import argparse import hashlib import io from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode from pathlib import Path from typing import BinaryIO, Generator, Tuple, Any """ The read_chunks, hash_file, and rehash functions below comes from pip._internal They are copied to ensure compatibility with future python versions. """ def read_chunks(file: BinaryIO, size: int = io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]: """Yield pieces of data from a file-like object until EOF.""" while True: chunk = if not chunk: break yield chunk def hash_file(path: Path, blocksize: int = 1 << 20) -> Tuple[Any, int]: """Return (hash, length) for path using hashlib.sha256()""" h = hashlib.sha256() length = 0 with open(path, "rb") as f: for block in read_chunks(f, size=blocksize): length += len(block) h.update(block) return h, length def rehash(path: Path, blocksize: int = 1 << 20) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Return (encoded_digest, length) for path using hashlib.sha256()""" h, length = hash_file(path, blocksize) digest = "sha256=" + urlsafe_b64encode(h.digest()).decode("latin1").rstrip("=") return digest, str(length) if __name__ == '__main__': agupa = argparse.ArgumentParser() agupa.add_argument("base_path", help="The path of the wheel") args = agupa.parse_args() base_path = Path(args.base_path) # Find the name of the dist-info path dist_info = next(base_path.rglob("*.dist-info")) # Delete dist_info / record record = dist_info / "RECORD" order = record.read_text().splitlines() record.unlink() # Rehash each file in the wheel processed = set() new_record = [] for file in order: file = base_path / file.split(',')[0] if file.is_file(): digest, length = rehash(file) new_record.append(f"{str(file.relative_to(base_path)).replace("\\", "/")},{digest},{length}") processed.add(file) else: print(f"Ignoring {file} as it is not a file") for file in base_path.rglob('*'): if file.is_file() and file not in processed: digest, length = rehash(file) new_record.append(f"{str(file.relative_to(base_path)).replace("\\", "/")},{digest},{length}") new_record.append(f"{str(dist_info.relative_to(base_path)).replace("\\", "/")}/RECORD,,") # Write the new record record.write_text('\n'.join(new_record)) print("Rehashed successfully")