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2015-12-30 03:18:17 -07:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Fetch info about your system
# Dependencies:
# Displaying Images: w3m
# Image Cropping: ImageMagick
# Wallpaper Display: feh
# Window Manager Detection: wmctrl
# Current Song: mpc
# Created by Dylan Araps
# https://github.com/dylanaraps/dotfiles
# Info Prefixes {{{
# The titles that come before the info (Ram:, Cpu:, Uptime:)
# TODO: Add an easy way to specify these at launch.
title_windowmanager="Window Manager"
2015-12-30 05:48:52 -07:00
2015-12-30 03:18:17 -07:00
# }}}
# Text Formatting {{{
# Set to "" or comment this line to disable bold text
# This is a simple function to make the vars below easier to edit.
color () {
echo "\033[38;5;${1}m"
# Default colors
# Colors can be defined at launch with:
# "--titlecol 1, --subtitlecol 2, --coloncol 3, --infocol 4"
# Or the shorthand "-c/--color 1 2 3 4"
# Or by editing them below.
title_color=$(color 7)
subtitle_color=$(color 1)
colon_color=$(color 7) # Also changes underline color
info_color=$(color 7)
# Reset formatting
# Removing this line will fuck up the text formatting
# }}}
# Custom Image {{{
# Enable or disable the use of images (Disable images at launch with "--noimg")
# If 1, fetch will use a cropped version of your wallpaper as the image
# (Disable this at launch with "--nowall")
# NOTE: This is only compatible with feh, I can add support for more
# wallpaper setters but you'll need to show me a way to get the current
# wallpaper from the commandline.
# The image to use if usewall=0. There's also the launch flags "-i" + "--image"
# to set a custom image at launch.
# Image size/offset
# (Customizable at launch with these flags: --size 128 --xoffset 0 --yoffset 0")
# Default crop offset (Customizable at launch with --cropoffset)
# Possible values:
2015-12-30 04:33:26 -07:00
# northwest, north, northeast, west, center, east, southwest, south, southeast
2015-12-30 03:18:17 -07:00
# Padding to align text to the right
# TODO: Find a reliable way to set this dynamically. I can get
# this to work based on font width but there's no reliable way
# of getting fontwidth for every terminal.
pad=" "
# Directory to store cropped images
# }}}
# Get Info {{{
# Commands to use when gathering info
# Title (Configurable with "-t" and "--title" at launch)
# To use the usual "user@hostname" change the line below to:
# Operating System (Configurable with "-O" and "--distro" at launch)
# You can manually set this if the command below doesn't work for you.
os=$(awk '/^NAME=/' /etc/*ease | sed -n 's/^NAME=//p' | tr -d '"')
# Linux kernel name/version (Configurable with "-K" and "--kernel" at launch)
kernel=$(uname -r)
# System Uptime (Configurable with "-U" and "--uptime" at launch)
uptime=$(uptime -p)
# Total number of packages (Configurable with "-P" and "--packages" at launch)
# If your package manager can't be found open an issue on my github repo.
# (Link is at the top)
getpackages () {
case $os in
'Arch Linux'|'Parabola GNU/Linux-libre'|'Manjaro'|'Antergos') \
packages=$(pacman -Q | wc -l) ;;
'Ubuntu'|'Mint'|'Debian'|'Kali Linux') \
packages=$(dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall$ | wc -l) ;;
'Slackware') \
packages=$(ls -1 /var/log/packages | wc -l) ;;
'Gentoo'|'Funtoo') \
packages=$(ls -d /var/db/pkg/*/* | wc -l) ;;
'Fedora'|'openSUSE'|'Red Hat Enterprise Linux'|'CentOS') \
packages=$(rpm -qa | wc -l) ;;
'CRUX') \
packages=$(pkginfo -i | wc -l) ;;
*) packages="unknown" ;;
