#!/usr/bin/env bash # set -x # vim: noai:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab # # Neofetch: Simple system information script. # https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch # # Created by Dylan Araps # https://github.com/dylanaraps/ bash_version="${BASH_VERSION/.*}" sys_locale="${LANG:-C}" XDG_CONFIG_HOME="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-${HOME}/.config}" # Speed up script by not using unicode. export LC_ALL=C export LANG=C # Add /usr/sbin and /sbin to PATH. export PATH="/usr/sbin:/sbin:${PATH}" # Set no case match. shopt -s nocasematch # Reset colors and bold. reset="\033[0m" # Save default IFS value. old_ifs="$IFS" # DETECT INFORMATION get_os() { # $kernel_name is set in a function called cache_uname and is # just the output of "uname -s". case "$kernel_name" in "Linux" | "GNU"*) os="Linux" ;; "Darwin") os="$(sw_vers -productName)" ;; *"BSD" | "DragonFly" | "Bitrig") os="BSD" ;; "CYGWIN"*) os="Windows" ;; "SunOS") os="Solaris" ;; "Haiku") os="Haiku" ;; "MINIX") os="MINIX" ;; *) printf "%s\n" "Unknown OS detected: '$kernel_name', aborting..." >&2 printf "%s\n" "Open an issue on GitHub to add support for your OS." >&2 exit 1 ;; esac } get_distro() { [[ "$distro" ]] && return case "$os" in "Linux" | "BSD" | "MINIX") if [[ "$(< /proc/version)" == *"Microsoft"* || "$(< /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease)" == *"Microsoft"* ]]; then case "$distro_shorthand" in "on") distro="$(lsb_release -sir) [Windows 10]" ;; "tiny") distro="Windows 10" ;; *) distro="$(lsb_release -sd) on Windows 10" ;; esac ascii_distro="Windows 10" elif [[ -f "/etc/GoboLinuxVersion" ]]; then case "$distro_shorthand" in "on" | "tiny") distro="GoboLinux" ;; *) distro="GoboLinux $(< /etc/GoboLinuxVersion)" esac elif [[ -f "/etc/redstar-release" ]]; then case "$distro_shorthand" in "on" | "tiny") distro="Red Star OS" ;; *) distro="Red Star OS $(awk -F'[^0-9*]' '$0=$2' /etc/redstar-release)" esac elif type -p lsb_release >/dev/null; then case "$distro_shorthand" in "on") lsb_flags="-sir" ;; "tiny") lsb_flags="-si" ;; *) lsb_flags="-sd" ;; esac distro="$(lsb_release $lsb_flags)" elif type -p guix >/dev/null; then distro="GuixSD" elif type -p crux >/dev/null; then distro="$(crux)" case "$distro_shorthand" in "on") distro="${distro//version}" ;; "tiny") distro="${distro//version*}" ;; esac elif [[ -d "/system/app/" && -d "/system/priv-app" ]]; then distro="Android $(getprop ro.build.version.release)" elif [[ -f "/etc/os-release" || -f "/usr/lib/os-release" ]]; then # Source the os-release file for file in /etc/os-release /usr/lib/os-release; do source "$file" 2>/dev/null && break done # Format the distro name. case "$distro_shorthand" in "on") distro="${NAME:-${DISTRIB_ID}} ${VERSION_ID:-${DISTRIB_RELEASE}}" ;; "tiny") distro="${NAME:-${DISTRIB_ID:-${TAILS_PRODUCT_NAME}}}" ;; "off") distro="${PRETTY_NAME:-${DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION}} ${UBUNTU_CODENAME}" ;; esac # Workarounds for distros that go against the os-release standard. [[ -z "${distro// }" ]] && distro="$(awk '/BLAG/ {print $1; exit}' /etc/os-release /usr/lib/os-release)" [[ -z "${distro// }" ]] && distro="$(awk -F'=' '{print $2; exit}' /etc/os-release /usr/lib/os-release)" else for release_file in /etc/*-release; do distro+="$(< "$release_file")" done if [[ -z "$distro" ]]; then case "$distro_shorthand" in "on" | "tiny") distro="$kernel_name" ;; *) distro="$kernel_name $kernel_version" ;; esac distro="${distro/DragonFly/DragonFlyBSD}" # Workarounds for FreeBSD based distros. [[ -f "/etc/pcbsd-lang" ]] && distro="PCBSD" [[ -f "/etc/rc.conf.trueos" ]] && distro="TrueOS" [[ -f "/etc/pacbsd-release" ]] && distro="PacBSD" # /etc/pacbsd-release is an empty file fi fi distro="$(trim_quotes "$distro")" ;; "Mac OS X") osx_version="$(sw_vers -productVersion)" osx_build="$(sw_vers -buildVersion)" case "$osx_version" in "10.4"*) codename="Mac OS X Tiger" ;; "10.5"*) codename="Mac OS X Leopard" ;; "10.6"*) codename="Mac OS X Snow Leopard" ;; "10.7"*) codename="Mac OS X Lion" ;; "10.8"*) codename="OS X Mountain Lion" ;; "10.9"*) codename="OS X Mavericks" ;; "10.10"*) codename="OS X Yosemite" ;; "10.11"*) codename="OS X El Capitan" ;; "10.12"*) codename="macOS Sierra" ;; *) codename="macOS" ;; esac distro="$codename $osx_version $osx_build" case "$distro_shorthand" in "on") distro="${distro/ ${osx_build}}" ;; "tiny") case "$osx_version" in "10."[4-7]*) distro="${distro/${codename}/Mac OS X}" ;; "10."[8-9]* | "10.1"[0-1]*) distro="${distro/${codename}/OS X}" ;; "10.12"*) distro="${distro/${codename}/macOS}" ;; esac distro="${distro/ ${osx_build}}" ;; esac ;; "iPhone OS") distro="iOS $(sw_vers -productVersion)" # "uname -m" doesn't print architecture on iOS so we force it off. os_arch="off" ;; "Windows") distro="$(wmic os get Caption /value)" # Strip crap from the output of wmic. distro="${distro/Caption'='}" distro="${distro/Microsoft }" ;; "Solaris") case "$distro_shorthand" in "on" | "tiny") distro="$(awk 'NR==1{print $1 " " $3;}' /etc/release)" ;; *) distro="$(awk 'NR==1{print $1 " " $2 " " $3;}' /etc/release)" ;; esac distro="${distro/\(*}" ;; "Haiku") distro="$(uname -sv | awk '{print $1 " " $2}')" ;; esac [[ -z "$distro" ]] && distro="$os (Unknown)" # Get OS architecture. [[ "$os_arch" == "on" ]] && \ distro+=" ${machine_arch}" [[ "${ascii_distro:-auto}" == "auto" ]] && \ ascii_distro="$(trim "$distro")" } get_model() { case "$os" in "Linux") if [[ -d "/system/app/" && -d "/system/priv-app" ]]; then model="$(getprop ro.product.brand) $(getprop ro.product.model)" elif [[ -f /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name || -f /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_version ]]; then model="$(< /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name)" model+=" $(< /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_version)" elif [[ -f /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model ]]; then model="$(< /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model)" elif [[ -f /tmp/sysinfo/model ]]; then model="$(< /tmp/sysinfo/model)" fi ;; "Mac OS X") model="$(sysctl -n hw.model)" ;; "iPhone OS") case "$machine_arch" in "iPad1,1") model="iPad" ;; "iPad2,"[1-4]) model="iPad2" ;; "iPad3,"[1-3]) model="iPad3" ;; "iPad3,"[4-6]) model="iPad4" ;; "iPad4,"[1-3]) model="iPad Air" ;; "iPad5,"[3-4]) model="iPad Air 2" ;; "iPad6,"[7-8]) model="iPad Pro (12.9 Inch)" ;; "iPad6,"[3-4]) model="iPad Pro (9.7 Inch)" ;; "iPad2,"[5-7]) model="iPad mini" ;; "iPad4,"[4-6]) model="iPad mini 2" ;; "iPad4,"[7-9]) model="iPad mini 3" ;; "iPad5,"[1-2]) model="iPad mini 4" ;; "iPhone1,1") model="iPhone" ;; "iPhone1,2") model="iPhone 3G" ;; "iPhone2,1") model="iPhone 3GS" ;; "iPhone3,"[1-3]) model="iPhone 4" ;; "iPhone4,1") model="iPhone 4S" ;; "iPhone5,"[1-2]) model="iPhone 4" ;; "iPhone5,"[3-4]) model="iPhone 5c" ;; "iPhone6,"[1-2]) model="iPhone 5s" ;; "iPhone7,2") model="iPhone 6" ;; "iPhone7,1") model="iPhone 6 Plus" ;; "iPhone8,1") model="iPhone 6s" ;; "iPhone8,2") model="iPhone 6s Plus" ;; "iPhone8,4") model="iPhone SE" ;; "iPhone9,1" | "iPhone9,3") model="iPhone 7" ;; "iPhone9,2" | "iPhone9,4") model="iPhone 7 Plus" ;; "iPod1,1") model="iPod touch" ;; "ipod2,1") model="iPod touch 2G" ;; "ipod3,1") model="iPod touch 3G" ;; "ipod4,1") model="iPod touch 4G" ;; "ipod5,1") model="iPod touch 5G" ;; "ipod7,1") model="iPod touch 6G" ;; esac ;; "BSD" | "MINIX") model="$(sysctl -n hw.vendor hw.product)" ;; "Windows") model="$(wmic computersystem get manufacturer,model /value)" model="${model/Manufacturer'='}" model="${model/Model'='}" ;; "Solaris") model="$(prtconf -b | awk -F':' '/banner-name/ {printf $2}')" ;; esac # Remove dummy OEM info. model="${model//To be filled by O.E.M.}" model="${model//To Be Filled*}" model="${model//OEM*}" model="${model//Not Applicable}" model="${model//System Product Name}" model="${model//System Version}" model="${model//Undefined}" model="${model//Default string}" model="${model//Not Specified}" } get_title() { user="${USER:-$(whoami || printf "%s" "${HOME/*\/}")}" hostname="${HOSTNAME:-$(hostname)}" title="${title_color}${bold}${user}${at_color}@${title_color}${bold}${hostname}" length="$((${#user} + ${#hostname} + 1))" } get_kernel() { case "$kernel_shorthand" in "on") kernel="$kernel_version" ;; "off") kernel="$kernel_name $kernel_version" ;; esac # Hide kernel info if it's identical to the distro info. if [[ "$os" =~ (BSD|MINIX) && "$distro" == *"$kernel_name"* ]]; then case "$distro_shorthand" in "on" | "tiny") kernel="$kernel_version" ;; *) unset kernel ;; esac fi } get_uptime() { # Since Haiku's uptime cannot be fetched in seconds, a case outside # the usual case is needed. case "$os" in "Haiku") uptime="$(uptime -u)" uptime="${uptime/up }" ;; *) # Get uptime in seconds. case "$os" in "Linux" | "Windows" | "MINIX") seconds="$(< /proc/uptime)" seconds="${seconds/.*}" ;; "Mac OS X" | "iPhone OS" | "BSD") boot="$(sysctl -n kern.boottime)" boot="${boot/'{ sec = '}" boot="${boot/,*}" # Get current date in seconds. now="$(date +%s)" seconds="$((now - boot))" ;; "Solaris") seconds="$(kstat -p unix:0:system_misc:snaptime | awk '{print $2}')" seconds="${seconds/.