. if [ ! -f "$thumbnail_dir/$imgname" ]; then # Get image size so that we can do a better crop if [ -z "$size" ]; then size="$(identify -format "%w %h" "$img")" og_width="${size%% *}" og_height="${size##* }" # This checks to see if height is geater than width # so we can do a better crop of portrait images. size="$og_height" [ "$og_height" -gt "$og_width" ] && size="$og_width" fi case "$crop_mode" in fit) c="$(convert "$img" \ -colorspace srgb \ -format "%[pixel:p{0,0}]" info:)" convert \ "$img" \ -trim +repage \ -gravity south \ -background "$c" \ -extent "$size"x"$size" \ -scale "$width"x"$height" \ "$thumbnail_dir/$imgname" ;; fill) convert \ "$img" \ -trim +repage \ -scale "$width"x"$height"^ \ -extent "$width"x"$height" \ "$thumbnail_dir/$imgname" ;; none) cp "$img" "$thumbnail_dir/$imgname" ;; *) convert \ "$img" \ -gravity $crop_offset \ -crop "$size"x"$size"+0+0 \ -quality 95 \ -scale "$width"x"$height" \ "$thumbnail_dir/$imgname" ;; esac fi # The final image img="$thumbnail_dir/$imgname" } takescrot () { $scrot_cmd "${scrot_dir}${scrot_name}" } # }}} # Find w3m-img {{{ # Find w3mimgdisplay automatically getw3m_img_path () { if [ -x "$w3m_img_path" ]; then return elif [ -x "/usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" ]; then w3m_img_path="/usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" elif [ -x "/usr/libexec/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" ]; then w3m_img_path="/usr/libexec/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" elif [ -x "/usr/lib64/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" ]; then w3m_img_path="/usr/lib64/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" elif [ -x "/usr/libexec64/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" ]; then w3m_img_path="/usr/libexec64/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" else image="ascii" err "w3m-img wasn't found on your system, falling back to ascii mode." fi } # }}} # }}} # Text Formatting {{{ # Info {{{ info () { # $1 is the subtitle subtitle="$1" # Call the function and update variable if [ -z "$2" ]; then "get$1" 2>/dev/null eval output="\$${1}" else "get$2" 2>/dev/null eval output="\$${2}" fi # If the output is empty, don't print anything [ -z "$output" ] && return # Trim whitespace output="$(trim "$output")" case "$1" in title) string="${title_color}${bold}${output}" string="${string/@/${at_color}@${title_color}${bold}}" length="${#output}" ;; underline) string="${underline_color}${output}" ;; *) string="${subtitle_color}${bold}${subtitle}\033[0m" string+="${colon_color}: ${info_color}${output}" length="$((${#subtitle} + ${#output} + 2))" ;; esac # If there's no subtitle don't print one [ -z "$2" ] && string="${string/*: }" # Print the string printf "%b%s\n" "${padding}${string}\033[0m" } # }}} # Prin {{{ prin () { if [ -z "$2" ]; then string="${info_color}${1}" length="${#1}" else string="${subtitle_color}${bold}${1}\033[0m" string+="${colon_color}: ${info_color}${2}" length="$((${#subtitle} + ${#2} + 1))" fi # Trim whitespace string="$(trim "$string")" # Print the info printf "%b%s\n" "${padding}${string}\033[0m" } # }}} # Stdout {{{ stdout () { # Read args early for the separator stdout_separator_flag="$(awk -F '--stdout_separator ' '{printf $2}' <<< "${args[@]}")" stdout_separator_flag="${stdout_separator_flag/ '--'*}" [ "$stdout_separator_flag" ] && \ stdout_separator="$stdout_separator_flag" for func in "${args[@]}"; do case "$func" in "--"*) break ;; *) "get$func" 2>/dev/null eval output="\$$func" stdout+="${output}${stdout_separator}" ;; esac done printf "%s" "${stdout%%${stdout_separator}}" exit } # }}} # Underline {{{ getunderline () { case "$underline_enabled" in "on") underline="$(printf %"$length"s)" underline="${underline// /$underline_char}" ;; "off") underline="" ;; esac } # }}} # Colors {{{ colors () { # Change color of logo based on distro case "$ascii_distro" in "Arch"* | "Antergos"*) setcolors 6 4 ;; "CentOS"*) setcolors 3 2 4 5 7 ;; "CRUX"* | "Chakra"* | "gNewSense"* | "SailfishOS"* | "Alpine"* | "Ubuntu-GNOME"* | "Qubes"*) setcolors 4 5 7 6 ;; "Chrom"*) setcolors 2 1 3 4 7 ascii_distro="chrome" ;; "Debian"* | "Ubuntu"* | "DragonFly"*) setcolors 1 7 3 ;; "FreeBSD"* | "PCBSD"*) setcolors 1 7 3 ascii_distro="freebsd" ;; "Red"*) setcolors 1 7 3 ascii_distro="redhat" ;; "Kogaion"* | "Elementary"*) setcolors 4 7 ;; "Fedora"* | "Sabayon"* | "Frugalware"* | "Exherbo"*) setcolors 4 7 1 ;; "Gentoo"* | "Funtoo"* | "SteamOS"* | "Devuan"*) setcolors 5 7 ;; "KDE"*) setcolors 2 7 ascii_distro="kde" ;; "Kali"*) setcolors 4 8 ;; *"OS X"* | *"iOS"* | "Mac") setcolors 2 3 1 1 5 4 ascii_distro="mac" ;; "OpenMandriva"*) setcolors 4 3 ;; "Mageia"*) setcolors 6 7 ;; "Peppermint"*) setcolors 1 7 ;; *"Mint"*) setcolors 2 7 ascii_distro="mint" ;; "LMDE"* | "Chapeau"*) setcolors 2 7 ;; "NetBSD"* | "Parabola"* | "Tails"* | "BLAG"*) setcolors 5 7 ;; "OpenBSD"*) setcolors 3 7 6 1 8 ;; "OpenSuse"* | "Manjaro"* | "Deepin"*) setcolors 2 7 ;; "PCLinuxOS"* | "Slackware"* | "KaOS"* | "Kubuntu"* | "Lubuntu"* | "Xubuntu"*) setcolors 4 7 1 ;; "Puppy"* | "Quirky Werewolf"* | "Precise Puppy"*) setcolors 4 ascii_distro="puppy" ;; "Scientific"*) setcolors 4 1 7 ;; "Solus"*) setcolors 7 8 ;; "Trisquel"* | "NixOS"* | "Zorin"*) setcolors 4 6 ;; "Travis") setcolors 3 1 0 7 4 ;; "void"*) setcolors 2 8 ;; "Windows 8"* | "Windows 10"*) setcolors 6 ascii_distro="windows10" ;; "Windows"*) setcolors 1 2 4 3 ;; "Raspbian"* | *) setcolors 2 1 ;; esac # Overwrite distro colors if '$ascii_colors' doesn't # equal 'distro'. [ "${ascii_colors[0]}" != "distro" ] && \ setcolors ${ascii_colors[@]} } setcolors () { c1="$(color "$1")${ascii_bold}" c2="$(color "$2")${ascii_bold}" c3="$(color "$3")${ascii_bold}" c4="$(color "$4")${ascii_bold}" c5="$(color "$5")${ascii_bold}" c6="$(color "$6")${ascii_bold}" if [ "${colors[0]}" == "distro" ]; then title_color="$c1" at_color="\033[0m" underline_color="\033[0m" subtitle_color="$c2" colon_color="\033[0m" info_color="\033[0m" # If the second color is white use the first for the subtitle [ "$2" == 7 ] && subtitle_color="\033[0m\033[3${1}m" [ "$1" == 7 ] && title_color="\033[0m" else title_color="$(color "${colors[0]}")" at_color="$(color "${colors[1]}")" underline_color="$(color "${colors[2]}")" subtitle_color="$(color "${colors[3]}")" colon_color="$(color "${colors[4]}")" info_color="$(color "${colors[5]}")" fi if [ "$progress_color_elapsed" == "distro" ]; then progress_color_elapsed="$(color fg)" else progress_color_elapsed="$(color "$progress_color_elapsed")" fi case "$progress_color_total $1" in distro\ [736]) progress_color_total="$c2" ;; distro\ [0-9]) progress_color_total="$c1" ;; *) progress_color_total="$(color "$progress_color_total")" ;; esac } color () { case "$1" in [0-7]) printf "%b%s" "\033[0m\033[3${1}m" ;; "fg") printf "%b%s" "\033[0m" ;; *) printf "%b%s" "\033[38;5;${1}m" ;; esac } # }}} # Bold {{{ bold () { case "$ascii_bold" in "on") ascii_bold="\033[1m" ;; "off") ascii_bold="" ;; esac case "$bold" in "on") bold="\033[1m" ;; "off") bold="" ;; esac } # }}} # Linebreak {{{ getlinebreak () { linebreak=" " } # }}} # Trim whitespace {{{ # When a string is passed to 