# Shell (Configurable with "-s" and "--shell" at launch)
# Window manager (Configurable with "-W" and "--windowmanager" at launch)
# (depends on wmctrl)
# This can be detected without wmctrl by using an array of window manager
# process names and pgrep but it's really slow.
# (Doubles script startup time in some cases).
# If you don't want to install wmctrl you can either edit the var below
# or run the script with: --windowmanager wmname
# windowmanager="openbox"
windowmanager=$(wmctrl -m | awk '/Name:/ {printf $2}')
# Processor (Configurable with "-C", "-S" and "--cpu", "--speed" at launch)
cpu="$(awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"} /model name/ {print $2; exit}' /proc/cpuinfo |\
awk 'BEGIN{FS="@"; OFS="\n"} { print $1; exit }' |\
sed -e 's/\((tm)\|(TM)\)//' -e 's/\((R)\|(r)\)//' -e 's/^\ //')"
speed="$(lscpu | awk '/CPU MHz:/ {printf "scale=1; " $3 " / 1000 \n"}' | bc -l)"
# Memory (Configurable with "-M" and "--memory" at launch)
# Print the total amount of ram and amount of ram in use
memory=$(free -m | awk '/Mem:/ {printf $3 "MB / " $2 "MB"}')
# Currently playing song/artist (Configurable with "-m" and "--song" at launch)
song=$(mpc current)
# Print terminal colors in a line
# (Configurable with "--printcols start end" at launch)
# Start/End are vars for the range of colors to print
# The default values below print 8 colors in total.
# Print the color blocks by default.
printcols () {
while [ "$start" -le "$end" ]; do
echo -n "\033[48;5;${start}m "
start=$((start + 1))
# Split the blocks at 8 colors
[ $end -ge 9 ] && [ $start -eq 8 ] && echo -e "\033[0m"
# Vertically center colors if they're one row tall
[ $end -le 8 ] && echo
# Clear formatting
echo -n "$clear"
# }}}
# Usage {{{
usage () {
echo "usage: ${0##*/} [--colors 1 2 4 5] [--kernel \"\$(uname -rs)\"]"
echo " Info:"
echo " --title string Change the title at the top"
echo " --distro string/cmd Manually set the distro"
echo " --kernel string/cmd Manually set the kernel"
echo " --uptime string/cmd Manually set the uptime"
echo " --packages string/cmd Manually set the package count"
echo " --shell string/cmd Manually set the shell"
echo " --winman string/cmd Manually set the window manager"
echo " --cpu string/cmd Manually set the cpu name"
echo " --memory string/cmd Manually set the memory"
echo " --speed string/cmd Manually set the cpu speed"
echo " --song string/cmd Manually set the current song"
echo " Text Colors:"
echo " --colors 1 2 3 4 Change the color of text"
echo " (title, subtitle, colon, info)"
echo " --titlecol num Change the color of the title"
echo " --subtitlecol num Change the color of the subtitle"
echo " --coloncol num Change the color of the colons"
echo " --infocol num Change the color of the info"
echo " Color Blocks:"
echo " --printcols start end Range of colors to print as blocks"
echo " --nopal Disable the color blocks"
echo " Image:"
echo " --image Image to display with the script"
echo " The image gets priority over other"
echo " images: (wallpaper, \$img)"
echo " --size px Change the size of the image"
echo " --cropoffset value Change the crop offset. Possible values:"
echo " northwest, north, northeast, west, center"
echo " east, southwest, south, southeast"
2015-12-30 03:18:17 -07:00
echo " --padding How many spaces to pad the text"
echo " to the right"
echo " --xoffset px How close the image will be "
echo " to the left edge of the window"
echo " --yoffset px How close the image will be "
echo " to the top edge of the window"
echo " --noimg Disable all images"
echo " --nowall Disable the wallpaper function"
echo " and fallback to \$img"
echo " --clean Remove all cropped images"
echo " Other:"
echo " --help Print this text and exit"
exit 1
# }}}
2015-12-30 03:18:17 -07:00
# Args {{{
# Loop index
# Args
for argument in $args; do
index=$((index + 1))
case $1 in
# Info
--title) title="$2" ;;
--distro) os="$2" ;;
--kernel) kernel="$2" ;;
--uptime) uptime="$2" ;;
--packages) packages="$2" ;;
--shell) shell="$2" ;;
--winman) windowmanager="$2" ;;
--cpu) cpu="$2" ;;
--speed) speed="$2" ;;
--memory) memory="$2" ;;
--song) song="$2" ;;
# Text Colors
--colors) title_color="\033[38;5;${2}m"; \
[ ! -z $3 ] && subtitle_color="\033[38;5;${3}m"; \
[ ! -z $4 ] && colon_color="\033[38;5;${4}m"; \
[ ! -z $5 ] && info_color="\033[38;5;${5}m" ;;
--titlecol) title_color="\033[38;5;${2}m" ;;
--subtitlecol) subtitle_color="\033[38;5;${2}m" ;;
--coloncol) colon_color="\033[38;5;${2}m" ;;
--infocol) info_color="\033[38;5;${2}m" ;;
# Color Blocks
--printcols) start=$2; end=$3 ;;
--nopal) printcols=0 ;;
# Image
--image) usewall=0; img="$2" ;;
--size) imgsize="$2" ;;
--cropoffset) crop_offset="$2" ;;
2015-12-30 03:18:17 -07:00
--padding) pad="$2" ;;
--xoffset) xoffset="$2" ;;
--yoffset) yoffset="$2" ;;
--noimg) enableimages=0 ;;
--nowall) usewall=0 ;;
--clean) rm -rf "$imgtempdir" || exit ;;
# Other
--help) usage ;;
