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2023-05-01 20:19:34 -06:00
# Start the server with:
# uvicorn tools.gh_moderator:app --reload --port 59523
2023-05-09 08:46:23 -06:00
# pip install openai pygithub fastapi uvicorn hypy_utils
2023-05-01 20:19:34 -06:00
import hashlib
import hmac
import json
import unicodedata
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import openai
2023-05-09 08:46:23 -06:00
import tomllib as toml
2023-05-01 20:19:34 -06:00
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, Response
from github import Github
from hypy_utils import write, json_stringify
from hypy_utils.logging_utils import setup_logger
from openai.openai_object import OpenAIObject
from hyfetch.color_util import printc
log = setup_logger()
def read_config():
2023-05-09 08:46:23 -06:00
with open(Path.home() / ".config/gh_moderator.toml", "rb") as f:
2023-05-01 20:19:34 -06:00
return toml.load(f)
app = FastAPI()
config = read_config()
webhook_secret = bytes(config["webhook_secret"], "utf-8")
gh = Github(per_page=100, login_or_token=config["gh_token"])
me = gh.get_user()
repo = gh.get_repo(config["gh_repo"])
printc(f"&a[+] Logged in as {me.login}")
harm_classifier_url, harm_classifier_token = config["harm_classifier_url"], config["harm_classifier_token"]
script_path = Path(__file__).parent
supported_events = ["issue_comment", "issues", "pull_request", "pull_request_review_comment"]
ai_notice = f"If you think this is a false-positive, please contact the owner of this repo."
openai.organization = config['OpenAI']['org']
openai.api_key = config['OpenAI']['key']
openai_model = config['OpenAI']['model']
def get_content(event: str, obj: dict) -> str:
# Get the content of the event
match event:
case "issue_comment" | "pull_request_review_comment":
return obj["comment"]["body"]
case "issues":
return obj["issue"]["title"] + "\n\n" + obj["issue"]["body"]
case "pull_request":
return obj["pull_request"]["title"] + "\n\n" + obj["pull_request"]["body"]
def redact(event: str, obj: dict, id: str, reason: str):
Redact the event
printc(f"&c[!] Redacting {event} {id} for {reason}.")
tail = f"\n\n> Reason: {reason}\n> {ai_notice}"
redact_notice = f"[Redacted by [AI Content Moderator]({me.html_url})]{tail}"
match event:
case "issue_comment":
# Redact the comment
comment = repo.get_issue(obj["issue"]["number"]).get_comment(obj["comment"]["id"])
case "pull_request_review_comment":
# Redact the comment
comment = repo.get_pull(obj["pull_request"]["number"]).get_review_comment(obj["comment"]["id"])
case "issues" | "pull_request":
# Close the issue
iss = repo.get_issue(obj["issue"]["number"])
iss.edit(title="[Redacted]", body=redact_notice, state="closed")
iss.create_comment(f"Issue closed for potentially offensive content.{tail}")
async def process_event(event: str, obj: dict, id: str):
# Preliminary checks
if event not in supported_events:
printc(f"&7[-] Unknown event: {event}")
if obj['repository']['full_name'] != repo.full_name:
printc(f"&7[-] Unknown repository: {obj['repository']['full_name']}")
blacklist_users = {v for v in (script_path / "blacklist_users.csv").read_text().split("\n") if v}
actor = obj["sender"]["login"]
if actor == me.login:
printc(f"&7[-] Ignoring event by myself: {id} {event} by {actor}")
printc(f"&e[+] Received event: {id} {event} by {actor}")
if actor in blacklist_users:
2023-05-01 20:35:00 -06:00
redact(event, obj, id, "User is blacklisted")
2023-05-01 20:19:34 -06:00
# Normalize content
content = unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", get_content(event, obj))
# Ask OpenAI to predict if it's offensive
res: OpenAIObject = openai.Moderation.create(content, openai_model).results[0]
write(f"moderator-data/openai/{id}.json", json_stringify(res))
if res.flagged:
printc(f"\n&c[!] AI classified {event} {id} by {actor} as offensive !!!\n> Content: {content}\n\n")
reason = " | ".join(f"{k} {res.category_scores.get(k) * 100:.0f}%" for k, v in res.categories.items() if v)
redact(event, obj, id, f"Flagged by OpenAI : {reason}")
printc(f"&a[~] AI classified {event} {id} by {actor} as safe.")
async def handle_webhook(request: Request, response: Response):
# Read headers
event = request.headers.get("X-GitHub-Event")
signature = request.headers.get("X-Hub-Signature")
# Verify the signature
body = await request.body()
if not verify_signature(signature, body):
response.status_code = 401
return {"message": "Invalid signature"}
# Parse the event body
obj = json.loads(body.decode())
# Log the request
id = datetime.now().isoformat()
write(f"moderator-data/webhook/{id}-{event}.json", json_stringify(obj, indent=4))
await process_event(event, obj, id)
return {"message": "OK"}
# Helper function to verify the signature
def verify_signature(signature: str, payload: bytes) -> bool:
hash_type, signature = signature.split("=")
digest = hmac.new(webhook_secret, msg=payload, digestmod=getattr(hashlib, hash_type)).hexdigest()
return hmac.compare_digest(digest, signature)