'echo' all trailing and leading # whitespace is removed and inside the string multiple spaces are # condensed into single spaces. # # The 'set -f/+f' is here so that 'echo' doesn't cause any expansion # of special characters. # # The whitespace trim doesn't work with multiline strings so we use # '${1//[[:space:]]/ }' to remove newlines beofre we trim the whitespace. trim() { set -f builtin echo -E ${1//[[:space:]]/ } set +f } # }}} # }}} # Other {{{ # Get script directory {{{ getscriptdir () { # Use $0 to get the script's physical path. cd "${0%/*}" || exit script_dir="${0##*/}" # Iterate down a (possible) chain of symlinks. while [ -L "$script_dir" ]; do script_dir="$(readlink "$script_dir")" cd "${script_dir%/*}" || exit script_dir="${script_dir##*/}" done # Final directory script_dir="$(pwd -P)" } # }}} # Source Config {{{ # Check for $config_file first getconfig () { # Check $config_file if [ -f "$config_file" ]; then source "$config_file" return fi mkdir -p "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch/" # Check $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch and create the # dir/files if they don't exist. if [ -f "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch/config" ]; then source "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch/config" elif [ -f "/usr/share/neofetch/config" ]; then cp "/usr/share/neofetch/config" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch" source "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch/config" elif [ -f "/usr/local/share/neofetch/config" ]; then cp "/usr/local/share/neofetch/config" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch" source "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch/config" else getscriptdir cp "$script_dir/config/config" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch" source "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neofetch/config" fi } # Check the commandline flags early for '--config none/off' case "$@" in *"--config off"* | *'--config "off"'* | *"--config 'off'"* | \ *"--config none"* | *'--config "none"'* | *"--config 'none'"* | *"--stdout"*) config="off" ;; esac [ "$config" == "on" ] && getconfig 2>/dev/null # }}} # Progress Bars {{{ bar() { # Get the values elapsed="$(($1 * progress_length / $2))" # Create the bar with spaces prog="$(printf %"$elapsed"s)" total="$(printf %"$((progress_length - elapsed))"s)" # Set the colors and swap the spaces for $progress_char bar+="${progress_color_elapsed}${prog// /$progress_char_elapsed}" bar+="${progress_color_total}${total// /$progress_char_total}" # Borders if [ "$progress_border" == "on" ]; then bar+="$(color fg)]" bar="$(color fg)[$bar" fi printf "%b%s\n" "${bar}\033[0m" } # }}} # Cache {{{ cache () { mkdir -p "$3/neofetch" echo "${1/*-}=\"$2\"" > "$3/neofetch/${1/*-}" } # }}} # KDE Config directory {{{ kdeconfigdir () { if [ -n "$KDE_CONFIG_DIR" ]; then kde_config_dir="$KDE_CONFIG_DIR" elif type -p kde5-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then kde_config_dir="$(kde5-config --localprefix)" elif type -p kde4-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then kde_config_dir="$(kde4-config --localprefix)" elif type -p kde-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then kde_config_dir="$(kde-config --localprefix)" fi } # }}} err () { err+="$(color 1)[!]$(color fg) $1 \n" } # }}} # Usage {{{ usage () { cat << EOF usage: neofetch --option "value" --option "value" NOTE: There's also a config option for each flag below. Info: --disable infoname Allows you to disable an info line from appearing in the output. NOTE: You can supply multiple args. eg. 