diff --git a/Assets/Scenes/PlayerControllerTest.unity b/Assets/Scenes/PlayerControllerTest.unity new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4170f56 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Scenes/PlayerControllerTest.unity @@ -0,0 +1,927 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!29 &1 +OcclusionCullingSettings: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_OcclusionBakeSettings: + smallestOccluder: 5 + smallestHole: 0.25 + backfaceThreshold: 100 + m_SceneGUID: 00000000000000000000000000000000 + m_OcclusionCullingData: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!104 &2 +RenderSettings: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + serializedVersion: 9 + m_Fog: 0 + m_FogColor: {r: 0.5, g: 0.5, b: 0.5, a: 1} + m_FogMode: 3 + m_FogDensity: 0.01 + m_LinearFogStart: 0 + m_LinearFogEnd: 300 + m_AmbientSkyColor: {r: 0.212, g: 0.227, b: 0.259, a: 1} + m_AmbientEquatorColor: {r: 0.114, g: 0.125, b: 0.133, a: 1} + m_AmbientGroundColor: {r: 0.047, g: 0.043, b: 0.035, a: 1} + m_AmbientIntensity: 1 + m_AmbientMode: 0 + m_SubtractiveShadowColor: {r: 0.42, g: 0.478, b: 0.627, a: 1} + m_SkyboxMaterial: {fileID: 10304, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} + m_HaloStrength: 0.5 + m_FlareStrength: 1 + m_FlareFadeSpeed: 3 + m_HaloTexture: {fileID: 0} + m_SpotCookie: {fileID: 10001, guid: 0000000000000000e000000000000000, type: 0} + m_DefaultReflectionMode: 0 + m_DefaultReflectionResolution: 128 + m_ReflectionBounces: 1 + m_ReflectionIntensity: 1 + m_CustomReflection: {fileID: 0} + m_Sun: {fileID: 0} + m_IndirectSpecularColor: {r: 0.44658792, g: 0.49642283, b: 0.5748252, a: 1} + m_UseRadianceAmbientProbe: 0 +--- !u!157 &3 +LightmapSettings: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + serializedVersion: 12 + m_GIWorkflowMode: 1 + m_GISettings: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_BounceScale: 1 + m_IndirectOutputScale: 1 + m_AlbedoBoost: 1 + m_EnvironmentLightingMode: 0 + m_EnableBakedLightmaps: 1 + m_EnableRealtimeLightmaps: 0 + m_LightmapEditorSettings: + serializedVersion: 12 + m_Resolution: 2 + m_BakeResolution: 40 + m_AtlasSize: 1024 + m_AO: 0 + m_AOMaxDistance: 1 + m_CompAOExponent: 1 + m_CompAOExponentDirect: 0 + m_ExtractAmbientOcclusion: 0 + m_Padding: 2 + m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} + m_LightmapsBakeMode: 1 + m_TextureCompression: 1 + m_FinalGather: 0 + m_FinalGatherFiltering: 1 + m_FinalGatherRayCount: 256 + m_ReflectionCompression: 2 + m_MixedBakeMode: 2 + m_BakeBackend: 1 + m_PVRSampling: 1 + m_PVRDirectSampleCount: 32 + m_PVRSampleCount: 512 + m_PVRBounces: 2 + m_PVREnvironmentSampleCount: 256 + m_PVREnvironmentReferencePointCount: 2048 + m_PVRFilteringMode: 1 + m_PVRDenoiserTypeDirect: 1 + m_PVRDenoiserTypeIndirect: 1 + m_PVRDenoiserTypeAO: 1 + m_PVRFilterTypeDirect: 0 + m_PVRFilterTypeIndirect: 0 + m_PVRFilterTypeAO: 0 + m_PVREnvironmentMIS: 1 + m_PVRCulling: 1 + m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusDirect: 1 + m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusIndirect: 5 + m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusAO: 2 + m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaDirect: 0.5 + m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaIndirect: 2 + m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaAO: 1 + m_ExportTrainingData: 0 + m_TrainingDataDestination: TrainingData + m_LightProbeSampleCountMultiplier: 4 + m_LightingDataAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_LightingSettings: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!196 &4 +NavMeshSettings: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_BuildSettings: + serializedVersion: 2 + agentTypeID: 0 + agentRadius: 0.5 + agentHeight: 2 + agentSlope: 45 + agentClimb: 0.4 + ledgeDropHeight: 0 + maxJumpAcrossDistance: 0 + minRegionArea: 2 + manualCellSize: 0 + cellSize: 0.16666667 + manualTileSize: 0 + tileSize: 256 + accuratePlacement: 0 + maxJobWorkers: 0 + preserveTilesOutsideBounds: 0 + debug: + m_Flags: 0 + m_NavMeshData: {fileID: 0} +--- !u!1 &51485796 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - 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rid: 5747682206617960448 + type: {class: Cube, ns: UnityEngine.ProBuilder.Shapes, asm: Unity.ProBuilder} +--- !u!114 &51485801 +MonoBehaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 51485796} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_EditorHideFlags: 0 + m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 8233d90336aea43098adf6dbabd606a2, type: 3} + m_Name: + m_EditorClassIdentifier: + m_MeshFormatVersion: 2 + m_Faces: + - m_Indexes: 000000000100000002000000010000000300000002000000 + m_SmoothingGroup: 0 + m_Uv: + m_UseWorldSpace: 0 + m_FlipU: 0 + m_FlipV: 0 + m_SwapUV: 0 + m_Fill: 1 + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_Rotation: 0 + m_Anchor: 9 + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_SubmeshIndex: 0 + m_ManualUV: 0 + elementGroup: -1 + m_TextureGroup: -1 + - m_Indexes: 040000000500000006000000050000000700000006000000 + m_SmoothingGroup: 0 + m_Uv: + m_UseWorldSpace: 0 + m_FlipU: 0 + m_FlipV: 0 + m_SwapUV: 0 + m_Fill: 1 + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_Rotation: 0 + m_Anchor: 9 + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_SubmeshIndex: 0 + m_ManualUV: 0 + elementGroup: -1 + m_TextureGroup: -1 + - 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m_Indexes: 140000001500000016000000150000001700000016000000 + m_SmoothingGroup: 0 + m_Uv: + m_UseWorldSpace: 0 + m_FlipU: 0 + m_FlipV: 0 + m_SwapUV: 0 + m_Fill: 1 + m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_Rotation: 0 + m_Anchor: 9 + m_Material: {fileID: 0} + m_SubmeshIndex: 0 + m_ManualUV: 0 + elementGroup: -1 + m_TextureGroup: -1 + m_SharedVertices: + - m_Vertices: 000000000d00000016000000 + - m_Vertices: 010000000400000017000000 + - m_Vertices: 020000000f00000010000000 + - m_Vertices: 030000000600000011000000 + - m_Vertices: 050000000800000015000000 + - m_Vertices: 070000000a00000013000000 + - m_Vertices: 090000000c00000014000000 + - m_Vertices: 0b0000000e00000012000000 + m_SharedTextures: [] + m_Positions: + - {x: 0, y: -1.8654951, z: 19.952726} + - {x: 19.394981, y: -1.8654951, z: 19.952726} + - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 19.952726} + - {x: 19.394981, y: 0, z: 19.952726} + - {x: 19.394981, y: -1.8654951, z: 19.952726} + - {x: 19.394981, y: -1.8654951, z: 0} + - {x: 19.394981, y: 0, z: 19.952726} + - {x: 19.394981, y: 0, z: 0} + - {x: 19.394981, y: -1.8654951, z: 0} + - {x: 0, y: -1.8654951, z: 0} + - {x: 19.394981, y: 0, z: 0} + - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + - {x: 0, y: -1.8654951, z: 0} + - {x: 0, y: -1.8654951, z: 19.952726} + - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 19.952726} + - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 19.952726} + - {x: 19.394981, y: 0, z: 19.952726} + - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} + - {x: 19.394981, y: 0, z: 0} + - {x: 0, y: -1.8654951, z: 0} + - {x: 19.394981, y: -1.8654951, z: 0} + - {x: 0, y: -1.8654951, z: 19.952726} + - {x: 19.394981, y: -1.8654951, z: 19.952726} + m_Textures0: + - {x: 0, y: -1.8654951} + - {x: -19.394981, y: -1.8654951} + - {x: 0, y: 0} + - {x: -19.394981, y: 0} + - {x: 19.952726, y: -1.8654951} + - {x: 0, y: -1.8654951} + - {x: 19.952726, y: 0} + - {x: 0, y: 0} + - {x: 19.394981, y: -1.8654951} + - {x: 0, y: -1.8654951} + - {x: 19.394981, y: 0} + - {x: 0, y: 0} + - {x: 0, y: -1.8654951} + - {x: -19.952726, y: -1.8654951} + - {x: 0, y: 0} + - {x: -19.952726, y: 0} + - {x: 0, y: 19.952726} + - {x: 19.394981, y: 19.952726} + - {x: 0, y: 0} + - {x: 19.394981, y: 0} + - {x: 0, y: 0} + - {x: -19.394981, y: 0} + - {x: 0, y: 19.952726} + - {x: -19.394981, y: 19.952726} + m_Textures2: [] + m_Textures3: [] + m_Tangents: + - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} + - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} + - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} + - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} + - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} + - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} + - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} + - {x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, w: -1} + - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} + - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} + - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} + - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} + - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} + - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} + - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} + - {x: 