[F] Fix duplicate random color arrangements

This commit is contained in:
Azalea (on HyDEV-Daisy) 2022-07-29 09:55:09 -04:00
parent 92623417f9
commit 9c187da44a

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@ -194,14 +194,17 @@ def create_config() -> Config:
ascii_per_row = TERM_LEN // (asc_width + 2)
# Random color schemes
# ascii_indices =
pis = list(range(len(_prs.unique_colors().colors)))
while len(pis) < len(set(re.findall('(?<=\\${c)[0-9](?=})', asc))):
slots = len(set(re.findall('(?<=\\${c)[0-9](?=})', asc)))
while len(pis) < slots:
pis += pis
perm = list(permutations(pis))
perm = {p[:slots] for p in permutations(pis)}
random_count = ascii_per_row * 2 - 2
choices = random.sample(perm, random_count)
choices = [{i: n for i, n in enumerate(c)} for c in choices]
if random_count > len(perm):
choices = perm
choices = random.sample(perm, random_count)
choices = [{i + 1: n for i, n in enumerate(c)} for c in choices]
asciis += [[*ColorAlignment('custom', r).recolor_ascii(asc, _prs).split('\n'), f'random{i}'.center(asc_width)]
for i, r in enumerate(choices)]
@ -213,7 +216,7 @@ def create_config() -> Config:
[printc(' '.join(line)) for line in zip(*current)]
print('You can type "roll" to randomize again.')
print('Choose a color arrangement. You can type "roll" to randomize again.')
choice = literal_input(f'Your choice?', ['horizontal', 'vertical', 'roll'] + [f'random{i}' for i in range(random_count)], 'horizontal')