# The check here fixes shift in sh/mksh
[ ! -z "$1" ] && shift
# }}}
# Image Crop {{{
# If the script was called with --noimg, disable images and padding
if [ $enableimages -eq 1 ]; then
# If usewall=1, Get image to display from current wallpaper.
# (only works with feh)
[ $usewall -eq 1 ] && \
img=$(awk '/feh/ {printf $3}' "$HOME/.fehbg" | sed -e "s/'//g")
# Get name of image and prefix it with it's crop offset
2015-12-30 03:18:17 -07:00
# This check allows you to resize the image at launch
if [ -f "$imgtempdir/$imgname" ]; then
imgheight=$(identify -format "%h" "$imgtempdir/$imgname")
[ $imgheight != $imgsize ] && rm "$imgtempdir/$imgname"
2015-12-30 03:18:17 -07:00
# Check to see if the tempfile exists before we do any cropping.
if [ ! -f "$imgtempdir/$imgname" ]; then
# Check if the directory exists and create it if it doesn't
[ ! -d "$imgtempdir" ] && (mkdir "$imgtempdir" || exit)
# Get wallpaper size so that we can do a better crop
size=($(identify -format "%w %h" $img))
# This checks to see if height is geater than width
# so we can do a better crop of portrait images.
if [ ${size[1]} -gt ${size[0]} ]; then
# Crop the image and save it to the $imgtempdir
# By default we crop a square in the center of the image which is
# "image height x image height".
# We then resize it to the image size specified above.
# (default 128x128 px, uses var $height)
# This way we get a full image crop with the speed benefit
# of a tiny image.
convert \
-crop "$size"x"$size"+0+0 \
-gravity $crop_offset "$img" \
2015-12-30 03:18:17 -07:00
-resize "$imgsize"x"$imgsize" "$imgtempdir/$imgname"
# The final image
# }}}
# Print Info {{{
# Get packages
[ -z $packages ] && getpackages
# Get window manager
[ -z $windowmanager ] && getwindowmanager
# Underline title with length of title
underline=$(printf %"${#title}"s |tr " " "-")
# Hide the terminal cursor while we print the info
echo -n -e "\033[?25l"
# Print the title and underline
echo -e "$pad$bold$title_color$title$clear"
echo -e "$pad$colon_color$underline$clear"
# Custom echo function to make it easier to edit the info lines.
echoinfo () {
echo -n -e "$pad$bold$subtitle_color$1$clear"
echo -n -e "$colon_color:$clear "
echo -e "$info_color$2$clear"
echoinfo "$title_os" "$os"
echoinfo "$title_kernel" "$kernel"
echoinfo "$title_uptime" "$uptime"
echoinfo "$title_packages" "$packages"
echoinfo "$title_shell" "$shell"
echoinfo "$title_windowmanager" "$windowmanager"
echoinfo "$title_cpu" "$cpu @ ${speed}GHz"
echoinfo "$title_memory" "$memory"
echoinfo "$title_song" "$song"
# Display the color blocks
[ $printcols -eq 1 ] && echo -e "$(printcols)"
# Display the image
echo -e "0;1;$xoffset;$yoffset;$imgsize;$imgsize;;;;;$img\n4;\n3;" |\
# Show the cursor again
echo -n -e "\033[?25h"
# }}}