*}" ;; esac days="$((seconds / 60 / 60 / 24)) days" hours="$((seconds / 60 / 60 % 24)) hours" mins="$((seconds / 60 % 60)) minutes" # Format the days, hours and minutes. strip_date() { case "$1" in "0 "*) unset "${1/* }" ;; "1 "*) printf "%s" "${1/s}" ;; *) printf "%s" "$1" ;; esac } days="$(strip_date "$days")" hours="$(strip_date "$hours")" mins="$(strip_date "$mins")" uptime="${days:+$days, }${hours:+$hours, }${mins}" uptime="${uptime%', '}" uptime="${uptime:-${seconds} seconds}" ;; esac # Make the output of uptime smaller. case "$uptime_shorthand" in "on") uptime="${uptime/minutes/mins}" uptime="${uptime/minute/min}" uptime="${uptime/seconds/secs}" ;; "tiny") uptime="${uptime/ days/d}" uptime="${uptime/ day/d}" uptime="${uptime/ hours/h}" uptime="${uptime/ hour/h}" uptime="${uptime/ minutes/m}" uptime="${uptime/ minute/m}" uptime="${uptime/ seconds/s}" uptime="${uptime//,}" ;; esac } get_packages() { # Remove /usr/games from $PATH. # This solves issues with neofetch opening the "pacman" game. local PATH=":${PATH}:" local PATH="${PATH/':/usr/games:'/:}" local PATH="${PATH%:}" local PATH="${PATH#:}" case "$os" in "Linux" | "BSD" | "iPhone OS" | "Solaris") type -p pacman >/dev/null && \ packages="$(pacman -Qq --color never | wc -l)" type -p dpkg >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(dpkg --get-selections | grep -cv deinstall$)))" type -p pkgtool >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -1 /var/log/packages | wc -l)))" type -p rpm >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(rpm -qa | wc -l)))" type -p xbps-query >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(xbps-query -l | wc -l)))" type -p pkginfo >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(pkginfo -i | wc -l)))" type -p emerge >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -d /var/db/pkg/*/* | wc -l)))" type -p nix-env >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -d -1 /nix/store/*/ | wc -l)))" type -p guix >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -d -1 /gnu/store/*/ | wc -l)))" type -p apk >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(apk info | wc -l)))" type -p opkg >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(opkg list-installed | wc -l)))" type -p pacman-g2 >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(pacman-g2 -Q | wc -l)))" type -p cave >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -d -1 /var/db/paludis/repositories/cross-installed/*/data/* /var/db/paludis/repositories/installed/data/* | wc -l)))" type -p lvu >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(lvu installed | wc -l)))" type -p tce-status >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(tce-status -i | wc -l)))" type -p Compile >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -d -1 /Programs/*/ | wc -l)))" type -p eopkg >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(eopkg list-installed | wc -l)))" type -p pkg_info >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages+=$(pkg_info | wc -l)))" if type -p pkg >/dev/null; then case "$kernel_name" in "FreeBSD") packages="$((packages+=$(pkg info | wc -l)))" ;; *) packages="$((packages+=$(ls -1 /var/db/pkg | wc -l)))" (("$packages" == "0")) && packages="$((packages+=$(pkg list | wc -l)))" esac fi ;; "Mac OS X" | "MINIX") [[ -d "/usr/local/bin" ]] && \ packages="$(($(ls -l /usr/local/bin/ | grep -cv "\(../Cellar/\|brew\)") - 1))" type -p port >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages + $(port installed | wc -l) - 1))" type -p brew >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages + $(find /usr/local/Cellar -maxdepth 1 | wc -l) - 1))" type -p pkgin >/dev/null && \ packages="$((packages + $(pkgin list | wc -l)))" ;; "Windows") packages="$(cygcheck -cd | wc -l)" # Count chocolatey packages. [[ -d "/cygdrive/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib" ]] && \ packages="$((packages+=$(ls -1 /cygdrive/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib | wc -l)))" ;; "Haiku") packages="$(ls -1 /boot/system/package-links | wc -l)" ;; esac (("$packages" == "0")) && unset packages } get_shell() { case "$shell_path" in "on") shell="$SHELL " ;; "off") shell="${SHELL##*/} " ;; esac if [[ "$shell_version" == "on" ]]; then case "${SHELL##*/}" in "bash") shell+="${BASH_VERSION/-*}" ;; "sh") ;; "mksh" | "ksh") shell+="$("$SHELL" -c 'printf "%s" "$KSH_VERSION"')" shell="${shell/ * KSH}" shell="${shell/version}" ;; *) shell+="$("$SHELL" --version 2>&1)" shell="${shell/ ${SHELL##*/}}" ;; esac # Remove unwanted info. shell="${shell/, version}" shell="${shell/xonsh\//xonsh }" shell="${shell/options*}" shell="${shell/\(*\)}" fi } get_de() { # If function was run, stop here. (( "$de_run" == 1 )) && return case "$os" in "Mac OS X") de="Aqua" ;; "Windows") case "$distro" in "Windows 8"* | "Windows 10"*) de="Modern UI/Metro" ;; *) de="Aero" ;; esac ;; *) (( "$wm_run" != 1 )) && get_wm if [[ "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" ]]; then de="${de/'X-'}" de="${de/Budgie:GNOME/Budgie}" elif [[ "$DESKTOP_SESSION" ]]; then de="${DESKTOP_SESSION/ *}" elif [[ "$GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID" ]]; then de="GNOME" elif [[ "$MATE_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID" ]]; then de="MATE" fi # When a window manager is started from a display manager # the desktop variables are sometimes also set to the # window manager name. This checks to see if WM == DE # and dicards the DE value. [[ "$de" =~ $wm ]] && { unset -v de; return; } ;; esac # Fallback to using xprop. [[ -n "$DISPLAY" && -z "$de" ]] && \ de="$(xprop -root | awk '/KDE_SESSION_VERSION|^_MUFFIN|xfce4|xfce5/')" # Format strings. case "$de" in "KDE_SESSION_VERSION"*) de="KDE${de/* = }" ;; *"TDE_FULL_SESSION"*) de="Trinity" ;; *"MUFFIN"* | "Cinnamon") de="$(cinnamon --version)"; de="${de:-Cinnamon}" ;; *"xfce4"*) de="XFCE4" ;; *"xfce5"*) de="XFCE5" ;; *"xfce"*) de="XFCE" ;; *"mate"*) de="MATE" ;; esac # Log that the function was run. de_run=1 } get_wm() { # If function was run, stop here. (( "$wm_run" == 1 )) && return if [[ -n "$DISPLAY" && "$os" != "Mac OS X" ]]; then id="$(xprop -root -notype | awk '$1=="_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK:"{print $5}')" wm="$(xprop -id "$id" -notype -f _NET_WM_NAME 8t)" wm="${wm/*_NET_WM_NAME = }" wm="${wm/\"}" wm="${wm/\"*}" # Fallback for Wayland wms. [[ "$wm" == "xwlc" ]] && \ wm="$(ps -e | grep -m 1 -o -F -e "sway" -e "orbment" -e "velox" -e "orbital")" else case "$os" in "Mac OS X") wm="Quartz Compositor" ;; "Windows") wm="$(tasklist | grep -m 1 -o -F -e "bugn" -e "Windawesome" -e "blackbox" -e "emerge" -e "litestep")" [[ "$wm" == "blackbox" ]] && wm="bbLean (Blackbox)" wm="${wm:+$wm, }Explorer" ;; esac fi # Log that the function was run. wm_run=1 } get_wm_theme() { (( "$wm_run" != 1 )) && get_wm (( "$de_run" != 1 )) && get_de case "$wm" in "E16") wm_theme="$(awk -F "= " '/theme.name/ {print $2}' "${HOME}/.e16/e_config--0.0.cfg")";; "Sawfish") wm_theme="$(awk -F ")" '/\(quote default-frame-style/ {print $2}' "${HOME}/.sawfish/custom")" ;; "Cinnamon" | "Muffin" | "Mutter (Muffin)") detheme="$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.theme name)" wm_theme="$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.wm.preferences theme)" wm_theme="$detheme (${wm_theme})" ;; "Compiz" | "Mutter" | "GNOME Shell" | "Gala") if type -p gsettings >/dev/null; then wm_theme="$(gsettings get org.gnome.shell.extensions.user-theme name)" [[ -z "${wm_theme//\'}" ]] && \ wm_theme="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme)" elif type -p gconftool-2 >/dev/null; then wm_theme="$(gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme)" fi ;; "Metacity"*) if [[ "$de" == "Deepin" ]]; then wm_theme="$(gsettings get com.deepin.wrap.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme)" else wm_theme="$(gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/general/theme)" fi ;; "E17" | "Enlightenment") if type -p eet >/dev/null; then wm_theme="$(eet -d "${HOME}/.e/e/config/standard/e.cfg" config | awk '/value \"file\" string.*.edj/ {print $4}')" wm_theme="${wm_theme##*/}" wm_theme="${wm_theme%.*}" fi ;; "Fluxbox") [[ -f "${HOME}/.fluxbox/init" ]] && \ wm_theme="$(awk -F "/" '/styleFile/ {print $NF}' "${HOME}/.fluxbox/init")" ;; "IceWM"*) [[ -f "${HOME}/.icewm/theme" ]] && \ wm_theme="$(awk -F "[\",/]" '!/#/ {print $2}' "${HOME}/.icewm/theme")" ;; "Openbox") if [[ "$de" == "LXDE" && -f "${HOME}/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml" ]]; then ob_file="lxde-rc" elif [[ -f "${HOME}/.config/openbox/rc.xml" ]]; then ob_file="rc" fi wm_theme="$(awk -F "[<,>]" '/ 1 )) && gpu_num=1 for gpu in "${gpus[@]}"; do # GPU shorthand tests. [[ "$gpu_type" == "dedicated" && "$gpu" =~ (i|I)ntel ]] || \ [[ "$gpu_type" == "integrated" && ! "$gpu" =~ (i|I)ntel ]] && \ { unset -v gpu; continue; } case "$gpu" in *"advanced"*) gpu="${gpu/'[AMD/ATI]' }" gpu="${gpu/'[AMD]' }" gpu="${gpu/OEM }" gpu="${gpu/Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.}" gpu="${gpu/ \/ *}" gpu="${gpu/*\[}" gpu="${gpu/\]*}" gpu="AMD $gpu" ;; *"nvidia"*) gpu="${gpu/*\[}" gpu="${gpu/\]*}" gpu="NVIDIA $gpu" ;; *"intel"*) gpu="Intel Integrated Graphics" ;; *"virtualbox"*) gpu="VirtualBox Graphics Adapter" ;; esac if [[ "$gpu_brand" == "off" ]]; then gpu="${gpu/AMD }" gpu="${gpu/NVIDIA }" gpu="${gpu/Intel }" fi prin "${subtitle}${gpu_num}" "$gpu" gpu_num="$((gpu_num+=1))" done return ;; "Mac OS X") if [[ -f "${cache_dir}/neofetch/gpu" ]]; then source "${cache_dir}/neofetch/gpu" else gpu="$(system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | awk -F': ' '/^\ *Chipset Model:/ {printf $2 ", "}')" gpu="${gpu//'/ $'}" gpu="${gpu%,*}" cache "gpu" "$gpu" fi ;; "iPhone OS") case "$machine_arch" in "iPhone1,"[1-2]) gpu="PowerVR MBX Lite 3D" ;; "iPhone5,"[1-4]) gpu="PowerVR SGX543MP3" ;; "iPhone8,"[1-4]) gpu="PowerVR GT7600" ;; "iPad3,"[1-3]) gpu="PowerVR SGX534MP4" ;; "iPad3,"[4-6]) gpu="PowerVR SGX554MP4" ;; "iPad5,"[3-4]) gpu="PowerVR GXA6850" ;; "iPad6,"[3-8]) gpu="PowerVR 7XT" ;; "iPhone2,1" | "iPhone3,"[1-3] | "iPod3,1" | "iPod4,1" | "iPad1,1") gpu="PowerVR SGX535" ;; "iPhone4,1" | "iPad2,"[1-7] | "iPod5,1") gpu="PowerVR SGX543MP2" ;; "iPhone6,"[1-2] | "iPad4,"[1-9]) gpu="PowerVR G6430" ;; "iPhone7,"[1-2] | "iPod7,1" | "iPad5,"[1-2]) gpu="PowerVR GX6450" ;; "iPod1,1" | "iPod2,1") gpu="PowerVR MBX Lite" ;; esac ;; "BSD" | "Solaris" | "MINIX") case "$kernel_name" in "FreeBSD"* | "DragonFly"*) gpu="$(pciconf -lv | grep -B 4 -F "VGA" | grep -F "device")" gpu="${gpu/*device*= }" gpu="$(trim_quotes "$gpu")" ;; *) gpu="$(glxinfo | grep -F 'OpenGL renderer string')" gpu="${gpu/'OpenGL renderer string: '}" ;; esac ;; "Windows") gpu="$(wmic path Win32_VideoController get caption /value)" gpu="${gpu//Caption'='}" ;; "Haiku") gpu="$(listdev | grep -A2 -F 'device Display controller' | awk -F':' '/device beef/ {print $2}')" ;; esac if [[ "$gpu_brand" == "off" ]]; then gpu="${gpu/AMD}" gpu="${gpu/NVIDIA}" gpu="${gpu/Intel}" fi } get_memory() { case "$os" in "Linux" | "Windows") # MemUsed = Memtotal + Shmem - MemFree - Buffers - Cached - SReclaimable # Source: https://github.