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2018-05-04 00:59:21 -06:00
# How to Contribute
2018-05-04 01:02:31 -06:00
<!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM -->
* [Coding Conventions](#coding-conventions)
2018-05-04 01:29:06 -06:00
* [ShellCheck](#shellcheck)
* [No no's](#no-nos)
* [If Statements](#if-statements)
* [Case Statements](#case-statements)
* [Making changes to Neofetch](#making-changes-to-neofetch)
* [Adding support for a new Operating System / Distribution.](#adding-support-for-a-new-operating-system--distribution)
2018-05-04 01:02:31 -06:00
<!-- vim-markdown-toc -->
2018-05-04 01:29:06 -06:00
## Coding Conventions
- Indent 4 spaces.
- Use [snake_case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_case) for function
and variable names.
- Keep lines below `100` characters long.
- Use `[[ ]]` for tests.
2018-05-04 01:40:33 -06:00
- Double Quote **EVERYTHING**.
- Dont use single quotes, except for special cases.
2018-05-04 01:29:06 -06:00
### ShellCheck
2018-05-04 00:59:21 -06:00
For your contribution to be accepted, your changes need to pass
Run ShellCheck with the following command:
# Why do we exclude numerous tests?
# See: https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch/wiki/Shellcheck-Exclusions
shellcheck neofetch -e SC1090,SC2009,SC2012,SC2016,SC2034,SC2128,SC2153,SC2154,SC2178,SC2010,SC1004,SC1091,SC1117
**Note**: If you have trouble installing ShellCheck. You can open a pull
request on the repo and our Travis.ci hook will run ShellCheck for you.
2018-05-04 01:29:06 -06:00
### No no's
2018-05-04 00:59:21 -06:00
2018-05-04 01:05:13 -06:00
- Dont use `echo`.
- Use `printf "%s\n"`
2018-05-04 00:59:21 -06:00
- Dont use `bc`.
- Dont use `sed`.
- Use `bash`'s built-in [parameter expansion](http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/pe).
- Dont use `cat`.
- Use `bash`'s built-in syntax (`file="$(< /path/to/file.txt)")`).
- Dont use `grep "pattern" | awk '{ printf }'`.
- Use `awk '/pattern/ { printf }'`
2018-05-04 01:29:06 -06:00
### If Statements
2018-05-04 00:59:21 -06:00
2018-05-04 01:05:13 -06:00
If the test only has one command inside of it; use the compact test
2018-05-04 00:59:21 -06:00
syntax. Otherwise the normal `if`/`fi` is just fine.
# Bad
if [[ "$var" ]]; then
2018-05-04 01:05:13 -06:00
printf "%s\n" "$var"
2018-05-04 00:59:21 -06:00
# Good
2018-05-04 01:05:13 -06:00
[[ "$var" ]] && printf "%s\n" "$var"
2018-05-04 00:59:21 -06:00
2018-05-04 01:02:31 -06:00
# Also good (Use this for longer lines).
2018-05-04 00:59:21 -06:00
[[ "$var" ]] && \
2018-05-04 01:05:13 -06:00
printf "%s\n" "$var"
2018-05-04 00:59:21 -06:00
2018-05-04 01:29:06 -06:00
### Case Statements
2018-05-04 00:59:21 -06:00
Case statements need to be formatted in a specific way.
# Good example (Notice the indentation).
case "$var" in
2018-05-04 01:05:13 -06:00
1) printf "%s\n" 1 ;;
2018-05-04 00:59:21 -06:00
2018-05-04 01:05:13 -06:00
printf "%s\n" "1"
printf "%s\n" "2"
2018-05-04 00:59:21 -06:00
2018-05-04 01:05:13 -06:00
printf "%s\n" "1"
printf "%s\n" "2"
printf "%s\n" "3"
2018-05-04 00:59:21 -06:00
2018-05-04 01:29:06 -06:00
## Making changes to Neofetch
### Adding support for a new Operating System / Distribution.
Adding support for a new OS/Distro requires adding the Name, Logo and
Colors of the OS/Distro to the `get_distro_ascii()` function.
The function is located right at the bottom of the script, one function
above `main()`. Inside this function youll find an alphabetical list of
each OS/Distro.
Find the spot in the list your new OS/Distro fits into and start
implementing your changes.
If your OS/Distro requires changes to the actual information gathering
functions then you can make these changes in the `get_*` functions.
- You have to escape back-slashes (`\`). (eg `\\`)
- You can use `${c1}` to `${c6}`to color the ascii.
- These are evaluated *after* we read the file.
set_colors 4 5 7 6
read -rd '' ascii_data <<'EOF'
${c1} odddd
xdclodod olol
xoc xdd olol
xdc ${c2}k00${c1}Okdlol
${c2} odxxdx${c3}xllod${c2}ddooxx${c1}dc:ldo
${c2} lodd${c1}dolccc${c2}ccox${c1}xoloo