0, y: 0, z: -1, w: -1} + - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} + - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} + - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} + - {x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} + - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} + - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} + - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} + - {x: -1, y: 0, z: 0, w: -1} + m_Colors: [] + m_UnwrapParameters: + m_HardAngle: 88 + m_PackMargin: 20 + m_AngleError: 8 + m_AreaError: 15 + m_PreserveMeshAssetOnDestroy: 0 + assetGuid: + m_Mesh: {fileID: 1004412915} + m_VersionIndex: 1643 + m_IsSelectable: 1 + m_SelectedFaces: + m_SelectedEdges: [] + m_SelectedVertices: +--- !u!4 &51485802 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 51485796} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} + m_LocalPosition: {x: -10.3464365, y: 0, z: -9.83} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_RootOrder: 1 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} +--- !u!1 &544515766 +GameObject: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + serializedVersion: 6 + m_Component: + - component: {fileID: 544515768} + - component: {fileID: 544515767} + m_Layer: 0 + m_Name: Directional Light + m_TagString: Untagged + m_Icon: {fileID: 0} + m_NavMeshLayer: 0 + m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 + m_IsActive: 1 +--- !u!108 &544515767 +Light: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 544515766} + m_Enabled: 1 + serializedVersion: 10 + m_Type: 1 + m_Shape: 0 + m_Color: {r: 1, g: 0.95686275, b: 0.8392157, a: 1} + m_Intensity: 1 + m_Range: 10 + m_SpotAngle: 30 + m_InnerSpotAngle: 21.80208 + m_CookieSize: 10 + m_Shadows: + m_Type: 2 + m_Resolution: -1 + m_CustomResolution: -1 + m_Strength: 1 + m_Bias: 0.05 + m_NormalBias: 0.4 + m_NearPlane: 0.2 + m_CullingMatrixOverride: + e00: 1 + e01: 0 + e02: 0 + e03: 0 + e10: 0 + e11: 1 + e12: 0 + e13: 0 + e20: 0 + e21: 0 + e22: 1 + e23: 0 + e30: 0 + e31: 0 + e32: 0 + e33: 1 + m_UseCullingMatrixOverride: 0 + m_Cookie: {fileID: 0} + m_DrawHalo: 0 + m_Flare: {fileID: 0} + m_RenderMode: 0 + m_CullingMask: + serializedVersion: 2 + m_Bits: 4294967295 + m_RenderingLayerMask: 1 + m_Lightmapping: 4 + m_LightShadowCasterMode: 0 + m_AreaSize: {x: 1, y: 1} + m_BounceIntensity: 1 + m_ColorTemperature: 6570 + m_UseColorTemperature: 0 + m_BoundingSphereOverride: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} + m_UseBoundingSphereOverride: 0 + m_UseViewFrustumForShadowCasterCull: 1 + m_ShadowRadius: 0 + m_ShadowAngle: 0 +--- !u!4 &544515768 +Transform: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 544515766} + m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.40821788, y: -0.23456968, z: 0.10938163, w: 0.8754261} + m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 3, z: 0} + m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} + m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 + m_Children: [] + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_RootOrder: 0 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 50, y: -30, z: 0} +--- !u!43 &1004412915 +Mesh: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_Name: pb_Mesh-2274 + serializedVersion: 10 + m_SubMeshes: + - 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{fileID: 1336658011} + m_Father: {fileID: 0} + m_RootOrder: 2 + m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scenes/Playground.unity.meta b/Assets/Scenes/PlayerControllerTest.unity.meta similarity index 74% rename from Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scenes/Playground.unity.meta rename to Assets/Scenes/PlayerControllerTest.unity.meta index 0d39e79..f7986b8 100644 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scenes/Playground.unity.meta +++ b/Assets/Scenes/PlayerControllerTest.unity.meta @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 707acc8dffb72b144bb1ffbe1c965f3d +guid: 1167be8e771cb799293f6930dd387ec8 DefaultImporter: externalObjects: {} userData: diff --git a/Assets/Scenes/PrototypeRoom.unity b/Assets/Scenes/PrototypeRoom.unity index af70760..48649b6 100644 --- a/Assets/Scenes/PrototypeRoom.unity +++ b/Assets/Scenes/PrototypeRoom.unity @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ PrefabInstance: objectReference: {fileID: 842018365} - target: {fileID: 9075489758509952946, guid: 5d547cd0b713c2ea38aff4c3c132de16, type: 3} propertyPath: m_RootOrder - 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value: 0 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 9005220659476430821, guid: 2d3a85ecde41a8246a79669975912b74, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_BackGroundColor.r - value: 0 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 9005220659476430823, guid: 2d3a85ecde41a8246a79669975912b74, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_Name - value: MainCamera - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - m_RemovedComponents: [] - m_SourcePrefab: {fileID: 100100000, guid: 2d3a85ecde41a8246a79669975912b74, type: 3} ---- !u!4 &2112015670847644835 stripped -Transform: - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 9005220659476430818, guid: 2d3a85ecde41a8246a79669975912b74, type: 3} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 2112015670847644834} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} ---- !u!20 &2112015670847644838 stripped -Camera: - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 9005220659476430821, guid: 2d3a85ecde41a8246a79669975912b74, type: 3} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 2112015670847644834} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} ---- !u!114 &2112015670847644839 -MonoBehaviour: - 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propertyPath: m_LocalScale.x - value: 1 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8063073397250431797, guid: f0271df749728104eac22c3d897fd8ce, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalScale.y - value: 1 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8063073397250431797, guid: f0271df749728104eac22c3d897fd8ce, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalScale.z - value: 1 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8063073397250431797, guid: f0271df749728104eac22c3d897fd8ce, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x - value: -39.045437 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8063073397250431797, guid: f0271df749728104eac22c3d897fd8ce, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.y - value: 8.786317 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8063073397250431797, guid: f0271df749728104eac22c3d897fd8ce, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z - value: -27.270073 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8063073397250431797, guid: f0271df749728104eac22c3d897fd8ce, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w - value: 0.7071068 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8063073397250431797, guid: f0271df749728104eac22c3d897fd8ce, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x - value: 0 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8063073397250431797, guid: f0271df749728104eac22c3d897fd8ce, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.y - value: 0.7071068 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8063073397250431797, guid: f0271df749728104eac22c3d897fd8ce, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z - value: 0 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8063073397250431797, guid: f0271df749728104eac22c3d897fd8ce, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.x - value: 0 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8063073397250431797, guid: f0271df749728104eac22c3d897fd8ce, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.y - value: 90 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8063073397250431797, guid: f0271df749728104eac22c3d897fd8ce, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.z - value: 0 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - m_RemovedComponents: [] - m_SourcePrefab: {fileID: 100100000, guid: f0271df749728104eac22c3d897fd8ce, type: 3} ---- !u!4 &2132227539861084546 stripped -Transform: - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 8063073397250431797, guid: f0271df749728104eac22c3d897fd8ce, type: 3} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 