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch/issues/386#issuecomment-249312716 while IFS=":" read -r a b; do case "$a" in "MemTotal") mem_used="$((mem_used+=${b/kB}))"; mem_total="${b/kB}" ;; "Shmem") mem_used="$((mem_used+=${b/kB}))" ;; "MemFree" | "Buffers" | "Cached" | "SReclaimable") mem_used="$((mem_used-=${b/kB}))" ;; esac done < /proc/meminfo mem_used="$((mem_used / 1024))" mem_total="$((mem_total / 1024))" ;; "Mac OS X" | "iPhone OS") mem_total="$(($(sysctl -n hw.memsize) / 1024 / 1024))" mem_wired="$(vm_stat | awk '/wired/ { print $4 }')" mem_active="$(vm_stat | awk '/active / { printf $3 }')" mem_compressed="$(vm_stat | awk '/occupied/ { printf $5 }')" mem_used="$(((${mem_wired//.} + ${mem_active//.} + ${mem_compressed//.}) * 4 / 1024))" ;; "BSD" | "MINIX") # Mem total. case "$kernel_name" in "NetBSD"*) mem_total="$(($(sysctl -n hw.physmem64) / 1024 / 1024))" ;; *) mem_total="$(($(sysctl -n hw.physmem) / 1024 / 1024))" ;; esac # Mem free. case "$kernel_name" in "NetBSD"*) mem_free="$(($(awk -F ':|kB' '/MemFree:/ {printf $2}' /proc/meminfo) / 1024))" ;; "FreeBSD"* | "DragonFly"*) mem_free="$(top -d 1 | awk -F ',' '/^Mem:/ {print $5}')" mem_free="${mem_free/M Free}" ;; "MINIX") mem_free="$(top -d 1 | awk -F ',' '/^Memory:/ {print $2}')" mem_free="${mem_free/M Free}" ;; "OpenBSD"*) ;; *) mem_free="$(($(vmstat | awk 'END{printf $5}') / 1024))" ;; esac # Mem used. case "$kernel_name" in "OpenBSD"*) mem_used="$(($(vmstat | awk 'END{printf $4}') / 1024))" ;; *) mem_used="$((mem_total - mem_free))" ;; esac ;; "Solaris") mem_total="$(prtconf | awk '/Memory/ {print $3}')" mem_free="$(($(sar -r 1 1 | awk 'NR==5 {print $2}') / 1024))" mem_used="$((mem_total - mem_free))" ;; "Haiku") mem_total="$(($(sysinfo -mem | awk -F '\\/ |)' '{print $2; exit}') / 1024 / 1024))" mem_used="$(sysinfo -mem | awk -F '\\/|)' '{print $2; exit}')" mem_used="$((${mem_used/max} / 1024 / 1024))" ;; esac memory="${mem_used}MB / ${mem_total}MB" # Bars. case "$memory_display" in "bar") memory="$(bar "${mem_used}" "${mem_total}")" ;; "infobar") memory="${memory} $(bar "${mem_used}" "${mem_total}")" ;; "barinfo") memory="$(bar "${mem_used}" "${mem_total}") ${memory}" ;; esac } get_song() { # This is absurdly long. player="$(ps x | awk '!(/awk|Helper|Cache/) && /mpd|cmus|mocp|spotify|Google Play|iTunes.app|rhythmbox|banshee|amarok|deadbeef|audacious|xmms2d|gnome-music|lollypop|clementine|pragha|exaile|juk|bluemindo|guayadeque/ {printf $5 " " $6; exit}')" get_song_dbus() { # Multiple players use an almost identical dbus command to get the information. # This function saves us using the same command throughout the function. song="$(\ dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2."${1}" /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 \ org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get string:'org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player' string:'Metadata' |\ awk -F 'string "' '/string|array/ {printf "%s",$2; next}{print ""}' |\ awk -F '"' '/artist/ {a=$2} /title/ {t=$2} END{print a " - " t}' )" } case "${player/*\/}" in "mpd"*) song="$(mpc current)" ;; "mocp"*) song="$(mocp -Q "%artist - %song")" ;; "google play"*) song="$(gpmdp-remote current)" ;; "rhythmbox"*) song="$(rhythmbox-client --print-playing)" ;; "deadbeef"*) song="$(deadbeef --nowplaying '%a - %t')" ;; "audacious"*) song="$(audtool current-song)" ;; "xmms2d"*) song="$(xmms2 current -f '${artist} - ${title}')" ;; "gnome-music"*) get_song_dbus "GnomeMusic" ;; "lollypop"*) get_song_dbus "Lollypop" ;; "clementine"*) get_song_dbus "clementine" ;; "juk"*) get_song_dbus "juk" ;; "bluemindo"*) get_song_dbus "Bluemindo" ;; "guayadeque"*) get_song_dbus "guayadeque" ;; "cmus"*) song="$(cmus-remote -Q | awk '/tag artist/ {$1=$2=""; print; print " - "} /tag title/ {$1=$2=""; print}')" ;; "spotify"*) case "$os" in "Linux") get_song_dbus "spotify" ;; "Mac OS X") song="$(osascript -e 'tell application "Spotify" to artist of current track as string & " - " & name of current track as string')" ;; esac ;; "itunes"*) song="$(osascript -e 'tell application "iTunes" to artist of current track as string & " - " & name of current track as string')" ;; "banshee"*) song="$(banshee --query-artist --query-title | awk -F':' '/^artist/ {a=$2} /^title/ {t=$2} END{if (a && t) print a " - " t}')" ;; "amarok"*) song="$(qdbus org.kde.amarok /Player GetMetadata | awk -F':' '/^artist/ {a=$2} /^title/ {t=$2} END{if (a && t) print a " - " t}')" ;; "pragha"*) song="$(pragha -c | awk -F':' '/^artist/ {a=$2} /^title/ {t=$2} END{if (a && t) print a " - " t}')" ;; "exaile"*) song="$(dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.exaile.Exaile /org/exaile/Exaile \ org.exaile.Exaile.Query | awk -F':|,' '{if ($6 && $4) printf $6 " -" $4}')" ;; esac # Display Artist and Title on separate lines. if [[ "$song_shorthand" == "on" ]]; then artist="${song/ -*}" song="${song/$artist - }" if [[ "$song" != "$artist" ]]; then prin "Artist" "$artist" prin "Song" "$song" else prin "$subtitle" "$song" fi fi } get_resolution() { case "$os" in "Linux" | "BSD" | "Solaris" | "MINIX") if type -p xrandr >/dev/null; then case "$refresh_rate" in "on") resolution="$(xrandr --nograb --current | awk 'match($0,/[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\*/) {printf $1 " @ " substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) "Hz, "}')" ;; "off") resolution="$(xrandr --nograb --current | awk '/\*/ {printf $1 ", "}')" ;; esac resolution="${resolution//\*}" resolution="${resolution//\.[0-9][0-9]}" elif type -p xdpyinfo >/dev/null; then resolution="$(xdpyinfo | awk '/dimensions:/ {printf $2}')" fi ;; "Mac OS X") if type -p screenresolution >/dev/null; then resolution="$(screenresolution get | awk '/Display/ {printf $6 "Hz, "}')" resolution="${resolution//x??@/ @ }" else resolution="$(system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | awk '/Resolution:/ {printf $2"x"$4" @ "$6"Hz, "}')" fi scale_factor="$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print DisplayAnyUserSets:0:0:Resolution" /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver.plist)" # If no refresh rate is empty. [[ "$resolution" == *"@ Hz"* ]] && \ resolution="${resolution//@ Hz}" (("${scale_factor%.*}" == 2)) && \ resolution="${resolution// @/@2x @}" if [[ "$refresh_rate" == "off" ]]; then resolution="${resolution// @ [0-9][0-9]Hz}" resolution="${resolution// @ [0-9][0-9][0-9]Hz}" fi [[ "$resolution" == *"0Hz"* ]] && \ resolution="${resolution// @ 0Hz}" ;; "Windows") width="$(wmic path Win32_VideoController get CurrentHorizontalResolution /value)" width="${width//CurrentHorizontalResolution'='/}" height="$(wmic path Win32_VideoController get CurrentVerticalResolution /value)" height="${height//CurrentVerticalResolution'='/}" [[ "$(trim "$width")" ]] && resolution="${width}x${height}" ;; "Haiku") resolution="$(screenmode | awk -F ' |, ' '{printf $2 "x" $3 " @ " $6 $7}')" [[ "$refresh_rate" == "off" ]] && resolution="${resolution/ @*}" ;; esac resolution="${resolution%,*}" } get_style() { # Fix weird output when the function is run multiple times. unset gtk2_theme gtk3_theme theme path if [[ -n "$DISPLAY" && "$os" != "Mac OS X" ]]; then # Get DE if user has disabled the function. (( "$de_run" != 1 )) && get_de # Check for DE Theme. case "$de" in "KDE"*) kde_config_dir if [[ -f "${kde_config_dir}/share/config/kdeglobals" ]]; then kde_config_file="${kde_config_dir}/share/config/kdeglobals" theme="$(grep "^[^#]*${kde}" "$kde_config_file")" theme="${theme/${kde}*=}" theme="$(uppercase "$theme")" gtk_shorthand="on" else err "Theme: KDE config files not found, skipping." fi return ;; *"Cinnamon"*) if type -p gsettings >/dev/null; then gtk3_theme="$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.interface "$gsettings")" gtk2_theme="$gtk3_theme" fi ;; "Gnome"* | "Unity"* | "Budgie"*) if type -p gsettings >/dev/null; then gtk3_theme="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface "$gsettings")" gtk2_theme="$gtk3_theme" elif type -p gconftool-2 >/dev/null; then gtk2_theme="$(gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/interface/"$gconf")" fi ;; "Mate"*) gtk3_theme="$(gsettings get org.mate.interface "$gsettings")" gtk2_theme="$gtk3_theme" ;; "Xfce"*) type -p xfconf-query >/dev/null && \ gtk2_theme="$(xfconf-query -c xsettings -p "$xfconf")" ;; esac # Check for general GTK2 Theme. if [[ -z "$gtk2_theme" ]]; then if [[ -f "${GTK2_RC_FILES:-${HOME}/.gtkrc-2.0}" ]]; then gtk2_theme="$(grep "^[^#]*${name}" "${GTK2_RC_FILES:-${HOME}/.gtkrc-2.0}")" elif [[ -f "/usr/share/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" ]]; then gtk2_theme="$(grep "^[^#]*${name}" /usr/share/gtk-2.0/gtkrc)" elif [[ -f "/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" ]]; then gtk2_theme="$(grep "^[^#]*${name}" /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc)" fi gtk2_theme="${gtk2_theme/${name}*=}" fi # Check for general GTK3 Theme. if [[ -z "$gtk3_theme" ]]; then if [[ -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/gtk-3.0/settings.ini" ]]; then gtk3_theme="$(grep "^[^#]*$name" "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/gtk-3.0/settings.ini")" elif type -p gsettings >/dev/null; then gtk3_theme="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface "$gsettings")" elif [[ -f "/usr/share/gtk-3.0/settings.ini" ]]; then gtk3_theme="$(grep "^[^#]*$name" /usr/share/gtk-3.0/settings.ini)" elif [[ -f "/etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini" ]]; then gtk3_theme="$(grep "^[^#]*$name" /etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini)" fi gtk3_theme="${gtk3_theme/${name}*=}" fi # Trim whitespace. gtk2_theme="$(trim "$gtk2_theme")" gtk3_theme="$(trim "$gtk3_theme")" # Remove quotes. gtk2_theme="$(trim_quotes "$gtk2_theme")" gtk3_theme="$(trim_quotes "$gtk3_theme")" # Uppercase the first letter of each GTK theme. gtk2_theme="$(uppercase "$gtk2_theme")" gtk3_theme="$(uppercase "$gtk3_theme")" # Toggle visibility of GTK themes. [[ "$gtk2" == "off" ]] && unset gtk2_theme [[ "$gtk3" == "off" ]] && unset gtk3_theme # Format the string based on which themes exist. if [[ "$gtk2_theme" && "$gtk2_theme" == "$gtk3_theme" ]]; then gtk3_theme+=" [GTK2/3]" unset gtk2_theme elif [[ "$gtk2_theme" && "$gtk3_theme" ]]; then gtk2_theme+=" [GTK2], " gtk3_theme+=" [GTK3] " else [[ "$gtk2_theme" ]] && gtk2_theme+=" [GTK2] " [[ "$gtk3_theme" ]] && gtk3_theme+=" [GTK3] " fi # Final string. theme="${gtk2_theme}${gtk3_theme}" # Make the output shorter by removing "[GTKX]" from the string. if [[ "$gtk_shorthand" == "on" ]]; then theme="${theme// '[GTK'[0-9]']'}" theme="${theme/ '[GTK2/3]'}" fi fi } get_theme() { name="gtk-theme-name" gsettings="gtk-theme" gconf="gtk_theme" xfconf="/Net/ThemeName" kde="widgetStyle" get_style } get_icons() { name="gtk-icon-theme-name" gsettings="icon-theme" gconf="icon_theme" xfconf="/Net/IconThemeName" kde="Theme" get_style icons="$theme" } get_font() { name="gtk-font-name" gsettings="font-name" gconf="font_theme" xfconf="/Gtk/FontName" kde="font" get_style font="$theme" } get_term() { # If function was run, stop here. (( "$term_run" == 1 )) && return # Workaround for macOS systems that # don't support the block below. case "$TERM_PROGRAM" in "iTerm.app") term="iTerm2" ;; "Terminal.app") term="Apple Terminal" ;; "Hyper") term="HyperTerm" ;; *) term="${TERM_PROGRAM/\.app}" ;; esac # Check $PPID for terminal emulator. while [[ -z "$term" ]]; do parent="$(get_ppid "$parent")" name="$(get_process_name "$parent")" case "${name// }" in "${SHELL/*\/}" | *"sh" | "tmux"* | "screen" | "su"*) ;; "login"* | *"Login"* | "init" | "(init)") term="$(tty)" ;; "ruby" | "1" | "systemd" | "sshd"* | "python"* | "USER"*"PID"*) break ;; "gnome-terminal-") term="gnome-terminal" ;; *) term="${name##*/}" ;; esac done # Log that the function was run. term_run=1 } get_term_font() { (( "$term_run" != 1 )) && get_term case "$term" in "urxvt" | "urxvtd" | "xterm") term_font="$(grep -i -F "${term/d}*font" < <(xrdb -query))" term_font="${term_font/*font:}" term_font="$(trim "$term_font")" # Xresources has two different font formats, this checks which # one is in use and formats it accordingly. case "$term_font" in *"xft:"*) term_font="${term_font/xft:}" term_font="${term_font/:*}" ;; "-"*) term_font="$(awk -F '\\-' '{printf $3}' <<< "$term_font")" ;; esac ;; "xfce4-terminal") term_font="$(awk -F '=' '/^FontName/ {a=$2} END{print a}' "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc")" ;; "termite") term_font="$(awk -F '= ' '/^font/ {a=$2} END{print a}' "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/termite/config")" ;; "mintty") term_font="$(awk -F '=' '!/^($|#)/ && /Font/ {printf $2; exit}' "${HOME}/.minttyrc")" ;; "Apple_Terminal") term_font="$(osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to font name of window frontmost')" ;; "terminology") term_font="$(strings "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/terminology/config/standard/base.cfg" | awk '/^font\.name$/{print a}{a=$0}')" term_font="${term_font/.pcf}" term_font="${term_font/:*}" ;; "Hyper"*) term_font="$(awk -F "," '/fontFamily/ {a=$1} END{print a}' "${HOME}/.hyper.js" | awk -F "'" '{a=$2} END{print a}')" ;; "sakura"*) term_font="$(awk -F '=' '/^font=/ {a=$2} END{print a}' "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/sakura/sakura.conf")" ;; "konsole"*) # Use Process ID from get_term(). # The variable can include 'PPid:' and also whitespace # so we get rid of it here. parent="$(trim "${parent/PPid:}")" # Get PID of current child window / tab child="$(get_ppid "$$")" # Get all konsole sessions of the parent (all child windows and tabs) konsole_sessions=($(qdbus org.kde.konsole-"${parent}" | awk '/Sessions\//')) # Get profile of current session (window / tab) for session in "${konsole_sessions[@]}"; do if ((child == "$(qdbus org.kde.konsole-"${parent}" "${session}" processId)")); then profile="$(qdbus org.kde.konsole-"${parent}" "${session}" environment | awk -F '=' '/KONSOLE_PROFILE_NAME/ {print $2}')" break fi done term_font="$(awk -F '=|,' '/Font=/ {print $2}' "${HOME}/.local/share/konsole/${profile}".profile)" ;; esac } get_disk() { type -p df >/dev/null 2>&1 || { err "Disk requires 'df' to function. Install 'df' to get disk info."; return; } # Get "df" flags. case "$os" in "Haiku") err "Disk doesn't work on Haiku due to the non-standard 'df'"; return ;; "Minix") df_flags=(-h) ;; *) df_flags=(-P -h) ;; esac # Get the info for "/". disks=($(df "${df_flags[@]}" /)) || { err "Disk: 'df' exited with error code 1"; return; } # Put it all together. disk_perc="${disks[11]/'%'}" disk="${disks[9]/i} / ${disks[8]/i} (${disk_perc}%)" # Bar. case "$disk_display" in "bar") disk="$(bar "$disk_perc" "100")" ;; "infobar") disk+=" $(bar "$disk_perc" "100")" ;; "barinfo") disk="$(bar "$disk_perc" "100") $disk" ;; "perc") disk="${disk_perc}% $(bar "$disk_perc" "100")" ;; esac } get_battery() { case "$os" in "Linux") # We use 'prin' here and exit the function early so that we can # do multi battery support with a single battery per line. for bat in "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT"*; do capacity="$(< "${bat}/capacity")" status="$(< "${bat}/status")" # Fix for bash on Windows 10 which includes /proc files # for battery usage despite there not being a battery # installed. [[ -z "$capacity" ]] && return battery="${capacity}% [${status}]" case "$battery_display" in "bar") battery="$(bar "$capacity" 100)" ;; "infobar") battery+=" $(bar "$capacity" 100)" ;; "barinfo") battery="$(bar "$capacity" 100) ${battery}" ;; esac prin "${subtitle}${bat: -1}" "$battery" done return ;; "BSD") case "$kernel_name" in "FreeBSD"* | "DragonFly"*) battery="$(acpiconf -i 0 | awk -F ':\t' '/Remaining capacity/ {print $2}')" battery_state="$(acpiconf -i 0 | awk -F ':\t\t\t' '/State/ {print $2}')" ;; "NetBSD"*) battery="$(envstat | awk '\\(|\\)' '/charge:/ {print $2}')" battery="${battery/\.*/%}" ;; "OpenBSD"* | "Bitrig"*) battery0full="$(sysctl -n hw.sensors.acpibat0.watthour0)" battery0full="${battery0full/ Wh*}" battery0now="$(sysctl -n hw.sensors.acpibat0.watthour3)" battery0now="${battery0now/ Wh*}" [[ "$battery0full" ]] && \ battery="$((100 * ${battery0now/\.} / ${battery0full/\.}))%" ;; esac ;; "Mac OS X") battery="$(pmset -g batt | grep -o '[0-9]*%')" state="$(pmset -g batt | awk '/;/ {print $4}')" [[ "$state" == "charging;" ]] && battery_state="charging" ;; "Windows") battery="$(wmic Path Win32_Battery get EstimatedChargeRemaining /value)" battery="${battery/EstimatedChargeRemaining'='}" [[ "$(trim "$battery")" ]] && battery="%" ;; "Haiku") battery0full="$(awk -F '[^0-9]*' 'NR==2 {print $4}' /dev/power/acpi_battery/0)" battery0now="$(awk -F '[^0-9]*' 'NR==5 {print $4}' /dev/power/acpi_battery/0)" battery="$((battery0full * 100 / battery0now))%" ;; esac [[ "$battery_state" ]] && battery+=" Charging" case "$battery_display" in "bar") battery="$(bar "${battery/'%'*}" 100)" ;; "infobar") battery="${battery} $(bar "${battery/'%'*}" 100)" ;; "barinfo") battery="$(bar "${battery/'%'*}" 100) ${battery}" ;; esac } get_local_ip() { case "$os" in "Linux" | "BSD" | "Solaris") local_ip="$(ip route get 1 | awk '{print $NF;exit}')" [[ -z "$local_ip" ]] && local_ip="$(ifconfig | awk '/broadcast/ {print $2}')" ;; "MINIX") local_ip="$(ifconfig | awk '{printf $3; exit}')" ;; "Mac OS X" | "iPhone OS") local_ip="$(ipconfig getifaddr en0)" [[ -z "$local_ip" ]] && local_ip="$(ipconfig getifaddr en1)" ;; "Windows") local_ip="$(ipconfig | awk -F ': ' '/IPv4 Address/ {printf $2 ", "}')" local_ip="${local_ip%\,*}" ;; "Haiku") local_ip="$(ifconfig | awk -F ': ' '/Bcast/ {print $2}')" local_ip="${local_ip/', Bcast'}" ;; esac } get_public_ip() { if type -p dig >/dev/null; then public_ip="$(dig +time=1 +tries=1 +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com)" [[ "$public_ip" =~ ^\; ]] && unset public_ip fi if [[ -z "$public_ip" ]] && type -p curl >/dev/null; then public_ip="$(curl --max-time 10 -w '\n' "$public_ip_host")" fi if [[ -z "$public_ip" ]] && type -p wget >/dev/null; then public_ip="$(wget -T 10 -qO- "$public_ip_host")" fi } get_users() { users="$(who | awk '!seen[$1]++ {printf $1 ", "}')" users="${users%\,*}" } get_install_date() { case "$os" in "Linux" | "iPhone OS") install_date="$(ls -alct --full-time / | awk '/lost\+found|private/ {printf $6 " " $7}')" ;; "Mac OS X") install_date="$(ls -lUT /var/log/install.log | awk '{printf $9 " " $6 " " $7 " " $8}')" ;; "BSD" | "MINIX") case "$kernel_name" in "OpenBSD"* | "Bitrig"* | "MINIX") install_file="/" ;; "FreeBSD"*) install_file="/etc/hostid" ;; "NetBSD"* | "DragonFly"*) install_file="/etc/defaults/rc.conf" ;; esac install_date="$(ls -alctT "$install_file" | awk '{printf $9 " " $6 " " $7 " " $8 " "}')" ;; "Windows") install_date="$(ls -alct --full-time /cygdrive/c/Windows/explorer.exe | awk '{printf $8 " " $9}')" ;; "Solaris") install_date="$(ls -alct --full-time /var/sadm/system/logs/install_log | awk '{printf $6 " " $7}')" ;; "Haiku") install_date="$(ls -alctd --full-time /boot | awk '{printf $6 " " $7}')" ;; esac install_date="${install_date//-/ }" install_date="${install_date%:*}" install_date=($install_date) install_date="$(convert_time "${install_date[@]}")" } get_cols() { if [[ "$color_blocks" == "on" ]]; then # Convert the width to space chars. printf -v block_width "%${block_width}s" # Set variables. start="${block_range[0]}" end="${block_range[1]}" # Generate the string. for ((start; start<=end; start++)); do case "$start" in [0-6]) blocks+="${reset}\033[3${start}m\033[4${start}m${block_width}" ;; 7) blocks+="${reset}\033[3${start}m\033[4${start}m${block_width}" ;; *) blocks2+="\033[38;5;${start}m\033[48;5;${start}m${block_width}" ;; esac done # Convert height into spaces. printf -v spaces "%${block_height}s" # Convert the spaces into rows of blocks. [[ "$blocks" ]] && cols+="${spaces// /${blocks}${reset}nl}" [[ "$blocks2" ]] && cols+="${spaces// /${blocks2}${reset}nl}" # Add newlines to the string. cols="${cols%%'nl'}" cols="${cols//nl/\\n\\033[${text_padding}C${zws}}" printf "%b\n" "\033[${text_padding}C${zws}${cols}" info_height="$((info_height+=block_height+2))" fi unset -v blocks blocks2 cols # Tell info() that we printed manually. prin=1 } # IMAGES get_image_backend() { # This function determines which image backend to use # by checking for programs and etc. # If the image source isn't "ascii" or "off". if [[ ! "${image_source}" =~ ^(off|ascii)$ ]]; then # If X isn't running force ascii mode here. [[ -z "$DISPLAY" ]] && image_source="ascii" # Fallback to ascii mode if imagemagick isn't installed. type -p convert >/dev/null 2>&1 || image_source="ascii" fi # Get the image program. get_image_program # If image source is ascii fallback to ascii. if [[ "$image_source" == "ascii" ]]; then to_ascii "Image: \$image_source set to 'ascii', falling back to ascii mode." err "Image: Change \$image_source to another value to use image mode." return fi case "${image_backend:=image}" in "image") case "$image_source" in "wall"*) get_wallpaper 2>/dev/null ;; "off") image_backend="off"; return ;; *) if [[ -d "$image_source" ]]; then files=("${image_source%/}"/*.