# Fetch 1.2 - Fetch now has a **gitter** chatroom. [![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/dylanaraps/fetch.svg)](https://gitter.im/dylanaraps/fetch?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge) - Fixed text padding when the user didn't have the locale 'en_US.UTF8' installed. - `--ascii_distro` now also enables ascii mode. - Check for packages based on which package manager is installed instead of
using a hardcoded list of distros. ### OS Fetch is now at support parity with Screenfetch. We support all the Linux distros
Screenfetch sypports excluding distros that have been discontinued. Fetch now supports: - `Puppy Linux` - `Kali Linux` - `openSUSE` - `Raspbian` - `Mageia` - `PCLinuxOS` - `Zorin OS` - `Tails` - `BLAG` - `Void Linux` - `Trisquel` - `Solus` - `Peppermint` - `NixOS` - `Chakra` - `Mandriva` - `gNewSense` - `LMDE` - `KaOS` - `Sabayon` - `Frugalware` - `Chapeau` - `Slackware` - `Scientific Linux` - `Exherbo` - `Chrome OS` - `Chromium OS` ### Makefile - Fixed makefile on OS X El Captain. - `$PREFIX` is now also used when installing ascii art and the default config ### Wallpaper - Fetch now supports using `MATE` desktop's wallpapers. - Fetch now fallsback to ascii mode if the found wallpaper is an xml file. This
fixes issues where the wallpaper set by gsettings is an xml file. ### Info **Desktop Environment**: - Added support for showing the user's DE. **Window Manager**: - `wmctrl` is now a required dependency. - Renamed 'windowmanager' to 'wm' **IP Address**: - Added function to get your local IP - Added function to get your public IP \[1\] - Added `--ip_host` and `$public_ip_host` which allow you to change the website we
ping for the public IP. \[1\] Public IP requires an internet connection as we ping a website. **Window Manager**: - Grab last occurence of `^exec x` when parsing xinit files. **Theme**: - Added support for getting DE theme. - Added support for getting KDE theme. - Renamed `getgtk` to `getstyle`. - Dropped the `gtk` from these printinfo functions `gtktheme`, `gtkicons`
and `gtkfont`. Theme output will be blank until you make these changes: ```sh # Old Naming info "GTK Theme" gtktheme info "Icons" gtkicons info "Font" gtkfont # New Naming info "Theme" theme info "Icons" icons info "Font" font ``` **GPU**: - `gpu_shorthand` is now enabled by default. - We now favor showing the dedicated GPU over the integrated one. **Song**: - Added support for `MOC`. - We now check to see if the player is running before printing anything. - We now check playback state and show it if relevent.