2132227539861084545} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} --- !u!1001 &2372708917864221335 PrefabInstance: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 @@ -45353,7 +45166,7 @@ PrefabInstance: m_Modifications: - target: {fileID: 2372708918439560166, guid: e8415946a33c07539804e7c97719dc5b, type: 3} propertyPath: m_RootOrder - value: 17 + value: 16 objectReference: {fileID: 0} - target: {fileID: 2372708918439560166, guid: e8415946a33c07539804e7c97719dc5b, type: 3} propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x @@ -45402,186 +45215,10 @@ PrefabInstance: - target: {fileID: 2372708918439560186, guid: e8415946a33c07539804e7c97719dc5b, type: 3} propertyPath: m_Camera value: - objectReference: {fileID: 2112015670847644838} + objectReference: {fileID: 0} - target: {fileID: 2372708918439560187, guid: e8415946a33c07539804e7c97719dc5b, type: 3} propertyPath: m_Name value: floppyDisk objectReference: {fileID: 0} m_RemovedComponents: [] m_SourcePrefab: {fileID: 100100000, guid: e8415946a33c07539804e7c97719dc5b, type: 3} ---- !u!1 &4964340227110213567 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 8966143020646516015} - m_Layer: 0 - m_Name: Player - m_TagString: Player - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!1001 &6291455390379639827 -PrefabInstance: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - serializedVersion: 2 - m_Modification: - m_TransformParent: {fileID: 8966143020646516015} - m_Modifications: - - target: {fileID: 5393215578589016655, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_Materials.Array.data[0] - value: - objectReference: {fileID: 2100000, guid: 6b911390c5825014e8377183a7837d3f, type: 2} - - target: {fileID: 8616685848737228372, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_Name - value: PlayerCapsule - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8997996947095583982, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_RootOrder - value: 2 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8997996947095583982, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x - value: -39.045437 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8997996947095583982, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.y - value: 8.786317 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8997996947095583982, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z - value: -27.270073 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8997996947095583982, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w - value: 0.7071068 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8997996947095583982, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x - value: 0 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8997996947095583982, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.y - value: 0.7071068 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8997996947095583982, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z - value: 0 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8997996947095583982, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.x - value: 0 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8997996947095583982, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.y - value: 90 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8997996947095583982, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.z - value: 0 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - m_RemovedComponents: [] - m_SourcePrefab: {fileID: 100100000, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, type: 3} ---- !u!4 &6291455390379639829 stripped -Transform: - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 4135013735270702856, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, type: 3} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 6291455390379639827} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} ---- !u!4 &6291455390379639830 stripped -Transform: - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 8997996947095583982, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, type: 3} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 6291455390379639827} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} ---- !u!1001 &8697491738527163669 -PrefabInstance: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - serializedVersion: 2 - m_Modification: - m_TransformParent: {fileID: 8966143020646516015} - m_Modifications: - - target: {fileID: 8762286023885395077, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_Name - value: PlayerFollowCamera - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8762286023885395322, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_RootOrder - value: 1 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8762286023885395322, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x - value: -39.045437 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8762286023885395322, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.y - value: 10.161317 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8762286023885395322, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z - value: -27.470074 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8762286023885395322, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w - value: 0.7071068 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8762286023885395322, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x - value: 0 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8762286023885395322, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.y - value: 0.7071068 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8762286023885395322, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z - value: 0 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8762286023885395322, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.x - value: 0 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8762286023885395322, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.y - value: 90 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8762286023885395322, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.z - value: 0 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8762286023885395323, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_Follow - value: - objectReference: {fileID: 6291455390379639829} - - target: {fileID: 8762286023885395323, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, type: 3} - propertyPath: m_Lens.m_SensorSize.x - value: 1.3333334 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - m_RemovedComponents: [] - m_SourcePrefab: {fileID: 100100000, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, type: 3} ---- !u!4 &8697491738527163670 stripped -Transform: - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 8762286023885395322, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, type: 3} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 8697491738527163669} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} ---- !u!4 &8966143020646516015 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 4964340227110213567} - m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 22.210217, y: -8.786317, z: 34.53} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0 - m_Children: - - {fileID: 2112015670847644835} - - {fileID: 8697491738527163670} - - {fileID: 6291455390379639830} - - {fileID: 2132227539861084546} - m_Father: {fileID: 0} - m_RootOrder: 0 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/playerController.cs b/Assets/Scripts/playerController.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..197fbfa --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/Scripts/playerController.cs @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +using System.Collections; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using UnityEngine; + +public class playerController : MonoBehaviour +{ + // Start is called before the first frame update + void Start() + { + + } + + // Update is called once per frame + void Update() + { + + } +} diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/StarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/playerController.cs.meta similarity index 83% rename from Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/StarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs.meta rename to Assets/Scripts/playerController.cs.meta index 8b5049f..acef70a 100644 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/StarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs.meta +++ b/Assets/Scripts/playerController.cs.meta @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: e75357183ea302c4d998136de2cc9669 +guid: 0e5b4fb89cbe748afb19a6c0fc37733b MonoImporter: externalObjects: {} serializedVersion: 2 diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets.meta deleted file mode 100644 index b674322..