{png,jpg,jpeg}) printf -v image "%s" "${files[RANDOM % (${#files[@]} - 1)]}" else image="$image_source" fi ;; esac # Fallback to ascii mode if image isn't a file. if [[ ! -f "$image" ]]; then to_ascii "Image: '$image' doesn't exist, falling back to ascii mode." return fi get_term_size # Fallback to ascii mode if terminal size wasn't found. if [[ -z "$term_width" ]] || ((term_width == 0)); then to_ascii "Image: Failed to find terminal window size" err "Image: Check the 'Images in the terminal' wiki page for more info" return fi get_image_size make_thumbnail # If the backend is still set to "image" after # make_thumbnail(), then display the image. [[ "$image_backend" == "image" ]] && display_image ;; "ascii") get_ascii 2>/dev/null ;; esac # Set cursor position next to ascii art. [[ "$image_backend" != "off" ]] && printf "%b" "\033[${lines:-0}A\033[9999999D" } get_ascii() { if [[ ! -f "$ascii" || "$ascii" == "distro" ]]; then # Error message. [[ "$ascii" != "distro" && ! -f "$ascii" ]] && \ err "Ascii: Ascii file not found, using distro ascii." # Lowercase the distro name so we can match it to a file. if (("$bash_version" <= 3)); then ascii="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< "$ascii_distro")" else ascii="${ascii_distro,,}" fi if [[ -f "/usr/share/neofetch/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" ]]; then ascii="/usr/share/neofetch/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" elif [[ -f "/usr/local/share/neofetch/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" ]]; then ascii="/usr/local/share/neofetch/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" elif [[ -f "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/neofetch/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" ]]; then ascii="/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/neofetch/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" else get_script_dir 2>/dev/null # If the ascii file doesn't exist fallback to text mode. if [[ -f "$script_dir/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" ]]; then ascii="$script_dir/ascii/distro/${ascii/ *}" else to_off "Ascii: Ascii file not found, falling back to text mode." return fi fi fi # Set locale to get correct padding. export LC_ALL="$sys_locale" # Turn file into variable. while IFS=$'\n' read -r line 2>/dev/null; do print+="$line \n" # Calculate size of ascii file in line length / line count. line="${line//\$\{??\}}" line="${line//\\\\/\\}" (("${#line}" > "${ascii_length:-0}")) && ascii_length="${#line}" lines="$((lines+=1))" done < "$ascii" # Colors. print="${print//'${c1}'/$c1}" print="${print//'${c2}'/$c2}" print="${print//'${c3}'/$c3}" print="${print//'${c4}'/$c4}" print="${print//'${c5}'/$c5}" print="${print//'${c6}'/$c6}" # Overwrite padding if ascii_length_force is set. [[ "$ascii_length_force" ]] && ascii_length="$ascii_length_force" text_padding="$((ascii_length + gap))" printf "%b" "$print" export LC_ALL=C } get_image_program() { if [[ -n "$ITERM_PROFILE" ]]; then image_program="iterm2" elif [[ "$(tycat 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then image_program="tycat" else image_program="w3m" get_w3m_img_path fi } get_w3m_img_path() { if [[ -x "$w3m_img_path" ]]; then return elif [[ -x "/usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" ]]; then w3m_img_path="/usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" elif [[ -x "/usr/libexec/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" ]]; then w3m_img_path="/usr/libexec/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" elif [[ -x "/usr/lib64/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" ]]; then w3m_img_path="/usr/lib64/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" elif [[ -x "/usr/libexec64/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" ]]; then w3m_img_path="/usr/libexec64/w3m/w3mimgdisplay" else image_backend="ascii" err "Image: w3m-img wasn't found on your system, falling back to ascii mode." fi } get_wallpaper() { case "$os" in "Linux" | "BSD" | "Solaris" | "MINIX") # Get DE if user has disabled the function. (( "$de_run" != 1 )) && get_de case "$de" in "Cinnamon"*) image="$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.background picture-uri)" ;; "MATE"*) image="$(gsettings get org.mate.background picture-filename)" ;; "XFCE"*) image="$(xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/workspace0/last-image)" ;; *) if type -p feh >/dev/null && [[ -f "${HOME}/.fehbg" ]]; then image="$(awk -F\' '/feh/ {printf $2}' "${HOME}/.fehbg")" elif type -p nitrogen >/dev/null; then image="$(awk -F'=' '/file/ {printf $2;exit;}' "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nitrogen/bg-saved.cfg")" else image="$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri)" fi ;; esac # Strip un-needed info from the path. image="${image/'file://'}" image="$(trim_quotes "$image")" image="${image//\%20/ }" ;; "Mac OS X") image="$(osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to picture of current desktop')" ;; "Windows") case "$distro" in "Windows XP") image="/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/${USER}" image+="/Local Settings/Application Data/Microsoft" image+="/Wallpaper1.bmp" ;; "Windows"*) image="$APPDATA/Microsoft/Windows/Themes" image+="/TranscodedWallpaper.jpg" ;; esac ;; esac # If image is an xml file, don't use it. [[ "${image/*\./}" == "xml" ]] && image="" } get_term_size() { # This functions gets the current window size in # pixels. # # We first try to use the escape sequence "\044[14t" # to get the terminal window size in pixels. If this # fails we then fallback to using "xdotool" or other # programs. # Tmux has a special way of reading escape sequences # so we have to use a slightly different sequence to # get the terminal size. if [[ -n "$TMUX" ]]; then printf "%b" "\033Ptmux;\033\033[14t\033\033[c\033\\" read_flags=(-d c) elif [[ "$image_program" == "tycat" ]]; then printf "%b" "\033}qs\000" else printf "%b" "\033[14t\033[c" read_flags=(-d c) fi # The escape codes above print the desired output as # user input so we have to use read to store the out # -put as a variable. IFS=";" read -s -t 1 "${read_flags[@]}" -r -a term_size # Split the string into height/width. if [[ "$image_program" == "tycat" ]]; then term_width="$((term_size[2] * term_size[0]))" term_height="$((term_size[3] * term_size[1]))" else term_height="${term_size[1]}" term_width="${term_size[2]/t*}" fi # Get terminal width/height if \033[14t is unsupported. if [[ -z "$term_width" && "$image_program" == "w3m" ]]; then if type -p xdotool >/dev/null 2>&1; then current_window="$(xdotool getactivewindow)" source <(xdotool getwindowgeometry --shell "$current_window") term_height="$HEIGHT" term_width="$WIDTH" elif type -p xwininfo >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Get the focused window's ID. if type -p xdpyinfo >/dev/null 2>&1; then current_window="$(xdpyinfo | grep -E -o "focus:.*0x[0-9a-f]+")" current_window="${current_window/*window }" elif type -p xprop >/dev/null 2>&1; then current_window="$(xprop -root | awk '/_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW\(WINDOW\)/{print $NF}')" fi # If the ID was found get the window size. if [[ "$current_window" ]]; then term_size="$(xwininfo -id "$current_window" | awk -F ': ' '/Width|Height/ {printf $2 " "}')" term_width="${term_size/ *}" term_height="${term_size/${term_width}}" else term_width=0 fi else term_width=0 fi fi # If the terminal size was found correctly. if [[ "$term_width" ]] && ((term_width >= 1)); then clear zws="​ " fi } get_image_size() { # This functions determines the size to make # the thumbnail image. # Get terminal lines and columns. term_blocks="$(stty size)" columns="${term_blocks/* }" lines="${term_blocks/ *}" # Calculate font size. font_width="$((term_width / columns))" font_height="$((term_height / lines))" case "$image_size" in "auto") image_size="$((columns * font_width / 2))" term_height="$((term_height - term_height / 4))" (("$term_height" < "$image_size")) && \ image_size="$term_height" ;; *"%") percent="${image_size/\%}" image_size="$((percent * term_width / 100))" (("$((percent * term_height / 50))" < "$image_size")) && \ image_size="$((percent * term_height / 100))" ;; "none") # Get image size so that we can do a better crop. size="$(identify -format "%w %h" "$image")" width="${size%% *}" height="${size##* }" crop_mode="none" ;; *) image_size="${image_size/px}" ;; esac width="${width:-$image_size}" height="${height:-$image_size}" text_padding="$((width / font_width + gap + xoffset/font_width))" } make_thumbnail() { # Name the thumbnail using variables so we can # use it later. image_name="$crop_mode-$crop_offset-$width-$height" # Check to see if the image has a file extension, # if it doesn't then add one. case "${image##*/}" in *"."