extra spaces in song information

This commit is contained in:
xPMo 2018-09-10 16:59:14 -05:00 committed by Michael Straube
parent ed0b0a9746
commit 92c3ad7493

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@ -2374,18 +2374,18 @@ get_song() {
org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get string:'org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player' \
string:'Metadata' |\
awk -F '"' 'BEGIN {RS=" entry"}; /xesam:artist/ {a = $4} /xesam:album/ {b = $4}
/xesam:title/ {t = $4} END {print a " \n " b " \n " t}'
/xesam:title/ {t = $4} END {print a "\n" b "\n" t}'
case "${player/*\/}" in
"mpd"*|"mopidy"*) song="$(mpc -f '%artist%\n%album%\n%title%' current "${mpc_args[@]}")" ;;
"mocp"*) song="$(mocp -Q '%artist \n %album \n %song')" ;;
"mocp"*) song="$(mocp -Q '%artist\n%album\n%song')" ;;
"google play"*) song="$(gpmdp-remote current)" ;;
"rhythmbox"*) song="$(rhythmbox-client --print-playing-format '%ta \n %at \n %tt')" ;;
"deadbeef"*) song="$(deadbeef --nowplaying-tf '%artist% \n %album% \n %title%')" ;;
"rhythmbox"*) song="$(rhythmbox-client --print-playing-format '%ta\n%at\n%tt')" ;;
"deadbeef"*) song="$(deadbeef --nowplaying-tf '%artist%\n%album%\n%title%')" ;;
"xmms2d"*) song="$(xmms2 current -f "\${artist}"$'\n'"\${album}"$'\n'"\${title}")" ;;
"qmmp"*) song="$(qmmp --nowplaying '%p \n %a \n %t')" ;;
"qmmp"*) song="$(qmmp --nowplaying '%p\n%a\n%t')" ;;
"gnome-music"*) get_song_dbus "GnomeMusic" ;;
"lollypop"*) get_song_dbus "Lollypop" ;;
"clementine"*) get_song_dbus "clementine" ;;
@ -2416,7 +2416,7 @@ get_song() {
/tag title/ {
$1=$2=""; sub(" ", ""); t=$0
END { print a " \n " b " \n " t }')"
END { print a "\n" b "\n" t }')"
@ -2425,36 +2425,36 @@ get_song() {
"Mac OS X")
song="$(osascript -e 'tell application "Spotify" to artist of current track as¬
string & " \n " & album of current track as¬
string & " \n " & name of current track as string')"
string & "\n" & album of current track as¬
string & "\n" & name of current track as string')"
song="$(osascript -e 'tell application "iTunes" to artist of current track as¬
string & " \n " & album of current track as¬
string & " \n " & name of current track as string')"
string & "\n" & album of current track as¬
string & "\n" & name of current track as string')"
song="$(banshee --query-artist --query-album --query-title |\
awk -F':' '/^artist/ {a=$2} /^album/ {b=$2} /^title/ {t=$2}
END {print a " \n " b " \n "t}')"
END {print a "\n" b "\n"t}')"
# NOTE: Exaile >= 4.0.0 will support mpris2.
song="$(dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.exaile.Exaile /org/exaile/Exaile \
org.exaile.Exaile.Query |
awk -F':|,' '{if ($6 && $8 && $4) printf $6 " \n" $8 " \n" $4}')"
awk -F':|,' '{if ($6 && $8 && $4) printf $6 "\n" $8 "\n" $4}')"
song="$(dbus-send --print-reply --dest=net.sacredchao.QuodLibet \
/net/sacredchao/QuodLibet net.sacredchao.QuodLibet.CurrentSong |\
awk -F'"' '/artist/ {getline; a=$2} /album/ {getline; b=$2}
/title/ {getline; t=$2} END {print a " \n " b " \n " t}')"
/title/ {getline; t=$2} END {print a "\n" b "\n" t}')"
@ -2472,10 +2472,10 @@ get_song() {
END {print a " \n " b " \n " t}')"
END {print a "\n" b "\n" t}')"
*) mpc &>/dev/null && song="$(mpc -f '%artist% \n %album% \n %title%' current)" ;;
*) mpc &>/dev/null && song="$(mpc -f '%artist%\n%album%\n%title%' current)" ;;
[[ "$song" != *[a-z]* ]] && { unset -v song; return; }