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: c470efa886f34f140baf6172ea9ec956 -folderAsset: yes -DefaultImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 0d34018..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 577651ee23b1b8342a827136803910fb -folderAsset: yes -DefaultImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/FirstPersonStarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs b/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/FirstPersonStarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs deleted file mode 100644 index 2555600..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/FirstPersonStarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -using System.Linq; -using UnityEditor; -using UnityEngine; - -namespace StarterAssets -{ - public partial class StarterAssetsDeployMenu : ScriptableObject - { - // prefab paths - private const string FirstPersonPrefabPath = "/FirstPersonController/Prefabs/"; - -#if STARTER_ASSETS_PACKAGES_CHECKED - /// - /// Check the capsule, main camera, cinemachine virtual camera, camera target and references - /// - [MenuItem(MenuRoot + "/Reset First Person Controller", false)] - static void ResetFirstPersonControllerCapsule() - { - var firstPersonControllers = FindObjectsOfType(); - var player = firstPersonControllers.FirstOrDefault(controller => controller.CompareTag(PlayerTag)); - GameObject playerGameObject; - - // player - if (player == null) - HandleInstantiatingPrefab(StarterAssetsPath + FirstPersonPrefabPath, - PlayerCapsulePrefabName, out playerGameObject); - else - playerGameObject = player.gameObject; - - // cameras - CheckCameras(FirstPersonPrefabPath, playerGameObject.transform); - } -#endif - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/FirstPersonStarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/FirstPersonStarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs.meta deleted file mode 100644 index bce9765..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/FirstPersonStarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 9387ada430244cac953616bcaca61424 -timeCreated: 1621533817 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/PackageChecker.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/PackageChecker.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 5602757..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/PackageChecker.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 14bd68b8c6966124487020c02c9b7f9d -folderAsset: yes -DefaultImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/PackageChecker/PackageChecker.cs b/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/PackageChecker/PackageChecker.cs deleted file mode 100644 index 73fe17d..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/PackageChecker/PackageChecker.cs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,269 +0,0 @@ -using System; -using System.Collections.Generic; -using System.IO; -using UnityEditor; -using UnityEditor.PackageManager; -using UnityEditor.PackageManager.Requests; -using UnityEngine; -using PackageInfo = UnityEditor.PackageManager.PackageInfo; - -namespace StarterAssets -{ - public static class PackageChecker - { - private static ListRequest clientList; - private static SearchRequest compatibleList; - private static List packagesToAdd; - - private static AddRequest[] addRequests; - private static bool[] installRequired; - - private static readonly string EditorFolderRoot = "Assets/StarterAssets/"; - private static readonly string PackagesToImportDataFile = "PackageImportList.txt"; - public static readonly string PackageCheckerScriptingDefine = "STARTER_ASSETS_PACKAGES_CHECKED"; - - [InitializeOnLoadMethod] - private static void CheckPackage() - { - // if we dont have the scripting define, it means the check has not been done - if (!ScriptingDefineUtils.CheckScriptingDefine(PackageCheckerScriptingDefine)) - { - packagesToAdd = new List(); - clientList = null; - compatibleList = null; - - // find the projects required package list - var requiredPackagesListFile = Directory.GetFiles(Application.dataPath, PackagesToImportDataFile, - SearchOption.AllDirectories); - - // if no PackageImportList.txt exists - if (requiredPackagesListFile.Length == 0) - { - Debug.LogError( - "[Auto Package] : Couldn't find the packages list. Be sure there is a file called PackageImportList in your project"); - } - else - { - packagesToAdd = new List(); - - string packageListPath = requiredPackagesListFile[0]; - string[] content = File.ReadAllLines(packageListPath); - - foreach (string line in content) - { - string[] split = line.Split('@'); - - // if no version is given, return null - PackageEntry entry = new PackageEntry - {name = split[0], version = split.Length > 1 ? split[1] : null}; - - packagesToAdd.Add(entry); - } - - // Create a file in library that is queried to see if CheckPackage() has been run already - ScriptingDefineUtils.SetScriptingDefine(PackageCheckerScriptingDefine); - - // create a list of compatible packages for current engine version - compatibleList = Client.SearchAll(); - - while (!compatibleList.IsCompleted) - { - if (compatibleList.Status == StatusCode.Failure || compatibleList.Error != null) - { - Debug.LogError(compatibleList.Error.message); - break; - } - } - - // create a list of packages found in the engine - clientList = Client.List(); - - while (!clientList.IsCompleted) - { - if (clientList.Status == StatusCode.Failure || clientList.Error != null) - { - Debug.LogError(clientList.Error.message); - break; - } - } - - addRequests = new AddRequest[packagesToAdd.Count]; - installRequired = new bool[packagesToAdd.Count]; - - // default new packages to install = false. we will mark true after validating they're required - for (int i = 0; i < installRequired.Length; i++) - { - installRequired[i] = false; - } - - // build data collections compatible packages for this project, and packages within the project - List compatiblePackages = - new List(); - List clientPackages = - new List(); - - foreach (var result in compatibleList.Result) - { - compatiblePackages.Add(result); - } - - foreach (var result in clientList.Result) - { - clientPackages.Add(result); - } - - // check for the latest verified package version for each package that is missing a version - for (int i = 0; i < packagesToAdd.Count; i++) - { - // if a version number is not provided - if (packagesToAdd[i].version == null) - { - foreach (var package in compatiblePackages) - { - // if no latest verified version found, PackageChecker will just install latest release - if (packagesToAdd[i].name == package.name && package.versions.verified != string.Empty) - { - // add latest verified version number to the packagetoadd list version - // so that we get the latest verified version only - packagesToAdd[i].version = package.versions.verified; - - // add to our install list - installRequired[i] = true; - - //Debug.Log(string.Format("Requested {0}. Latest verified compatible package found: {1}", - // packagesToAdd[i].name, packagesToAdd[i].version)); - } - } - } - - // we don't need to catch packages that are not installed as their latest version has been collected - // from the campatiblelist result - foreach (var package in clientPackages) - { - if (packagesToAdd[i].name == package.name) - { - // see what version we have installed - switch (CompareVersion(packagesToAdd[i].version, package.version)) - { - // latest verified is ahead of installed version - case 1: - installRequired[i] = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Confirm Package Upgrade", - $"The version of \"{packagesToAdd[i].name}\" in this project is {package.version}. The latest verified " + - $"version is {packagesToAdd[i].version}. Would you like to upgrade it to the latest version? (Recommended)", - "Yes", "No"); - - Debug.Log( - $"Package version behind: {package.packageId} is behind latest verified " + - $"version {package.versions.verified}. prompting user install"); - break; - - // latest verified matches installed version - case 0: - installRequired[i] = false; - - Debug.Log( - $"Package version match: {package.packageId} matches latest verified version " + - $"{package.versions.verified}. Skipped install"); - break; - - // latest verified is behind installed version - case -1: - installRequired[i] = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Confirm Package Downgrade", - $"The