*) image_name="${image_name}-${image##*/}" ;; *) image_name="${image_name}-${image##*/}.jpg" ;; esac # Create the thumbnail dir if it doesn't exist. mkdir -p "$thumbnail_dir" # Check to see if the thumbnail exists before we do any cropping. if [[ ! -f "$thumbnail_dir/$image_name" ]]; then # Get image size so that we can do a better crop. if [[ -z "$size" ]]; then size="$(identify -format "%w %h" "$image")" og_width="${size%% *}" og_height="${size##* }" # This checks to see if height is greater than width # so we can do a better crop of portrait images. size="$og_height" (("$og_height" > "$og_width")) && size="$og_width" fi case "$crop_mode" in "fit") c="$(convert "$image" \ -colorspace srgb \ -format "%[pixel:p{0,0}]" info:)" convert \ "$image" \ -trim +repage \ -gravity south \ -background "$c" \ -extent "$size"x"$size" \ -scale "$width"x"$height" \ "$thumbnail_dir/$image_name" ;; "fill") convert \ "$image" \ -trim +repage \ -scale "$width"x"$height"^ \ -extent "$width"x"$height" \ "$thumbnail_dir/$image_name" ;; "none") cp "$image" "$thumbnail_dir/$image_name" ;; *) convert \ "$image" \ -gravity "$crop_offset" \ -crop "$size"x"$size"+0+0 \ -quality 95 \ -scale "$width"x"$height" \ "$thumbnail_dir/$image_name" ;; esac fi # The final image. image="$thumbnail_dir/$image_name" } display_image() { case "$image_program" in "w3m") # Add a tiny delay to fix issues with images not # appearing in specific terminal emulators. sleep 0.05 printf "%b\n" "0;1;$xoffset;$yoffset;$width;$height;;;;;$image\n4;\n3;" |\ "$w3m_img_path" -bg "$background_color" >/dev/null & 2>&1 || to_off "Images: w3m-img failed to display the image." ;; "iterm2") printf "%b\a\n" "\033]1337;File=width=${width}px;height=${height}px;inline=1:$(base64 < "$image")" ;; "tycat") tycat "$image" || to_off "Images: tycat failed to display the image." ;; esac } to_ascii() { # This function makes neofetch fallback to ascii mode. image_backend="ascii" # Print the ascii art. get_ascii 2>/dev/null # Move cursor next to ascii art. printf "%b" "\033[${lines:-0}A\033[9999999D" # Log the error. err "$1" } to_off() { # This function makes neofetch fallback to off mode. text_padding="0" image_backend="off" err "$1" } # SCREENSHOT take_scrot() { if [[ -d "$scrot_dir" ]]; then scrot_program "${scrot_dir}${scrot_name}" 2>/dev/null else printf "%s\n" "Screenshot: $scrot_dir doesn't exist. Edit the config file or create the directory to take screenshots." fi [[ "$scrot_upload" == "on" ]] && scrot_upload } scrot_upload() { if ! type -p curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf "%s\n" "[!] Install curl to upload images" return fi image_file="${scrot_dir}${scrot_name}" printf "%s\n" "Uploading image..." case "$image_host" in "teknik") image_url="$(curl -sf -F file="@${image_file};type=image/png" "https://api.teknik.io/v1/Upload")" image_url="$(awk -F 'url:|,' '{printf $2}' <<< "${image_url//\"}")" ;; "imgur") image_url="$(curl -sH "Authorization: Client-ID 0e8b44d15e9fc95" -F image="@${image_file}" "https://api.imgur.com/3/upload")" image_url="$(awk -F 'id:|,' '{printf $2}' <<< "${image_url//\"}")" [[ "$image_url" ]] && image_url="https://i.imgur.com/${image_url}.png" ;; esac printf "%s\n" "${image_url:-'[!] Image failed to upload'}" } scrot_args() { scrot="on" case "$2" in "-"* | "") ;; *) scrot_name="${2##*/}" scrot_dir="${2/$scrot_name}" ;; esac } scrot_program() { # Detect screenshot program. # # We first check to see if an X server is running before # falling back to OS specific screenshot tools. if [[ -n "$DISPLAY" ]]; then if [[ "$scrot_cmd" != "auto" ]] && type -p "$scrot_cmd" >/dev/null; then scrot_program=("$scrot_cmd") elif type -p scrot >/dev/null; then scrot_program=(scrot) elif type -p maim >/dev/null; then scrot_program=(maim) elif type -p import >/dev/null; then scrot_program=(import -window root) elif type -p imlib2_grab >/dev/null; then scrot_program=(imlib2_grab) elif type -p gnome-screenshot >/dev/null; then scrot_program=(gnome-screenshot -f) else err "Scrot: No screen capture tool found." return fi else case "$os" in "Mac OS X") scrot_program=(screencapture -S) ;; "Haiku") scrot_program=(screenshot -s) ;; esac fi # Take the scrot. "${scrot_program[@]}" "$1" err "Scrot: Screen captured using ${scrot_program[0]}" } # TEXT FORMATTING info() { # Save subtitle value. subtitle="$1" # Make sure that $prin is unset. unset -v prin # Call the function. "get_${2:-$1}" 2>/dev/null # If the get_func function called 'prin' directly, stop here. [[ "$prin" ]] && return # Update the variable. output="$(trim "${!2:-${!1}}")" if [[ "$2" && "${output// }" ]]; then length="$((${#1} + ${#output} + 2))" prin "$1" "$output" elif [[ "${output// }" ]]; then [[ -z "$length" ]] && length="${#output}" prin "$output" else err "Info: Couldn't detect ${1}." fi } prin() { # If $2 doesn't exist we format $1 as info. [[ -z "$2" ]] && local subtitle_color="$info_color" # Format the output. string="${1//$'\033[0m'}${2:+: $2}" string="$(trim "$string")" string="${string/:/${reset}${colon_color}:${info_color}}" string="${subtitle_color}${bold}${string}" # Print the info. printf "%b\n" "\033[${text_padding}C${zws}${string}${reset} " # Calculate info height. info_height="$((info_height+=1))" # Log that prin was used. prin=1 } get_underline() { if [[ "$underline_enabled" == "on" ]]; then printf -v underline "%${length}s" underline="${underline_color}${underline// /$underline_char}" unset -v length fi } get_line_break() { # Print it directly. printf "%s\n" "${zws} " # Calculate info height. info_height="$((info_height+=1))" # Tell info() that we printed manually. prin=1 } get_bold() { case "$ascii_bold" in "on") ascii_bold="\033[1m" ;; "off") ascii_bold="" ;; esac case "$bold" in "on") bold="\033[1m" ;; "off") bold="" ;; esac } trim() { # When a string is passed to "echo" all trailing and leading # whitespace is removed and inside the string multiple spaces are # condensed into single spaces. # # The "set -f/+f" is here so that "echo" doesn't cause any expansion # of special characters. # # The whitespace trim doesn't work with multiline strings so we use # "${1//[[:space:]]/ }" to remove newlines before we trim the whitespace. set -f # shellcheck disable=2086 builtin echo -E ${1//[[:space:]]/ } set +f } trim_quotes() { trim_output="${1//\'}" trim_output="${trim_output//\"}" printf "%s" "$trim_output" } uppercase() { (("$bash_version" >= 4)) && printf "%s" "${1^}" } # COLORS get_distro_colors() { # This function sets the text colors according # to your OS/Distro's logo colors. # # $ascii_distro is the same as $distro. case "$ascii_distro" in "Arch"* | "Kogaion"* | "Elementary"* | "GalliumOS"* | "Rosa"* | "OpenWrt"* | "Netrunner"* | "PCLinuxOS"* | "Slackware"* | "KaOS"* | "Kubuntu"* | "Lubuntu"* | "Xubuntu"* | "OpenIndiana"* | "Fedora"* | "Korora"* | "Sabayon"* | "Frugalware"* | "Exherbo"* | "Scientific"* | "Solus"* | "ChaletOS"* | "Apricity"* | "SwagArch"* | "AOSC"* | "Ubuntu-Budgie"*) set_colors 4 7 1 ;; "RFRemix"*) set_colors 4 7 1 ascii_distro="Fedora" ;; "CentOS"*) set_colors 3 2 4 5 7 ;; "GoboLinux"*) set_colors 5 4 6 2 ;; "SalentOS"*) set_colors 2 1 3 7 ;; "CRUX"* | "Chakra"* | "gNewSense"* | "SailfishOS"* | "Alpine"* | "Ubuntu-GNOME"* | "Qubes"*) set_colors 4 5 7 6 ;; "Chrom"*) set_colors 2 1 3 4 7 ascii_distro="chrome" ;; "Raspbian"*) set_colors 2 1 ;; "Debian"* | "Ubuntu"* | "DragonFly"* | "PacBSD"* | "Oracle"* | "BlankOn"* | "DracOS"* | "Peppermint"* | "Minix"*) set_colors 1 7 3 ;; "antiX"*) set_colors 1 7 3 ascii_Distro="antix" ;; "FreeBSD"*) set_colors 1 7 3 ascii_distro="freebsd" ;; "PCBSD"* | "TrueOS"*) set_colors 1 7 3 ascii_distro="trueos" ;; "Red Star"* | "Redstar") set_colors 1 7 3 ascii_distro="redstar" ;; "Red"*) set_colors 1 7 3 ascii_distro="redhat" ;; "Kali"*) set_colors 4 8 ;; "BunsenLabs"*) set_colors fg 7 ;; "OpenMandriva"*) set_colors 4 3 ;; "NetBSD"* | "Parabola"* | "Tails"* | "BLAG"* | "Funtoo"* | "SteamOS"* | "Devuan"*) set_colors 5 7 ;; "Gentoo"*) set_colors 5 7 ascii_distro="gentoo" ;; "OpenBSD"* | "GuixSD"* | "Pardus"*) set_colors 3 7 6 1 8 ;; *"SUSE"* | "Manjaro"* | "Deepin"* |"LMDE"* | "Chapeau"* | "Bitrig"*) set_colors 2 7 ;; "KDE"*) set_colors 2 7 ascii_distro="kde" ;; "Android"*) set_colors 2 7 ascii_length_force="19" ;; *"Mint"*) set_colors 2 7 ascii_distro="mint" ;; "Puppy"* | "Quirky Werewolf"* | "Precise Puppy"*) set_colors 4 7 ascii_distro="puppy" ;; "Sparky"*) set_colors 1 7 ascii_distro="sparky" ;; "Trisquel"* | "NixOS"* | "Zorin"* | "Antergos"*) set_colors 4 6 ;; "MX"*) set_colors 4 6 7 ascii_distro="mx" ;; "Travis") set_colors 1 2 3 4 5 6 ;; "Grombyang"*) set_colors 4 2 1 ascii_distro="grombyang" ;; "Void"* | "Haiku"*) set_colors 2 8 ;; "Mageia"* | "Porteus"* | "Parrot"* | "SmartOS"*) set_colors 6 7 ;; "Windows 8"* | "Windows 10"*) set_colors 6 7 ascii_distro="windows10" ;; "Windows"*) set_colors 1 2 4 3 ;; "Linux") set_colors fg 8 3 ;; *"OS X"* | *"iOS"* | "Mac" | *"macOS"*) set_colors 2 3 1 1 5 4 ascii_distro="mac" ;; *) case "$kernel_name" in "Linux") ascii_distro="linux" set_colors fg 8 3 ;; *"BSD") ascii_distro="bsd" set_colors 1 7 4 3 6 ;; "GNU"*) ascii_distro="gnu" set_colors fg ;; "SunOS") ascii_distro="solaris" set_colors 3 ;; esac ;; esac # Overwrite distro colors if '$ascii_colors' doesn't # equal 'distro'. if [[ "${ascii_colors[0]}" != "distro" ]]; then color_text="off" set_colors "${ascii_colors[@]}" fi } set_colors() { c1="$(color "$1")${ascii_bold}" c2="$(color "$2")${ascii_bold}" c3="$(color "$3")${ascii_bold}" c4="$(color "$4")${ascii_bold}" c5="$(color "$5")${ascii_bold}" c6="$(color "$6")${ascii_bold}" [[ "$color_text" != "off" ]] && set_text_colors "$@" } set_text_colors() { if [[ "${colors[0]}" == "distro" ]]; then title_color="$(color "$1")" at_color="$reset" underline_color="$reset" subtitle_color="$(color "$2")" colon_color="$reset" info_color="$reset" # If the ascii art uses 8 as a color, make the text the fg. (("$1" == 8)) && title_color="$reset" (("$2" == 8)) && subtitle_color="$reset" # If the second color is white use the first for the subtitle. (("$2" == 7)) && subtitle_color="$(color "$1")" (("$1" == 7)) && title_color="$reset" else title_color="$(color "${colors[0]}")" at_color="$(color "${colors[1]}")" underline_color="$(color "${colors[2]}")" subtitle_color="$(color "${colors[3]}")" colon_color="$(color "${colors[4]}")" info_color="$(color "${colors[5]}")" fi # Bar colors. if [[ "$bar_color_elapsed" == "distro" ]]; then bar_color_elapsed="$(color fg)" else bar_color_elapsed="$(color "$bar_color_elapsed")" fi case "$bar_color_total $1" in "distro "[736]) bar_color_total="$c2" ;; "distro "[0-9]) bar_color_total="$c1" ;; *) bar_color_total="$(color "$bar_color_total")" ;; esac } color() { case "$1" in [0-6]) printf "%b" "${reset}\033[3${1}m" ;; 7 | "fg") printf "%b" "$reset" ;; *) printf "%b" "\033[38;5;${1}m" ;; esac } # OTHER err() { err+="$(color 1)[!]