Update README.md
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 1 additions and 287 deletions
@ -29,157 +29,7 @@ https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch/wiki/Dependencies
## Installation
Those using a git version of neofetch should check this page after<br \>
updating, this page lists any breaking changes that were made and<br \>
how you can workaround them.
- [Arch Linux](#arch)
- [Gentoo / Funtoo](#gentoo--funtoo)
- [CRUX](#crux)
- [Ubuntu](#ubuntu)
- [Debian](#debian)
- [Fedora / RHEL / CentOS](#fedora--rhel--centos)
- [Void Linux](#void-linux)
- [BunsenLabs](#bunsenlabs)
- [Solus](#solus)
- [Slackware](#slackware)
- [macOS](#mac-os-x)
- [iOS](##ios-1)
- [Android (Termux)](#android-termux)
- [Manual](#manual)
### Arch
1. Install **[neofetch](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/neofetch/)** or **[neofetch-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/neofetch-git/)** from the aur.
### Gentoo / Funtoo
You can install `app-misc/neofetch` from Gentoo/Funtoo's official repositories.
To install the git version of neofetch, use `=app-misc/neofetch-9999` instead.
### CRUX
1. Install git and the git ports(8) driver
- `sudo prt-get depinst git`
2. Add the `6c36-git` repository
- `sudo wget -O /etc/ports/6c37-git.git "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/6c37/cross/master/git-driver/6c37-git.git"`
3. Sync the repos
- `sudo ports -u`
4. Add the repo to /etc/prt-get.conf with your text editor of choice
- `prtdir /usr/ports/6c37-git`
5. Install the package
- `sudo prt-get depinst neofetch`
Or alternatively use the [port](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/6c37/crux-ports-git/3.2/neofetch/Pkgfile):
1. Download port
- `wget -O ~/work/neofetch/Pkgfile "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/6c37/crux-ports-git/3.2/neofetch/Pkgfile"`
2. Build the package
- `fakeroot pkgmk -d`
3. Install the package
- `sudo pkgadd neofetch#git-*.pkg.tar.gz`
### Ubuntu
1. Add PPA
- `sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dawidd0811/neofetch`
2. Update repositories
- `sudo apt update`
3. Install the package
- `sudo apt install neofetch`
### Debian
1. Add the 3rd party repo
- `echo "deb http://dl.bintray.com/dawidd6/neofetch jessie main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list`
2. Add public key (you need to have curl installed)
- `curl -L "https://bintray.com/user/downloadSubjectPublicKey?username=bintray" -o Release-neofetch.key && sudo apt-key add Release-neofetch.key && rm Release-neofetch.key`
3. Update repositories
- `sudo apt-get update`
4. Install the package
- `sudo apt-get install neofetch`
### Fedora / RHEL / CentOS
**NOTE**: If you are using RHEL/CentOS, change `dnf` into `yum`.
1. Make sure you have installed `dnf-plugins-core`
2. Enable COPR repository
- `sudo dnf copr enable konimex/neofetch`
3. Install the package
- `sudo dnf install neofetch`
1. Change your working directory to `/etc/yum.repos.d/`
2. Fetch the repo file
- `wget https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/konimex/neofetch/repo/epel-7/konimex-neofetch-epel-7.repo`
* **NOTE**: If you are using Fedora, change `epel-7` to `fedora-23` or your Fedora version respectively. However if you are using RHEL/CentOS 6, change it to `epel-6`.
3. Install the package
- `sudo dnf install neofetch`
### Void Linux
Install it from the official repositories
- `sudo xbps-install -S neofetch`
### BunsenLabs
Neofetch is available in the official repos.
1. `sudo apt-get update`
2. `sudo apt-get install neofetch`
### Solus
Use the Software Center or type `sudo eopkg it neofetch`.
### Slackware
Download the files from [SlackBuilds](https://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.2/desktop/neofetch/) and follow [their instructions](https://slackbuilds.org/howto/).
### macOS
1. Install `neofetch` with Homebrew
- `brew install neofetch`
### iOS
1. Add `http://dylanaraps.com/repo` to your cydia sources.
2. Install `neofetch` through cydia.
### Android (Termux)
You can install it using `apt install neofetch`
### Manual
1. Download the latest source at https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch
2. Run `make install` inside the script directory to install the script.
- **El Capitan**: `PREFIX=/usr/local make install`
**NOTE:** Neofetch can be uninstalled easily using `make uninstall`.
**NOTE:** You can run neofetch from any folder on your system, all the makefile does is move the files to a
"sane" location. The makefile is optional.
## Post Install
@ -198,18 +48,6 @@ specify a custom config location using `--config path/to/config`.
#### Customizing what info gets displayed
In the config file there's a function that allows you to customize all of the info that<br \>
gets displayed.
Here's what you can do:
- Add new info lines
- Change the ordering of the info
- Remove unwanted info lines
- Use bash syntax to control when info gets displayed
See this wiki page that goes more in-depth about it:
@ -231,130 +69,6 @@ alias neofetch2="neofetch \
## Usage
usage: neofetch --option "value" --option "value"
NOTE: There's also a config option for each flag below.