version of \"{packagesToAdd[i].name}\" in this project is {package.version}. The latest verified version is {packagesToAdd[i].version}. " + - $"{package.version} is unverified. Would you like to downgrade it to the latest verified version? " + - "(Recommended)", "Yes", "No"); - - Debug.Log( - $"Package version ahead: {package.packageId} is newer than latest verified " + - $"version {package.versions.verified}, skipped install"); - break; - } - } - } - } - - // install our packages and versions - for (int i = 0; i < packagesToAdd.Count; i++) - { - if (installRequired[i]) - { - addRequests[i] = InstallSelectedPackage(packagesToAdd[i].name, packagesToAdd[i].version); - } - } - - ReimportPackagesByKeyword(); - } - } - } - - private static AddRequest InstallSelectedPackage(string packageName, string packageVersion) - { - if (packageVersion != null) - { - packageName = packageName + "@" + packageVersion; - Debug.Log($"Adding package: {packageName}"); - } - - AddRequest newPackage = Client.Add(packageName); - - while (!newPackage.IsCompleted) - { - if (newPackage.Status == StatusCode.Failure || newPackage.Error != null) - { - Debug.LogError(newPackage.Error.message); - return null; - } - } - - return newPackage; - } - - private static void ReimportPackagesByKeyword() - { - AssetDatabase.Refresh(); - AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(EditorFolderRoot, ImportAssetOptions.ImportRecursive); - } - - public static int CompareVersion(string latestVerifiedVersion, string projectVersion) - { - string[] latestVersionSplit = latestVerifiedVersion.Split('.'); - string[] projectVersionSplit = projectVersion.Split('.'); - int iteratorA = 0; - int iteratorB = 0; - - while (iteratorA < latestVersionSplit.Length || iteratorB < projectVersionSplit.Length) - { - int latestVerified = 0; - int installed = 0; - - if (iteratorA < latestVersionSplit.Length) - { - latestVerified = Convert.ToInt32(latestVersionSplit[iteratorA]); - } - - if (iteratorB < projectVersionSplit.Length) - { - installed = Convert.ToInt32(projectVersionSplit[iteratorB]); - } - - // latest verified is ahead of installed version - if (latestVerified > installed) return 1; - - // latest verified is behind installed version - if (latestVerified < installed) return -1; - - iteratorA++; - iteratorB++; - } - - // if the version is the same - return 0; - } - - public class PackageEntry - { - public string name; - public string version; - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/PackageChecker/PackageChecker.cs.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/PackageChecker/PackageChecker.cs.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 8e51255..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/PackageChecker/PackageChecker.cs.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 7315d24058889bb4da8c959c3f2ebaa2 -MonoImporter: - externalObjects: {} - serializedVersion: 2 - defaultReferences: [] - executionOrder: 0 - icon: {instanceID: 0} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/PackageChecker/PackageImportList.txt b/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/PackageChecker/PackageImportList.txt deleted file mode 100644 index c73c715..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/PackageChecker/PackageImportList.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -com.unity.cinemachine -com.unity.inputsystem \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/PackageChecker/PackageImportList.txt.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/PackageChecker/PackageImportList.txt.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 45c609b..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/PackageChecker/PackageImportList.txt.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 77db531f6c7d0ce4da51f6017f51c622 -TextScriptImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/ScriptingDefineUtils.cs b/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/ScriptingDefineUtils.cs deleted file mode 100644 index 099303b..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/ScriptingDefineUtils.cs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -using UnityEditor; - -namespace StarterAssets -{ - public static class ScriptingDefineUtils - { - public static bool CheckScriptingDefine(string scriptingDefine) - { - BuildTargetGroup buildTargetGroup = EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedBuildTargetGroup; - var defines = PlayerSettings.GetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup(buildTargetGroup); - return defines.Contains(scriptingDefine); - } - - public static void SetScriptingDefine(string scriptingDefine) - { - BuildTargetGroup buildTargetGroup = EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedBuildTargetGroup; - var defines = PlayerSettings.GetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup(buildTargetGroup); - if (!defines.Contains(scriptingDefine)) - { - defines += $";{scriptingDefine}"; - PlayerSettings.SetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup(buildTargetGroup, defines); - } - } - - public static void RemoveScriptingDefine(string scriptingDefine) - { - BuildTargetGroup buildTargetGroup = EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedBuildTargetGroup; - var defines = PlayerSettings.GetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup(buildTargetGroup); - if (defines.Contains(scriptingDefine)) - { - string newDefines = defines.Replace(scriptingDefine, ""); - PlayerSettings.SetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup(buildTargetGroup, newDefines); - } - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/ScriptingDefineUtils.cs.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/ScriptingDefineUtils.cs.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 5abe5d2..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/ScriptingDefineUtils.cs.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 19d5e2567c974ac6817cbc0ae63e638c -timeCreated: 1620921242 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/StarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs b/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/StarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs deleted file mode 100644 index 1e364bb..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Editor/StarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -using System.Linq; -using UnityEditor; -using UnityEngine; -#if STARTER_ASSETS_PACKAGES_CHECKED -using Cinemachine; -#endif - -namespace StarterAssets -{ - // This class needs to be a scriptable object to support dynamic determination of StarterAssets install path - public partial class StarterAssetsDeployMenu : ScriptableObject - { - public const string MenuRoot = "Tools/Starter Assets"; - - // prefab names - private const string MainCameraPrefabName = "MainCamera"; - private const string PlayerCapsulePrefabName = "PlayerCapsule"; - - // names in hierarchy - private const string CinemachineVirtualCameraName = "PlayerFollowCamera"; - - // tags - private const string PlayerTag = "Player"; - private const string MainCameraTag = "MainCamera"; - private const string CinemachineTargetTag = "CinemachineTarget"; - - // Get the path to the template prefabs - private static string StarterAssetsPath => PathToThisFile; - - private static GameObject _cinemachineVirtualCamera; - - /// - /// Get the relative root path of the StarterAssets install - works even if user has - /// moved it within Assets, so long as user does not mess with the internal hierarchy - /// of the StarterAssets folder - /// - public static string StarterAssetsInstallPath - { - get - { - string path = PathToThisFile; - // where this file is relative to install path: - return path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf("StarterAssets")); - } - } - - private static string PathToThisFile - { - get - { - var dummy = CreateInstance(); - string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(MonoScript.FromScriptableObject(dummy)); - DestroyImmediate(dummy); - return path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf("/Editor/StarterAssetsDeployMenu.cs")); - } - } - - /// - /// Deletes the scripting define set by the Package Checker. - /// See Assets/Editor/PackageChecker/PackageChecker.cs for more information - /// - [MenuItem(MenuRoot + "/Reinstall Dependencies", false)] - static void ResetPackageChecker() - { - ScriptingDefineUtils.RemoveScriptingDefine(PackageChecker.PackageCheckerScriptingDefine); - } - -#if STARTER_ASSETS_PACKAGES_CHECKED - private static void CheckCameras(string prefabPath, Transform targetParent) - { - CheckMainCamera(prefabPath); - - GameObject vcam = GameObject.Find(CinemachineVirtualCameraName); - - if (!vcam) - { - HandleInstantiatingPrefab(StarterAssetsPath + prefabPath, - CinemachineVirtualCameraName, - out GameObject vcamPrefab); - _cinemachineVirtualCamera = vcamPrefab; - } - else - { - _cinemachineVirtualCamera = vcam; - } - - GameObject[] targets = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(CinemachineTargetTag); - GameObject target = targets.FirstOrDefault(t => t.transform.IsChildOf(targetParent)); - if (target == null) - { - target = new GameObject("PlayerCameraRoot"); - target.transform.SetParent(targetParent); - target.