\033[0m $1\n" } get_script_dir() { [[ "$script_dir" ]] && return # Use $0 to get the script's physical path. cd "${0%/*}" || exit script_dir="${0##*/}" # Iterate down a (possible) chain of symlinks. while [[ -L "$script_dir" ]]; do script_dir="$(readlink "$script_dir")" cd "${script_dir%/*}" || exit script_dir="${script_dir##*/}" done # Final directory. script_dir="$(pwd -P)" } get_default_config() { if [[ -f "/usr/share/neofetch/config" ]]; then default_config="/usr/share/neofetch/config" elif [[ -f "/usr/local/share/neofetch/config" ]]; then default_config="/usr/local/share/neofetch/config" elif [[ -f "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/neofetch/config" ]]; then default_config="/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/neofetch/config" else get_script_dir default_config="${script_dir}/config/config" travis_config="${script_dir}/config/travis" fi if source "$default_config"; then err "Config: Sourced default config. (${default_config})" else err "Config: Default config not found, continuing..." fi } get_user_config() { # Check $config_file. if [[ -f "$config_file" ]]; then source "$config_file" err "Config: Sourced user config. (${config_file})" return elif [[ "$config_file" == "travis" ]]; then source "$travis_config" err "Config: Sourced user config. (${travis_config})" return fi mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/neofetch/" # Check ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/neofetch and create the # dir/files if they don't exist. if [[ -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/neofetch/config" ]]; then config_file="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/neofetch/config" elif [[ -f "/usr/share/neofetch/config" ]]; then cp "/usr/share/neofetch/config" "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/neofetch" config_file="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/neofetch/config" elif [[ -f "/usr/local/share/neofetch/config" ]]; then cp "/usr/local/share/neofetch/config" "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/neofetch" config_file="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/neofetch/config" else get_script_dir cp "${script_dir}/config/config" "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/neofetch" config_file="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/neofetch/config" fi source "$config_file" err "Config: Sourced user config. (${config_file})" # Check for deprecated options. old_options } bar() { # Get the values. elapsed="$(($1 * bar_length / $2))" # Create the bar with spaces. printf -v prog "%${elapsed}s" printf -v total "%$((bar_length - elapsed))s" # Set the colors and swap the spaces for $bar_char_. bar+="${bar_color_elapsed}${prog// /$bar_char_elapsed}" bar+="${bar_color_total}${total// /$bar_char_total}" # Borders. [[ "$bar_border" == "on" ]] && \ bar="$(color fg)[${bar}$(color fg)]" printf "%b\n" "${bar}${info_color}" } cache() { if [[ "$2" ]]; then mkdir -p "${cache_dir}/neofetch" printf "%s" "${1/*-}=\"$2\"" > "${cache_dir}/neofetch/${1/*-}" fi } get_cache_dir() { case "$os" in "Mac OS X") cache_dir="/Library/Caches" ;; *) cache_dir="/tmp" ;; esac } kde_config_dir() { # If the user is using KDE get the KDE # configuration directory. if [[ "$kde_config_dir" ]]; then return elif [[ -n "$KDE_CONFIG_DIR" ]]; then kde_config_dir="$KDE_CONFIG_DIR" elif type -p kde4-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then kde_config_dir="$(kde4-config --localprefix)" elif type -p kde-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then kde_config_dir="$(kde-config --localprefix)" elif [[ -d "${HOME}/.kde4" ]]; then kde_config_dir="${HOME}/.kde4" elif [[ -d "${HOME}/.kde3" ]]; then kde_config_dir="${HOME}/.kde3" fi } get_term_padding() { # Terminal info. # # Parse terminal config files to get # info about padding. Due to how w3m-img # works padding around the terminal throws # off the cursor placement calculation in # specific terminals. # # Note: This issue only seems to affect # URxvt. (( "$term_run" != 1 )) && get_term case "$term" in "URxvt"*) border="$(xrdb -query | awk -F ':' '/^(URxvt|\*).internalBorder/ {printf $2; exit}')" ;; esac } dynamic_prompt() { case "$image_backend" in "image") get_term_padding 2>/dev/null # Calculate image height in terminal cells. lines="$(((border * 2 + height + yoffset) / font_height))" ;; "off") return ;; esac # If the info is higher than the ascii/image place the prompt # based on the info height instead of the ascii/image height. if (("${lines:-0}" < "${info_height:-0}")); then printf "\n" return else lines="$((lines - info_height))" fi # Set the prompt location. if (("$lines" < 0)); then printf "%b" "\033[${lines/-}A" else printf "%b" "\033[${lines}B" fi # Add some padding. printf "\n\n\n\n" } old_functions() { # Deprecated functions. # Neofetch 2.0 changed the names of a few variables. # This function adds backwards compatibility for the # old variable names. if type printinfo >/dev/null 2>&1; then print_info() { printinfo ; } get_wmtheme() { get_wm_theme; wmtheme="$wm_theme"; } get_termfont() { get_term_font; termfont="$term_font"; } get_localip() { get_local_ip; localip="$local_ip"; } get_publicip() { get_public_ip; publicip="$public_ip"; } get_linebreak() { get_line_break; linebreak="$line_break"; } fi get_birthday() { get_install_date; birthday="$install_date"; } } old_options() { [[ -n "$osx_buildversion" ]] && err "Config: \$osx_buildversion is deprecated, use \$distro_shorthand instead." [[ -n "$osx_codename" ]] && err "Config: \$osx_codename is deprecated, use \$distro_shorthand instead." [[ "$cpu_cores" == "on" ]] && err "Config: cpu_cores='on' is deprecated, use cpu_cores='logical|physical|off' instead." [[ -n "$image" ]] && { err "Config: \$image is deprecated, use \$image_source instead."; image_source="$image"; } # All progress_ variables were changed to bar_. [[ -n "$progress_char" ]] && err "Config: \$progress_char is deprecated, use \$bar_char_elapsed and \$bar_char_total instead." [[ -n "$progress_border" ]] && err "Config: \$progress_border is deprecated, use \$bar_border instead." [[ -n "$progress_length" ]] && err "Config: \$progress_length is deprecated, use \$bar_length instead." [[ -n "$progress_color_elapsed" ]] && err "Config: \$progress_color_elapsed is deprecated, use \$bar_color_elapsed instead." [[ -n "$progress_color_total" ]] && err "Config: \$progress_color_total is deprecated, use \$bar_color_total instead." # All cpufreq values were changed in 2.1.0. [[ "$speed_type" == "current" ]] && err "Config: speed_type='current' is deprecated, use speed_type='scaling_cur_freq' instead." [[ "$speed_type" == "min" ]] && err "Config: speed_type='min' is deprecated, use speed_type='scaling_min_freq' instead." [[ "$speed_type" == "max" ]] && err "Config: speed_type='max' is deprecated, use speed_type='scaling_max_freq' instead." [[ "$speed_type" == "bios" ]] && err "Config: speed_type='bios' is deprecated, use speed_type='bios_limit' instead." # Ascii_logo_size was removed in 2.1.0. [[ "$ascii_logo_size" ]] && err "Config: ascii_logo_size is deprecated, use ascii_distro='{arch,crux,gentoo}_small' instead." # $start and $end were replaced with ${block_range[@]} in 2.1.0. [[ "$start" && "$end" ]] && { err "Config: \$start and \$end are deprecated, use block_range=(0 7) instead."; block_range=("$start" "$end"); } } cache_uname() { # Cache the output of uname so we don't # have to spawn it multiple times. uname=($(uname -srm)) kernel_name="${uname[0]}" kernel_version="${uname[1]}" machine_arch="${uname[2]}" } convert_time() { # Convert ls timestamp to 'Tue 06 Dec 2016 4:58 PM' format. year="$1" day="$3" # Split time into hours/minutes. hour="${4/:*}" min="${4/${hour}}" # Get month. (Month code is used for day of week) # Due to different versions of 'ls', the month can be 1, 01 or Jan. case "$2" in 1 | 01 | "Jan") month="Jan"; month_code="0" ;; 2 | 02 | "Feb") month="Feb"; month_code="3" ;; 3 | 03 | "Mar") month="Mar"; month_code="3" ;; 4 | 04 | "Apr") month="Apr"; month_code="6" ;; 5 | 05 | "May") month="May"; month_code="1" ;; 6 | 06 | "Jun") month="Jun"; month_code="4" ;; 7 | 07 | "Jul") month="Jul"; month_code="6" ;; 8 | 08 | "Aug") month="Aug"; month_code="2" ;; 9 | 09 | "Sep") month="Sep"; month_code="5" ;; 10 | "Oct") month="Oct"; month_code="0" ;; 11 | "Nov") month="Nov"; month_code="3" ;; 12 | "Dec") month="Dec"; month_code="5" ;; esac # Get leap year. # Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/725098/leap-year-calculation [[ "$((year % 4))" == 0 && "$((year % 100))" != 0 || "$((year % 400))" == 0 ]] && \ [[ "$month" =~ (Jan|Feb) ]] && \ leap_code="1" # Calculate day of week. # Source: http://blog.artofmemory.com/how-to-calculate-the-day-of-the-week-4203.html year_code="$((${year/??} + (${year/??} / 4) % 7))" week_day="$(((year_code + month_code + 6 + day - leap_code) % 7))" case "$week_day" in 0) week_day="Sun" ;; 1) week_day="Mon" ;; 2) week_day="Tue" ;; 3) week_day="Wed" ;; 4) week_day="Thu" ;; 5) week_day="Fri" ;; 6) week_day="Sat" ;; esac # Convert 24 hour time to 12 hour time + AM/PM. case "$install_time_format" in "12h") case "$hour" in [0-9] | 0[0-9] | 1[0-1]) time="${hour/00/12}${min} AM" ;; *) time="$((hour - 12))${min} PM" ;; esac ;; *) time="$4" ;; esac # Toggle showing the time. [[ "$install_time" == "off" ]] && unset time # Print the install date. printf "%s" "$week_day $day $month $year $time" } get_ppid() { # Get parent process ID of PID. case "$os" in "Windows") ppid="$(ps -p "${1:-$PPID}" | awk '{printf $2}')" ppid="${ppid/'PPID'}" ;; "Linux") ppid="$(grep -i -F "PPid:" "/proc/${1:-$PPID}/status")" ppid="$(trim "${ppid/PPid:}")" ;; *) ppid="$(ps -p "${1:-$PPID}" -o ppid=)" ;; esac printf "%s" "$ppid" } get_process_name() { # Get PID name. case "$os" in "Windows") name="$(ps -p "${1:-$PPID}" | awk '{printf $8}')" name="${name/'COMMAND'}" name="${name/*\/}" ;; "Linux") name="$(< "/proc/${1:-$PPID}/comm")" ;; *) name="$(ps -p "${1:-$PPID}" -o comm=)" ;; esac printf "%s" "$name" } # FINISH UP usage() { printf "%s" "\ Usage: neofetch --option \"value\" --option \"value\" Neofetch is a CLI system information tool written in BASH. Neofetch displays information about your system next to an image, your OS logo, or any ASCII file of your choice. NOTE: Every launch flag has a config option. Options: INFO --disable infoname Allows you to disable an info line from appearing in the output. NOTE: You can supply multiple args. eg. 