'neofetch --disable cpu gpu disk shell' --osx_buildversion on/off Hide/Show Mac OS X build version. --osx_codename on/off Hide/Show Mac OS X codename. --os_arch on/off Hide/Show Windows architecture. --speed_type type Change the type of cpu speed to display. Possible values: current, min, max, bios, scaling_current, scaling_min, scaling_max NOTE: This only support Linux with cpufreq. --cpu_shorthand type Shorten the output of CPU Possible values: name, speed, tiny, on, off --cpu_cores on/off Whether or not to display the number of CPU cores --kernel_shorthand on/off Shorten the output of kernel --uptime_shorthand on/off Shorten the output of uptime (tiny, on, off) --refresh_rate on/off Whether to display the refresh rate of each monitor Unsupported on Windows --gpu_shorthand on/off Shorten the output of GPU (tiny, on, off) --gtk_shorthand on/off Shorten output of gtk theme/icons --gtk2 on/off Enable/Disable gtk2 theme/icons output --gtk3 on/off Enable/Disable gtk3 theme/icons output --shell_path on/off Enable/Disable showing \$SHELL path --shell_version on/off Enable/Disable showing \$SHELL version --battery_num num Which battery to display, default value is 'all' --battery_shorthand on/off Whether or not each battery gets its own line/title --ip_host url Url to ping for public IP --song_shorthand on/off Print the Artist/Title on seperate lines --birthday_shorthand on/off Shorten the output of birthday --birthday_time on/off Enable/Disable showing the time in birthday output --birthday_format format Format the birthday output. (Uses 'date' cmd format) Text Formatting: --colors x x x x x x Changes the text colors in this order: title, @, underline, subtitle, colon, info --underline on/off enable/disable the underline. --underline_char char Character to use when underlining title --line_wrap on/off Enable/Disable line wrapping --bold on/off Enable/Disable bold text Color Blocks: --color_blocks on/off Enable/Disable the color blocks --block_width num Width of color blocks in spaces --block_height num Height of color blocks in lines --block_range start end Range of colors to print as blocks Progress Bars: --progress_char 'elapsed char' 'total char' Characters to use when drawing progress bars. --progress_border on/off Whether or not to surround the bar with '[]' --progress_length num Length in spaces to make the progress bars. --progress_colors num num Colors to make the progress bar. Set in this order: elapsed, total --cpu_display mode Which way should the cpu progress bar be added Takes bar, infobar, barinfo --memory_display mode Which way should the memory progress bar be added Takes bar, infobar, barinfo --battery_display mode Which way should the battery progress bar be added Takes bar, infobar, barinfo --disk_display mode Which way should the disk progress bar be added Takes bar, infobar, barinfo, perc Image: --image type Image source. Where and what image we display. Possible values: wall, ascii, /path/to/img, /path/to/dir/, off --size 00px | --size 00% How to size the image. Possible values: auto, 00px, 00%, none --crop_mode mode Which crop mode to use Takes the values: normal, fit, fill --crop_offset value Change the crop offset for normal mode. Possible values: northwest, north, northeast, west, center, east, southwest, south, southeast --xoffset px How close the image will be to the left edge of the window. This only works with w3m. --yoffset px How close the image will be to the top edge of the window. This only works with w3m. --gap num Gap between image and