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 1.375f, 0f); - target.tag = CinemachineTargetTag; - Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(target, "Created new cinemachine target"); - } - CheckVirtualCameraFollowReference(target, _cinemachineVirtualCamera); - } - - private static void CheckMainCamera(string prefabPath) - { - GameObject[] mainCameras = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(MainCameraTag); - - if (mainCameras.Length < 1) - { - // if there are no MainCameras, add one - HandleInstantiatingPrefab(StarterAssetsPath + prefabPath, MainCameraPrefabName, - out _); - } - else - { - // make sure the found camera has a cinemachine brain (we only need 1) - if (!mainCameras[0].TryGetComponent(out CinemachineBrain cinemachineBrain)) - mainCameras[0].AddComponent(); - } - } - - private static void CheckVirtualCameraFollowReference(GameObject target, - GameObject cinemachineVirtualCamera) - { - var serializedObject = - new SerializedObject(cinemachineVirtualCamera.GetComponent()); - var serializedProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Follow"); - serializedProperty.objectReferenceValue = target.transform; - serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); - } - - private static void HandleInstantiatingPrefab(string path, string prefabName, out GameObject prefab) - { - prefab = (GameObject) PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab( - AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath($"{path}{prefabName}.prefab")); - Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(prefab, "Instantiate Starter Asset Prefab"); - - prefab.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; - prefab.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.zero; - prefab.transform.localScale = Vector3.one; - } -#endif - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 89f1606..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 8d8da06649314d7498296c53b4a0a77a -folderAsset: yes -DefaultImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 27ee9f5..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: bc688fc4c70b02044b054f994d6e36e6 -folderAsset: yes -DefaultImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials.meta deleted file mode 100644 index aafef5f..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 62e09e1e4aed9424ba218499f11ea644 -folderAsset: yes -DefaultImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/Blue_Mat.mat b/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/Blue_Mat.mat deleted file mode 100644 index 377516f..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/Blue_Mat.mat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -%YAML 1.1 -%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: ---- !u!21 &2100000 -Material: - serializedVersion: 6 - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_Name: Blue_Mat - m_Shader: {fileID: 46, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_ShaderKeywords: - m_LightmapFlags: 4 - m_EnableInstancingVariants: 0 - m_DoubleSidedGI: 0 - m_CustomRenderQueue: -1 - stringTagMap: {} - disabledShaderPasses: [] - m_SavedProperties: - serializedVersion: 3 - m_TexEnvs: - - _BumpMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _DetailAlbedoMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _DetailMask: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _DetailNormalMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _EmissionMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _MainTex: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _MetallicGlossMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _OcclusionMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _ParallaxMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - m_Floats: - - _BumpScale: 1 - - _Cutoff: 0.5 - - _DetailNormalMapScale: 1 - - _DstBlend: 0 - - _GlossMapScale: 1 - - _Glossiness: 0.5 - - _GlossyReflections: 1 - - _Metallic: 0 - - _Mode: 0 - - _OcclusionStrength: 1 - - _Parallax: 0.02 - - _SmoothnessTextureChannel: 0 - - _SpecularHighlights: 1 - - _SrcBlend: 1 - - _UVSec: 0 - - _ZWrite: 1 - m_Colors: - - _Color: {r: 0.48507768, g: 0.67556465, b: 0.7830189, a: 1} - - _EmissionColor: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} - m_BuildTextureStacks: [] diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/Blue_Mat.mat.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/Blue_Mat.mat.meta deleted file mode 100644 index f0bd367..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/Blue_Mat.mat.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 979aef027a1c86c42a15ce35fce366fa -NativeFormatImporter: - externalObjects: {} - mainObjectFileID: 2100000 - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/Builtin_RP.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/Builtin_RP.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 3f86d9b..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/Builtin_RP.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 2ea040058ad42c845849bc0ebde3f7ad -folderAsset: yes -DefaultImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/Builtin_RP/BuiltInTriplanar_01_Mat.mat b/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/Builtin_RP/BuiltInTriplanar_01_Mat.mat deleted file mode 100644 index 30cc9a6..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/Builtin_RP/BuiltInTriplanar_01_Mat.mat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -%YAML 1.1 -%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: ---- !u!21 &2100000 -Material: - serializedVersion: 6 - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_Name: BuiltInTriplanar_01_Mat - m_Shader: {fileID: 4800000, guid: e61aeb7487ccb5e4fb6d45036e33fb7b, type: 3} - m_ShaderKeywords: - m_LightmapFlags: 4 - m_EnableInstancingVariants: 0 - m_DoubleSidedGI: 0 - m_CustomRenderQueue: -1 - stringTagMap: {} - disabledShaderPasses: [] - m_SavedProperties: - serializedVersion: 3 - m_TexEnvs: - - _BumpMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 2800000, guid: c5c221ed57a3bf6488f8eba0db28a004, type: 3} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _DetailAlbedoMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _DetailMask: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _DetailNormalMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _EmissionMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _MainTex: - m_Texture: {fileID: 2800000, guid: d9c0dd5cdac07b145be73329e489869a, type: 3} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0.004, y: 0} - - _MetallicGlossMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _OcclusionMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _ParallaxMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - m_Floats: - - _BumpScale: 1 - - _Cutoff: 0.5 - - _DetailNormalMapScale: 1 - - _DstBlend: 0 - - _GlossMapScale: 1 - - _Glossiness: 0.261 - - _GlossyReflections: 1 - - _Metallic: 0 - - _Mode: 0 - - _OcclusionStrength: 0 - - _Parallax: 0.02 - - _SmoothnessTextureChannel: 0 - - _SpecularHighlights: 1 - - _SrcBlend: 1 - - _UVSec: 0 - - _ZWrite: 1 - m_Colors: - - _Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - - _EmissionColor: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} - m_BuildTextureStacks: [] diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/Builtin_RP/BuiltInTriplanar_01_Mat.mat.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/Builtin_RP/BuiltInTriplanar_01_Mat.mat.meta deleted file mode 100644 index aac19bd..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/Builtin_RP/BuiltInTriplanar_01_Mat.mat.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 3300a5c4710bac244815734e484b3b90 -NativeFormatImporter: - externalObjects: {} - mainObjectFileID: 0 - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/GreyBlue_Mat.mat b/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/GreyBlue_Mat.mat deleted file mode 100644 index 7cf7efa..