--disable infoname Allows you to disable an info line from appearing
in the output.
NOTE: You can supply multiple args. eg.
'neofetch --disable cpu gpu disk shell'
--os_arch on/off Hide/Show OS architecture.
--speed_type type Change the type of cpu speed to display.
Possible values: current, min, max, bios,
scaling_current, scaling_min, scaling_max
NOTE: This only support Linux with cpufreq.
--cpu_shorthand type Shorten the output of CPU
Possible values: name, speed, tiny, on, off
--cpu_cores type Whether or not to display the number of CPU cores
Takes: logical, physical, off
Note: 'physical' doesn't work on BSD.
--cpu_speed on/off Hide/Show cpu speed.
--cpu_temp on/off Hide/Show cpu temperature.
NOTE This only works on linux.
--distro_shorthand on/off Shorten the output of distro (tiny, on, off)
NOTE: This option won't work in Windows (Cygwin)
--kernel_shorthand on/off Shorten the output of kernel
NOTE: This option won't work in BSDs (except PacBSD and PC-BSD)
--uptime_shorthand on/off Shorten the output of uptime (tiny, on, off)
--refresh_rate on/off Whether to display the refresh rate of each monitor
Unsupported on Windows
--gpu_brand on/off Enable/Disable GPU brand in output. (AMD/NVIDIA/Intel)
--gtk_shorthand on/off Shorten output of gtk theme/icons
--gtk2 on/off Enable/Disable gtk2 theme/icons output
--gtk3 on/off Enable/Disable gtk3 theme/icons output
--shell_path on/off Enable/Disable showing \$SHELL path
--shell_version on/off Enable/Disable showing \$SHELL version
--ip_host url Url to query for public IP
--song_shorthand on/off Print the Artist/Title on seperate lines
--birthday_shorthand on/off Shorten the output of birthday
--birthday_time on/off Enable/Disable showing the time in birthday output
--birthday_format format Format the birthday output. (Uses 'date' cmd format)
Text Formatting:
--colors x x x x x x Changes the text colors in this order:
title, @, underline, subtitle, colon, info
--underline on/off enable/disable the underline.
--underline_char char Character to use when underlining title
--bold on/off Enable/Disable bold text
Color Blocks:
--color_blocks on/off Enable/Disable the color blocks
--block_width num Width of color blocks in spaces
--block_height num Height of color blocks in lines
--block_range start end Range of colors to print as blocks
Progress Bars:
--progress_char 'elapsed char' 'total char'
Characters to use when drawing progress bars.
--progress_border on/off Whether or not to surround the bar with '[]'
--progress_length num Length in spaces to make the progress bars.
--progress_colors num num Colors to make the progress bar.
Set in this order: elapsed, total
--cpu_display mode Progress bar mode.
Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off
--memory_display mode Progress bar mode.
Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off
--battery_display mode Progress bar mode.
Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off
--disk_display mode Progress bar mode.
Takes: bar, infobar, barinfo, off
--image type Image source. Where and what image we display.
Possible values: wall, ascii,
/path/to/img, /path/to/dir/, off
--size 00px | --size 00% How to size the image.
Possible values: auto, 00px, 00%, none
--crop_mode mode Which crop mode to use
Takes the values: normal, fit, fill
--crop_offset value Change the crop offset for normal mode.
Possible values: northwest, north, northeast,
west, center, east, southwest, south, southeast
--xoffset px How close the image will be to the left edge of the
window. This only works with w3m.
--yoffset px How close the image will be to the top edge of the
window. This only works with w3m.
--bg_color color Background color to display behind transparent image.
This only works with w3m.
--gap num Gap between image and text.
NOTE: --gap can take a negative value which will
move the text closer to the left side.
--clean Remove all cropped images
--ascii value Where to get the ascii from, Possible values:
distro, /path/to/ascii
--ascii_colors x x x x x x Colors to print the ascii art
--ascii_distro distro Which Distro's ascii art to print
--ascii_logo_size Size of ascii logo.
Supported distros: Arch, Gentoo, Crux, OpenBSD.
--ascii_bold on/off Whether or not to bold the ascii logo.
--logo | -L Hide the info text and only show the ascii logo.
--scrot /path/to/img Take a screenshot, if path is left empty the screen-
shot function will use \$scrot_dir and \$scrot_name.
--upload | -su /pth/t/img Same as --scrot but uploads the scrot to a website.
--image_host Website to upload scrots to. Takes: imgur, teknik
--scrot_cmd cmd Screenshot program to launch
--config /path/to/config Specify a path to a custom config file
--config none Launch the script without a config file
--help Print this text and exit
--version Show neofetch version
--test Launch the script with all functions / options enabled.
This should only be used for testing purposes, ie Travis.CI.
-v Display error messages.
-vv Display a verbose log for error reporting.
## Frequently Asked Questions
Add table
Reference in a new issue