text. NOTE: --gap can take a negative value which will move the text closer to the left side. --clean Remove all cropped images Ascii: --ascii value Where to get the ascii from, Possible values: distro, /path/to/ascii --ascii_colors x x x x x x Colors to print the ascii art --ascii_distro distro Which Distro's ascii art to print --ascii_logo_size Size of ascii logo. Supported distros: Arch, Gentoo, Crux, OpenBSD. --ascii_bold on/off Whether or not to bold the ascii logo. Stdout: --stdout info info Launch neofetch in stdout mode which prints the info in a plain-text format that you can use with lemonbar etc. --stdout_separator string String to use as a separator in stdout mode. Screenshot: --scrot /path/to/img Take a screenshot, if path is left empty the screen- shot function will use \$scrot_dir and \$scrot_name. --scrot_cmd cmd Screenshot program to launch Other: --config /path/to/config Specify a path to a custom config file --config none Launch the script without a config file --help Print this text and exit --version Show neofetch version --test Launch the script with all functions / options enabled. This should only be used for testing purposes, ie Travis.CI. -v Display error messages. -vv Display a verbose log for error reporting. EOF exit 1 } # }}} # Args {{{ while [ "$1" ]; do case $1 in # Info --os_arch) os_arch="$2" ;; --osx_buildversion) osx_buildversion="$2" ;; --osx_codename) osx_codename="$2" ;; --cpu_cores) cpu_cores="$2" ;; --speed_type) speed_type="$2" ;; --kernel_shorthand) kernel_shorthand="$2" ;; --uptime_shorthand) uptime_shorthand="$2" ;; --cpu_shorthand) cpu_shorthand="$2" ;; --gpu_shorthand) gpu_shorthand="$2" ;; --refresh_rate) refresh_rate="$2" ;; --gtk_shorthand) gtk_shorthand="$2" ;; --gtk2) gtk2="$2" ;; --gtk3) gtk3="$2" ;; --shell_path) shell_path="$2" ;; --shell_version) shell_version="$2" ;; --battery_num) battery_num="$2" ;; --battery_shorthand) battery_shorthand="$2" ;; --ip_host) public_ip_host="$2" ;; --song_shorthand) song_shorthand="$2" ;; --birthday_shorthand) birthday_shorthand="$2" ;; --birthday_time) birthday_time="$2" ;; --birthday_format) birthday_format="$2" ;; --disable) for func in "$@"; do case "$func" in "--disable") continue ;; "--"*) return ;; *) unset -f "get$func" ;; esac done ;; # Text Colors --colors) unset colors for arg in "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" "$7"; do case "$arg" in "--"*) break ;; *) colors+=($arg) esac done colors+=(7 7 7 7 7 7) ;; # Text Formatting --underline) underline_enabled="$2" ;; --underline_char) underline_char="$2" ;; --line_wrap) line_wrap="$2" ;; --bold) bold="$2" ;; # Color Blocks --color_blocks) color_blocks="$2" ;; --block_range) start="$2"; end="$3" ;; --block_width) block_width="$2" ;; --block_height) block_height="$2" ;; # Progress Bars --progress_char) progress_char_elapsed="$2" progress_char_total="$3" ;; --progress_border) progress_border="$2" ;; --progress_length) progress_length="$2" ;; --progress_colors) progress_color_elapsed="$2" progress_color_total="$3" ;; --cpu_display) cpu_display="$2" ;; --memory_display) memory_display="$2" ;; --battery_display) battery_display="$2" ;; --disk_display) disk_display="$2" ;; # Image --image) image="$2" case "$2" in "--"* | "") image="ascii" ;; esac ;; --size) image_size="$2" ;; --crop_mode) crop_mode="$2" ;; --crop_offset) crop_offset="$2" ;; --xoffset) xoffset="$2" ;; --yoffset) yoffset="$2" ;; --gap) gap="$2" ;; --clean) rm -rf "$thumbnail_dir" rm -rf "/Library/Caches/neofetch/" exit ;; # Ascii --ascii) image="ascii" ascii="$2" case "$2" in "--"* | "") ascii="distro" ;; esac ;; --ascii_colors) unset ascii_colors for arg in "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" "$7"; do case "$arg" in "--"*) break ;; *) ascii_colors+=($arg) esac done ascii_colors+=(7 7 7 7 7 7) ;; --ascii_distro) ascii_distro="$2" case "$2" in "--"* | "") ascii_distro="$distro" ;; esac ;; --ascii_logo_size) ascii_logo_size="$2" ;; --ascii_bold) ascii_bold="$2" ;; # Screenshot --scrot | -s) scrot="on" if [ "$2" ]; then scrot_name="${2##*/}" scrot_dir="${2/$scrot_name}" fi ;; --scrot_cmd) scrot_cmd="$2" ;; # Stdout --stdout) unset info_color prin clear bar stdout_mode="on" config="off" case "$2" in "--"* | "") printf "%s\n" "--stdout requires at least one argument"; exit ;; *) shift; args=("$@"); stdout ;; esac ;; # Other --config) case "$2" in "none" | "off") config="off" ;; *) config_file="$2"; config="on"; getconfig 2>/dev/null ;; esac ;; --test) info=(title underline distro kernel uptime packages shell resolution de wm wmtheme theme icons cpu cpu_usage gpu memory font disk battery song localip publicip users birthday term termfont) refresh_rate="on" shell_version="on" cpu_display="infobar" memory_display="infobar" disk_display="infobar" printinfo () { if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" ]; then info linebreak info linebreak fi for func in "${info[@]}"; do info "$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< "$func")" "$func" done info linebreak info cols info linebreak printf "%b%s" "\033[$(tput lines)H" } ;; -v) verbose="on" ;; -vv) set -x; verbose="on" ;; --help) usage ;; --version) printf "%s\n" "Neofetch 1.8"; exit ;; esac shift done # }}} # Call Functions and Finish Up {{{ # Restore cursor and clear screen on ctrl+c trap 'printf "\033[?25h"; clear; exit' 2 # Distro detection getdistro [ -z "$ascii_distro" ] && ascii_distro="$(trim "$distro")" # Get colors and bold bold colors if [ "$image" != "off" ]; then # If the script exits for any reason, unhide the cursor. trap 'printf "\033[?25h"' EXIT # Clear the scren clear # Hide the cursor printf "\033[?25l" # If iterm2 is detected use iterm2 backend. if [ -n "$ITERM_PROFILE" ]; then image_backend="iterm2" elif [ "$(tycat 2>/dev/null)" ]; then image_backend="tycat" else image_backend="w3m" fi # Find w3mimgdisplay [ "$image_backend" == "w3m" ] && \ [ "$image" != "ascii" ] && \ getw3m_img_path # Get the image getimage fi # Display the image if enabled if [ "$image" != "off" ] && [ "$image" != "ascii" ]; then case "$image_backend" in "w3m") printf "%b%s\n" "0;1;$xoffset;$yoffset;$width;$height;;;;;$img\n4;\n3;" |\ $w3m_img_path 2>/dev/null || padding="\033[0C" ;; "iterm2") printf "%b%s\a\n" "\033]1337;File=width=${width}px;height=${height}px;inline=1:$(base64 < "$img")" ;; "tycat") tycat "$img" ;; esac fi # Disable line wrap [ "$line_wrap" == "off" ] && printf "\033[?7l" # Move cursor to the top [ "$image" != "off" ] && printf "\033[0H" # Print the info printinfo if [ "$image" != "off" ]; then # Get cursor position info_height="$(stty -echo; IFS=';' read -rdR -t 1 -d c -p $'\033[6n\033[c' ROW COL; printf "%s" "${ROW#*[}"; stty echo)" # Calculate image height in terminal cells. lines="$((${width:-1} / ${font_width:-1} / 2 + 3))" # Set cursor position dynamically based on height of ascii/text. [ "${lines:-0}" -lt "${info_height:-0}" ] && lines="$info_height" printf "%b%s" "\033[${lines}H" fi # Re-enable line wrap [ "$line_wrap" == "off" ] && printf "%b%s" "\033[?7h" # If enabled take a screenshot if [ "$scrot" == "on" ]; then takescrot fi # Show error messages if [ "$verbose" == "on" ]; then printf "%s" "$err" fi # }}}