'neofetch --disable cpu gpu disk shell' --os_arch on/off Hide/Show OS architecture. --speed_type type Change the type of cpu speed to display. Possible values: current, min, max, bios, scaling_current, scaling_min, scaling_max NOTE: This only supports Linux with cpufreq. --cpu_shorthand type Shorten the output of CPU Possible values: name, speed, tiny, on, off --cpu_cores type Whether or not to display the number of CPU cores Takes: logical, physical, off NOTE: 'physical' doesn't work on BSD. --cpu_speed on/off Hide/Show cpu speed. --cpu_temp on/off Hide/Show cpu temperature. NOTE: This only works on Linux and BSD. NOTE: For FreeBSD-based systems, you need to enable coretemp kernel module. --distro_shorthand on/off Shorten the output of distro (tiny, on, off) NOTE: This option won't work in Windows (Cygwin) --kernel_shorthand on/off Shorten the output of kernel NOTE: This option won't work in BSDs (except PacBSD and PC-BSD) --uptime_shorthand on/off Shorten the output of uptime (tiny, on, off) --refresh_rate on/off Whether to display the refresh rate of each monitor Unsupported on Windows --gpu_brand on/off Enable/Disable GPU brand in output. (AMD/NVIDIA/Intel) --gpu_type type Which GPU to display. (all, dedicated, integrated) NOTE: This only supports Linux. --gtk_shorthand on/off Shorten output of gtk theme/icons --gtk2 on/off Enable/Disable gtk2 theme/font/icons output --gtk3 on/off Enable/Disable gtk3 theme/font/icons output --shell_path on/off Enable/Disable showing \$SHELL path --shell_version on/off Enable/Disable showing \$SHELL version --ip_host url URL to query for public IP --song_shorthand on/off Print the Artist/Title on separate lines --install_time on/off Enable/Disable showing the time in Install Date output. --install_time_format 12h/24h Set time format in Install Date to be 12 hour or 24 hour. TEXT FORMATTING --colors x x x x x x Changes the text colors in this order: title, @, underline, subtitle, colon, info --underline on/off Enable/Disable the underline. --underline_char char Character to use when underlining title --bold on/off Enable/Disable bold text COLOR BLOCKS --color_blocks on/off Enable/Disable the color blocks --block_width num Width of color blocks in spaces --block_height num Height of color blocks in lines --block_range num num Range of colors to print as blocks BARS --bar_char 'elapsed char' 'total char' Characters to use when drawing bars. --bar_border on/off Whether or not to surround the bar with '[]' --bar_length num Length in spaces to make the bars. --bar_colors num num Colors to make the bar. Set in this order: elapsed, total --cpu_display mode Bar mode. Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off --memory_display mode Bar mode. Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off --battery_display mode Bar mode. Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off --disk_display mode Bar mode. Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off IMAGE --image type Image source. Where and what image we display. Possible values: wall, ascii, /path/to/img, /path/to/dir/, off --size 00px | --size 00% How to size the image. Possible values: auto, 00px, 00%, none --crop_mode mode Which crop mode to use Takes the values: normal, fit, fill --crop_offset value Change the crop offset for normal mode. Possible values: northwest, north, northeast, west, center, east, southwest, south, southeast --xoffset px How close the image will be to the left edge of the window. This only works with w3m. --yoffset px How close the image will be to the top edge of the window. This only works with w3m. --bg_color color Background color to display behind transparent image. This only works with w3m. --gap num Gap between image and text. NOTE: --gap can take a negative value which will move the text closer to the left side. --clean Delete cached files and thumbnails. ASCII --ascii value Where to get the ascii from, Possible values: distro, /path/to/ascii --ascii_colors x x x x x x Colors to print the ascii art --ascii_distro distro Which Distro's ascii art to print NOTE: Arch and Ubuntu have 'old' logo variants. NOTE: Use 'arch_old' or 'ubuntu_old' to use the old logos. NOTE: Ubuntu has flavor variants. NOTE: Change this to 'Lubuntu', 'Xubuntu', 'Ubuntu-GNOME', 'Ubuntu-Studio' or 'Ubuntu-Budgie' to use the flavors. NOTE: Arch, Crux and Gentoo have a smaller logo variant. NOTE: Change this to 'arch_small', 'crux_small' or 'gentoo_small' to use the small logos. --ascii_bold on/off Whether or not to bold the ascii logo. -L, --logo Hide the info text and only show the ascii logo. SCREENSHOT -s, --scrot /path/to/img Take a screenshot, if path is left empty the screen- shot function will use \$scrot_dir and \$scrot_name. -su, --upload /path/to/img Same as --scrot but uploads the scrot to a website. --image_host Website to upload scrots to. Takes: imgur, teknik --scrot_cmd cmd Screenshot program to launch OTHER --config /path/to/config Specify a path to a custom config file --config none Launch the script without a config file --help Print this text and exit --version Show neofetch version -v Display error messages. -vv Display a verbose log for error reporting. DEVELOPER --gen-man Generate a manpage for Neofetch in your PWD. (Requires GNU help2man) Report bugs to https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch/issues " exit 1 } version() { printf "%s" "\ Neofetch 2.1.0 Copyright (c) 2016 Dylan Araps Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Written by Dylan Araps with help from the following people: https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch/contributors " exit 1 } get_args() { # Check the commandline flags early for '--config'. [[ "$@" =~ --config ]] || get_user_config 2>/dev/null while [[ "$1" ]]; do case "$1" in # Info "--os_arch") os_arch="$2" ;; "--cpu_cores") cpu_cores="$2" ;; "--cpu_speed") cpu_speed="$2" ;; "--cpu_temp") cpu_temp="$2" ;; "--speed_type") speed_type="$2" ;; "--distro_shorthand") distro_shorthand="$2" ;; "--kernel_shorthand") kernel_shorthand="$2" ;; "--uptime_shorthand") uptime_shorthand="$2" ;; "--cpu_shorthand") cpu_shorthand="$2" ;; "--gpu_brand") gpu_brand="$2" ;; "--gpu_type") gpu_type="$2" ;; "--refresh_rate") refresh_rate="$2" ;; "--gtk_shorthand") gtk_shorthand="$2" ;; "--gtk2") gtk2="$2" ;; "--gtk3") gtk3="$2" ;; "--shell_path") shell_path="$2" ;; "--shell_version") shell_version="$2" ;; "--ip_host") public_ip_host="$2" ;; "--song_shorthand") song_shorthand="$2" ;; "--install_time") install_time="$2" ;; "--install_time_format") install_time_format="$2" ;; "--disable") for func in "$@"; do case "$func" in "--disable") continue ;; "-"*) break ;; *) (("$bash_version" >= 4)) && func="${func,,}" unset -f "get_$func" ;; esac done ;; # Text Colors "--colors") unset colors for arg in "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" "$7"; do case "$arg" in "-"*) break ;; *) colors+=($arg) esac done colors+=(7 7 7 7 7 7) ;; # Text Formatting "--underline") underline_enabled="$2" ;; "--underline_char") underline_char="$2" ;; "--bold") bold="$2" ;; # Color Blocks "--color_blocks") color_blocks="$2" ;; "--block_range") block_range=("$2" "$3") ;; "--block_width") block_width="$2" ;; "--block_height") block_height="$2" ;; # Bars "--bar_char") bar_char_elapsed="$2" bar_char_total="$3" ;; "--bar_border") bar_border="$2" ;; "--bar_length") bar_length="$2" ;; "--bar_colors") bar_color_elapsed="$2" bar_color_total="$3" ;; "--cpu_display") cpu_display="$2" ;; "--memory_display") memory_display="$2" ;; "--battery_display") battery_display="$2" ;; "--disk_display") disk_display="$2" ;; # Image "--image") image_source="$2" case "$2" in "-"* | "" | "ascii") image_backend="ascii" ;; esac ;; "--image_size" | "--size") image_size="$2" ;; "--crop_mode") crop_mode="$2" ;; "--crop_offset") crop_offset="$2" ;; "--xoffset") xoffset="$2" ;; "--yoffset") yoffset="$2" ;; "--background_color" | "--bg_color") background_color="$2" ;; "--gap") gap="$2" ;; "--clean") [[ -d "$thumbnail_dir" ]] && rm -rf "$thumbnail_dir" rm -rf "/Library/Caches/neofetch/" rm -rf "/tmp/neofetch/" exit ;; # Ascii "--ascii") image_backend="ascii" ascii="$2" case "$2" in "-"* | "") ascii="distro" ;; esac ;; "--ascii_colors") unset ascii_colors for arg in "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" "$7"; do case "$arg" in "-"*) break ;; *) ascii_colors+=($arg) esac done ascii_colors+=(7 7 7 7 7 7) ;; "--ascii_distro") image_backend="ascii" ascii_distro="$2" case "$2" in "-"* | "") ascii_distro="$distro" ;; esac ;; "--ascii_bold") ascii_bold="$2" ;; "--logo" | "-L") image_backend="ascii" print_info() { info line_break; } ;; # Screenshot "--scrot" | "-s") scrot_args "$@" ;; "--upload" | "-su") scrot_upload="on" scrot_args "$@" ;; "--image_host") image_host="$2" ;; "--scrot_cmd") scrot_cmd="$2" ;; # Other "--config") case "$2" in "none" | "off" | "") config="off" ;; *) config_file="$2"; config="on"; get_user_config 2>/dev/null ;; esac ;; "-v") verbose="on" ;; "-vv") set -x; verbose="on" ;; "--help") usage ;; "--version") version ;; "--gen-man") help2man -n"A fast, highly customizable system info script" -N ./neofetch -o neofetch.1; exit 1 ;; esac shift done } main() { cache_uname get_os get_default_config 2>/dev/null get_args "$@" get_distro 2>/dev/null get_bold get_distro_colors # Minix doesn't support these sequences. if [[ "$TERM" != "minix" ]]; then # If the script exits for any reason, unhide the cursor. trap 'printf "\033[?25h\033[?7h"' EXIT # Hide the cursor and disable line wrap. printf "\033[?25l\033[?7l" fi get_image_backend old_functions get_cache_dir print_info 2>/dev/null dynamic_prompt # w3m-img: Draw the image a second time to fix # rendering issues in specific terminal emulators. [[ "$image_backend" == "image" && "$image_program" == "w3m" ]] && display_image # Take a screenshot. [[ "$scrot" == "on" ]] && take_scrot # Show error messages. [[ "$verbose" == "on" ]] && printf "%b" "$err" >&2 return 0 } main "$@"