#!/usr/bin/env bash # vim:fdm=marker # # Fetch config file # https://github.com/dylanaraps/fetch # Speed up script by not using unicode export LC_ALL=C export LANG=c export LANGUAGE=C # Info Options {{{ # Info # See this wiki page for more info: # https://github.com/dylanaraps/fetch/wiki/Customizing-Info printinfo () { info linebreak info title info underline info "OS" distro info "Kernel" kernel info "Uptime" uptime info "Packages" packages info "Shell" shell info "Desktop Environment" de info "Window Manager" wm info "GTK Theme" gtktheme info "Icons" gtkicons info "CPU" cpu info "GPU" gpu info "Memory" memory # info "Font" gtkfont # info "Disk" disk # info "Resolution" resolution # info "Battery" battery # info "Local IP" localip # info "Public IP" public # info "Birthday" birthday # info "Song" song # info "Visual Style" visualstyle info linebreak info cols info linebreak } # Kernel # Show more kernel info # --kernel_shorthand on/off kernel_shorthand="on" # Distro # Mac OS X hide/show build version # --osx_buildversion on/off osx_buildversion="on" # Show 'x86_64' and 'x86' in 'Distro:' output. # --os_arch on/off os_arch="on" # Uptime # Shorten the output of the uptime function # --uptime_shorthand tiny, on, off uptime_shorthand="off" # Shell # Show the path to $SHELL # --shell_path on/off shell_path="on" # Show $SHELL's version # --shell_version on/off shell_version="off" # CPU # CPU speed type # Only works on Linux with cpufreq. # --speed_type current, min, max, bios, # scaling_current, scaling_min, scaling_max speed_type="max" # GPU # Shorten output of the getgpu funcion # --gpu_shorthand on/off gpu_shorthand="on" # Gtk Theme / Icons # Shorten output (Hide [GTK2] etc) # --gtk_shorthand on/off gtk_shorthand="off" # Enable/Disable gtk2 theme/icons output # --gtk2 on/off gtk2="on" # Enable/Disable gtk3 theme/icons output # --gtk3 on/off gtk3="on" # Battery # Which battery to display. # By default we display all batteries. # NOTE: Only works on Linux. # --battery_num all, 0, 1, 2, etc battery_num="all" # Whether or not to print each battery on the same line. # By default each battery gets its own line and title. # NOTE: Only works on Linux. # --battery_shorthand on/off battery_shorthand="off" # IP Address # Website to ping for the public IP # --ip_host url public_ip_host="http://ident.me" # Birthday # Whether to show a long pretty output # or a shortened one # NOTE: Long pretty output doesn't work on OpenBSD or NetBSD. # --birthday_shorthand on/off birthday_shorthand="off" # Whether to show the time in the output # --birthday_time on/off birthday_time="on" # Color Blocks # Color block range # --block_range start end start=0 end=7 # Toggle color blocks # --color_blocks on/off color_blocks="on" # Color block width # --color_block_width num block_width=3 # }}} # Text Colors {{{ # --title_color num title_color=4 # Color of "@" symbol in title # --at_color num at_color=6 # --subtitle_color num subtitle_color=1 # --colon_color num colon_color=8 # --underline_color num underline_color=8 # --info_color num info_color=6 # }}} # Text Options {{{ # Toggle line wrapping # --line_wrap on/off line_wrap="on" # Toggle bold text # --bold on/off bold="on" # Enable/Disable Underline # --underline on/off underline="on" # Underline character # --underline_char char underline_char="-" # Prompt height # You should only have to change this if your # prompt is greater than 2 lines high. # --prompt_height num prompt_height=1 # }}} # Image Options {{{ # Image Source # --image wall, shuffle, ascii, /path/to/img, off image="wall" # Thumbnail directory thumbnail_dir="$HOME/.cache/thumbnails/fetch" # Image Backend # Which program to draw images with # --image_backend w3m, iterm2 image_backend="w3m" # W3m-img path # Some systems have this in another location w3m_img_path="/usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" # Image position # Only works with the w3m backend # --image_position left/right image_position="left" # Shuffle dir shuffle_dir="$HOME/Pictures/wallpapers/wash" # Crop mode # --crop_mode normal/fit/fill crop_mode="normal" # Crop offset # Only affects normal mode. # --crop_offset northwest/north/northeast/west/center # east/southwest/south/southeast crop_offset="center" # Font width # --font_width num # Used when calculating dynamic image size font_width=5 # Image size # The image is half the terminal width by default. # --size half, px image_size="half" # Right gap between image and text # --gap num gap=4 # Image offsets # --xoffset px # --yoffset px yoffset=0 xoffset=0 # }}} # Ascii Options {{{ # Default ascii image to use # When this is set to distro it will use your # distro's logo as the ascii. # --ascii 'distro', path/to/ascii ascii="distro" # Ascii colors # When this is set to distro it will use your # ditro's colors to color the ascii. # NOTE: You can also set this to a range of colors # which will allow you to custom color distro logos # --ascii_colors distro # --ascii_colors 2 4 5 6 ascii_colors=(distro) # }}} # Scrot Options {{{ # Whether or not to always take a screenshot # You can manually take a screenshot with "--scrot" or "-s" scrot="off" # Screenshot program to launch # --scrot_cmd scrot_cmd="scrot -c -d 3" # Scrot dir # Where to save the screenshots # --scrot_dir /path/to/screenshot/folder scrot_dir="$HOME/Pictures" # Scrot filename # What to name the screenshots # --scrot_name str scrot_name="fetch-%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M.png" # }}} # Config Options {{{ # Enable/Disable config file # --config off, none config="on" # Path to custom config file location # --config path/to/config config_file="$HOME/.config/fetch/config" # }}} # Other Options {{{ # Separator to use in stdout mode. # --stdout_separator string stdout_separator=" " # Hide/Show the title in stdout mode. # --stdout_title on/off stdout_title="off" # Hide/Show each info's subtitle in stdout mode. # --stdout_subtitles on/off stdout_subtitles="on" # }}}