Merge branch 'master' of

This commit is contained in:
Dylan Araps 2019-01-08 08:27:45 +02:00
commit 1f8b18d7ca

View file

@ -829,7 +829,12 @@ get_distro() {
case "$os" in
"Linux" | "BSD" | "MINIX")
if [[ -f "/etc/redstar-release" ]]; then
if [[ -f /bedrock/etc/bedrock-release && $PATH == */bedrock/cross/* ]]; then
case "$distro_shorthand" in
"on" | "tiny") distro="Bedrock Linux" ;;
*) distro="$(< /bedrock/etc/bedrock-release)"
elif [[ -f "/etc/redstar-release" ]]; then
case "$distro_shorthand" in
"on" | "tiny") distro="Red Star OS" ;;
*) distro="Red Star OS $(awk -F'[^0-9*]' '$0=$2' /etc/redstar-release)"
@ -1272,6 +1277,16 @@ get_packages() {
pac() { (($1 > 0)) && { managers+=("$1 (${manager})"); manager_string+="${manager}, "; }; }
tot() { IFS=$'\n' read -d "" -ra pkgs < <("$@");((packages+="${#pkgs[@]}"));pac "${#pkgs[@]}"; }
# Redefine tot() for Bedrock Linux.
[[ -f /bedrock/etc/bedrock-release && $PATH == */bedrock/cross/* ]] && {
tot() {
IFS=$'\n' read -d "" -ra pkgs < <(for s in $(brl list); do strat -r "$s" "$@"; done)
pac "${#pkgs[@]}"
case "$os" in
"Linux" | "BSD" | "iPhone OS" | "Solaris")
# Package Manager Programs.
@ -1291,15 +1306,20 @@ get_packages() {
has "butch" && tot butch list
# Counting files/dirs.
has "emerge" && dir /var/db/pkg/*/*/
has "nix-env" && dir /nix/store/*/
has "guix" && dir /gnu/store/*/
has "Compile" && dir /Programs/*/
has "eopkg" && dir /var/lib/eopkg/package/*
has "crew" && dir /usr/local/etc/crew/meta/*.filelist
has "pkgtool" && dir /var/log/packages/*
has "cave" && dir /var/db/paludis/repositories/cross-installed/*/data/*/ \
# Variables need to be unquoted here. Only Bedrock Linux is affected.
# $br_prefix is fixed and won't change based on user input so this is safe either way.
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
has "emerge" && dir ${br_prefix}/var/db/pkg/*/*/
has "nix-env" && dir ${br_prefix}/nix/store/*/
has "guix" && dir ${br_prefix}/gnu/store/*/
has "Compile" && dir ${br_prefix}/Programs/*/
has "eopkg" && dir ${br_prefix}/var/lib/eopkg/package/*
has "crew" && dir ${br_prefix}/usr/local/etc/crew/meta/*.filelist
has "pkgtool" && dir ${br_prefix}/var/log/packages/*
has "cave" && dir ${br_prefix}/var/db/paludis/repositories/cross-installed/*/data/*/ \
# Other (Needs complex command)
has "kpm-pkg" && ((packages+="$(kpm --get-selections | grep -cv deinstall$)"))
@ -3422,6 +3442,7 @@ get_ascii() {
# Calculate size of ascii file in line length / line count.
while IFS=$'\n' read -r line; do
((++lines,${#line}>ascii_len)) && ascii_len="${#line}"
done <<< "${ascii_data//\$\{??\}}"
@ -5223,6 +5244,29 @@ ${c1}:syyyyyy/ :yyyyyy/${c2}-yyo.:syyyyyyyyyyy
set_colors 0 7
read -rd '' ascii_data <<'EOF'
----${c2}\\\\\\ \\\\\\${c1}----------------------
-----${c2}\\\\\\ \\\\\\${c1}---------------------
------${c2}\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\${c1}------
-------${c2}\\\\\\ \\\\\\${c1}-----
--------${c2}\\\\\\ \\\\\\${c1}----
---------${c2}\\\\\\ ______ \\\\\\${c1}---
----------${c2}\\\\\\ ///${c1}---
-----------${c2}\\\\\\ ///${c1}----
------------${c2}\\\\\\ ///${c1}-----
set_colors 2 7
read -rd '' ascii_data <<'EOF'