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/GreyBlue_Mat.mat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -%YAML 1.1 -%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: ---- !u!21 &2100000 -Material: - serializedVersion: 6 - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_Name: GreyBlue_Mat - m_Shader: {fileID: 46, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_ShaderKeywords: _GLOSSYREFLECTIONS_OFF - m_LightmapFlags: 4 - m_EnableInstancingVariants: 0 - m_DoubleSidedGI: 0 - m_CustomRenderQueue: -1 - stringTagMap: {} - disabledShaderPasses: [] - m_SavedProperties: - serializedVersion: 3 - m_TexEnvs: - - _BumpMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _DetailAlbedoMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _DetailMask: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _DetailNormalMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _EmissionMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _MainTex: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _MetallicGlossMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _OcclusionMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _ParallaxMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - m_Floats: - - _BumpScale: 1 - - _Cutoff: 0.5 - - _DetailNormalMapScale: 1 - - _DstBlend: 0 - - _GlossMapScale: 1 - - _Glossiness: 0.477 - - _GlossyReflections: 0 - - _Metallic: 0 - - _Mode: 0 - - _OcclusionStrength: 1 - - _Parallax: 0.02 - - _SmoothnessTextureChannel: 0 - - _SpecularHighlights: 1 - - _SrcBlend: 1 - - _UVSec: 0 - - _ZWrite: 1 - m_Colors: - - _Color: {r: 0.5110952, g: 0.62652487, b: 0.6886792, a: 1} - - _EmissionColor: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1} - m_BuildTextureStacks: [] diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/GreyBlue_Mat.mat.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Art/Materials/GreyBlue_Mat.mat.meta 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_NORMALMAP - m_LightmapFlags: 2 - m_EnableInstancingVariants: 0 - m_DoubleSidedGI: 0 - m_CustomRenderQueue: -1 - stringTagMap: {} - disabledShaderPasses: [] - m_SavedProperties: - serializedVersion: 3 - m_TexEnvs: - - _BumpMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 2800000, guid: c5c221ed57a3bf6488f8eba0db28a004, type: 3} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _DetailAlbedoMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _DetailMask: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _DetailNormalMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _EmissionMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 2800000, guid: d4d6919451fe3e24388816386a6d15a4, type: 3} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0} - - _MainTex: - m_Texture: {fileID: 2800000, guid: d1118dda59970a2449ee890fa247c4c5, type: 3} - m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1} - m_Offset: {x: 0.004, y: 0} - - _MetallicGlossMap: - m_Texture: {fileID: 0} - m_Scale: {x: 1, 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0 - showEyeDropper: 0 - horizonZenithShift: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - min: -1 - max: 1 ---- !u!114 &-6507688450006126269 -MonoBehaviour: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 3 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 0} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_EditorHideFlags: 0 - m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 953beb541740ddc499d005ee80c9ff29, type: 3} - m_Name: Fog - m_EditorClassIdentifier: - active: 1 - m_AdvancedMode: 0 - quality: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 1 - enabled: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - colorMode: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 1 - color: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: {r: 0.5, g: 0.5, b: 0.5, a: 1} - hdr: 1 - showAlpha: 0 - showEyeDropper: 1 - tint: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - hdr: 1 - showAlpha: 0 - showEyeDropper: 1 - maxFogDistance: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 5000 - min: 0 - mipFogMaxMip: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0.5 - min: 0 - max: 1 - mipFogNear: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - min: 0 - mipFogFar: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 1000 - min: 0 - baseHeight: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - maximumHeight: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 50 - meanFreePath: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 400 - min: 1 - enableVolumetricFog: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - albedo: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - hdr: 0 - showAlpha: 1 - showEyeDropper: 1 - globalLightProbeDimmer: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 1 - min: 0 - max: 1 - depthExtent: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 64 - min: 0.1 - denoisingMode: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 2 - anisotropy: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - min: -1 - max: 1 - sliceDistributionUniformity: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0.75 - min: 0 - max: 1 - m_FogControlMode: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - screenResolutionPercentage: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 12.5 - min: 6.25 - max: 50 - volumeSliceCount: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 64 - min: 1 - max: 512 - m_VolumetricFogBudget: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0.25 - min: 0 - max: 1 - m_ResolutionDepthRatio: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0.5 - min: 0 - max: 1 - directionalLightsOnly: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - filter: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 ---- !u!114 &-4501967695779405341 -MonoBehaviour: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 3 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 0} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_EditorHideFlags: 0 - m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: a81bcacc415a1f743bfdf703afc52027, type: 3} - m_Name: GradientSky - m_EditorClassIdentifier: - active: 1 - m_AdvancedMode: 0 - rotation: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - min: 0 - max: 360 - skyIntensityMode: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - exposure: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - multiplier: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 1 - min: 0 - upperHemisphereLuxValue: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 1 - min: 0 - upperHemisphereLuxColor: - 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1 - colorMode: - m_OverrideState: 1 - m_Value: 1 - color: - m_OverrideState: 1 - m_Value: {r: 0.8773585, g: 0.8069347, b: 0.40281233, a: 1} - hdr: 1 - showAlpha: 0 - showEyeDropper: 1 - tint: - m_OverrideState: 1 - m_Value: {r: 1.8544642, g: 1.8544642, b: 1.8544642, a: 1} - hdr: 1 - showAlpha: 0 - showEyeDropper: 1 - maxFogDistance: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 5000 - min: 0 - mipFogMaxMip: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0.5 - min: 0 - max: 1 - mipFogNear: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - min: 0 - mipFogFar: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 1000 - min: 0 - baseHeight: - m_OverrideState: 1 - m_Value: 5.99 - maximumHeight: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 124.2 - meanFreePath: - m_OverrideState: 1 - m_Value: 109.6 - min: 1 - enableVolumetricFog: - m_OverrideState: 1 - m_Value: 1 - albedo: - m_OverrideState: 1 - m_Value: {r: 1, g: 0.94751257, b: 0.83647794, a: 1} - hdr: 0 - showAlpha: 1 - showEyeDropper: 1 - globalLightProbeDimmer: - m_OverrideState: 1 - m_Value: 1 - min: 0 - max: 1 - depthExtent: - m_OverrideState: 1 - m_Value: 2.4 - min: 0.1 - denoisingMode: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 2 - anisotropy: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - min: -1 - max: 1 - sliceDistributionUniformity: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0.75 - min: 0 - max: 1 - m_FogControlMode: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - screenResolutionPercentage: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 12.5 - min: 6.25 - max: 50 - volumeSliceCount: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 64 - min: 1 - max: 512 - m_VolumetricFogBudget: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0.33 - min: 0 - max: 1 - m_ResolutionDepthRatio: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0.666 - min: 0 - max: 1 - directionalLightsOnly: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - filter: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 ---- !u!114 &1501199423866068322 -MonoBehaviour: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 3 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 0} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_EditorHideFlags: 0 - 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showAlpha: 0 - showEyeDropper: 1 - hueShift: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - min: -180 - max: 180 - saturation: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - min: -100 - max: 100 ---- !u!114 &5315503232242033309 -MonoBehaviour: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 3 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 0} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_EditorHideFlags: 0 - m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 2d08ce26990eb1a4a9177b860541e702, type: 3} - m_Name: Exposure - m_EditorClassIdentifier: - active: 1 - m_AdvancedMode: 0 - mode: - m_OverrideState: 1 - m_Value: 1 - meteringMode: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 2 - luminanceSource: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 1 - fixedExposure: - m_OverrideState: 1 - m_Value: 7.12177 - compensation: - m_OverrideState: 1 - m_Value: 3.11 - limitMin: - m_OverrideState: 1 - m_Value: 5.5409927 - limitMax: - m_OverrideState: 1 - m_Value: 13.578639 - curveMap: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: - serializedVersion: 2 - m_Curve: - - serializedVersion: 3 - time: -10 - value: -10 - inSlope: 0 - outSlope: 1 - tangentMode: 0 - weightedMode: 0 - inWeight: 0 - outWeight: 0 - - serializedVersion: 3 - time: 20 - value: 20 - inSlope: 1 - outSlope: 0 - tangentMode: 0 - weightedMode: 0 - inWeight: 0 - outWeight: 0 - m_PreInfinity: 2 - m_PostInfinity: 2 - m_RotationOrder: 4 - limitMinCurveMap: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: - serializedVersion: 2 - m_Curve: - - serializedVersion: 3 - time: -10 - value: -12 - inSlope: 0 - outSlope: 1 - tangentMode: 0 - weightedMode: 0 - inWeight: 0 - outWeight: 0 - - serializedVersion: 3 - time: 20 - value: 18 - inSlope: 1 - outSlope: 0 - tangentMode: 0 - weightedMode: 0 - inWeight: 0 - outWeight: 0 - m_PreInfinity: 2 - m_PostInfinity: 2 - m_RotationOrder: 4 - limitMaxCurveMap: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: - serializedVersion: 2 - m_Curve: - - serializedVersion: 3 - time: -10 - value: -8 - inSlope: 0 - outSlope: 1 - tangentMode: 0 - weightedMode: 0 - inWeight: 0 - 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m_Value: 0 - min: 0 - mipFogFar: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 1000 - min: 0 - baseHeight: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - maximumHeight: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 50 - meanFreePath: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 400 - min: 1 - enableVolumetricFog: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - albedo: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - hdr: 0 - showAlpha: 1 - showEyeDropper: 1 - globalLightProbeDimmer: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 1 - min: 0 - max: 1 - depthExtent: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 64 - min: 0.1 - denoisingMode: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 2 - anisotropy: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - min: -1 - max: 1 - sliceDistributionUniformity: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0.75 - min: 0 - max: 1 - m_FogControlMode: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - screenResolutionPercentage: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 12.5 - min: 6.25 - max: 50 - volumeSliceCount: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 64 - min: 1 - max: 512 - m_VolumetricFogBudget: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0.25 - min: 0 - max: 1 - m_ResolutionDepthRatio: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0.5 - min: 0 - max: 1 - directionalLightsOnly: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - filter: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 ---- !u!114 &7502528774814404555 -MonoBehaviour: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 3 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 0} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_EditorHideFlags: 0 - m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 9008a067f4d626c4d8bc4bc48f04bb89, type: 3} - m_Name: AmbientOcclusion - m_EditorClassIdentifier: - active: 1 - m_AdvancedMode: 0 - quality: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 1 - rayTracing: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - intensity: - m_OverrideState: 1 - m_Value: 0.53 - min: 0 - max: 4 - directLightingStrength: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - min: 0 - max: 1 - radius: - m_OverrideState: 1 - m_Value: 1.5 - min: 0.25 - max: 5 - spatialBilateralAggressiveness: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0.15 - min: 0 - max: 1 - temporalAccumulation: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 1 - ghostingReduction: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0.5 - min: 0 - max: 1 - blurSharpness: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0.1 - min: 0 - max: 1 - layerMask: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: - serializedVersion: 2 - m_Bits: 4294967295 - m_StepCount: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 6 - min: 2 - max: 32 - m_FullResolution: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0 - m_MaximumRadiusInPixels: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 40 - min: 16 - max: 256 - m_BilateralUpsample: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 1 - m_DirectionCount: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 2 - min: 1 - max: 6 - m_RayLength: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 3 - min: 0 - m_SampleCount: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 2 - min: 1 - max: 64 - m_Denoise: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 1 - m_DenoiserRadius: - m_OverrideState: 0 - m_Value: 0.5 - min: 0.001 - max: 1 ---- !u!114 &7542669330009093999 -MonoBehaviour: - 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[NoScaleOffset] _OcclusionMap("Occlusion", 2D) = "white" {} - _OcclusionStrength("Strength", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 1.0 -} -SubShader{ - Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" } - LOD 200 - - CGPROGRAM - // Physically based Standard lighting model, and enable shadows on all light types - #pragma surface surf Standard fullforwardshadows - - // Use shader model 3.0 target, to get nicer looking lighting - #pragma target 3.0 - - #include "UnityStandardUtils.cginc" - - // flip UVs horizontally to correct for back side projection - #define TRIPLANAR_CORRECT_PROJECTED_U - - // offset UVs to prevent obvious mirroring - // #define TRIPLANAR_UV_OFFSET - - // Reoriented Normal Mapping - // Altered to take normals (-1 to 1 ranges) rather than unsigned normal maps (0 to 1 ranges) - half3 blend_rnm(half3 n1, half3 n2) - { - n1.z += 1; - n2.xy = -n2.xy; - - return n1 * dot(n1, n2) / n1.z - n2; - } - - sampler2D _MainTex; - float4 _MainTex_ST; - - sampler2D _BumpMap; - sampler2D _OcclusionMap; - - half _Glossiness; - half _Metallic; - - half _OcclusionStrength; - - struct Input { - float3 worldPos; - float3 worldNormal; - INTERNAL_DATA - }; - - float3 WorldToTangentNormalVector(Input IN, float3 normal) { - float3 t2w0 = WorldNormalVector(IN, float3(1,0,0)); - float3 t2w1 = WorldNormalVector(IN, float3(0,1,0)); - float3 t2w2 = WorldNormalVector(IN, float3(0,0,1)); - float3x3 t2w = float3x3(t2w0, t2w1, t2w2); - return normalize(mul(t2w, normal)); - } - - void surf(Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) { - // work around bug where IN.worldNormal is always (0,0,0)! - IN.worldNormal = WorldNormalVector(IN, float3(0,0,1)); - - // calculate triplanar blend - half3 triblend = saturate(pow(IN.worldNormal, 4)); - triblend /= max(dot(triblend, half3(1,1,1)), 0.0001); - - // calculate triplanar uvs - // applying texture scale and offset values ala TRANSFORM_TEX macro - float2 uvX = IN.worldPos.zy * _MainTex_ST.xy + _MainTex_ST.zy; - float2 uvY = IN.worldPos.xz * _MainTex_ST.xy + _MainTex_ST.zy; - float2 uvZ = IN.worldPos.xy * _MainTex_ST.xy + _MainTex_ST.zy; - - // offset UVs to prevent obvious mirroring - #if defined(TRIPLANAR_UV_OFFSET) - uvY += 0.33; - uvZ += 0.67; - #endif - - // minor optimization of sign(). prevents return value of 0 - half3 axisSign = IN.worldNormal < 0 ? -1 : 1; - - // flip UVs horizontally to correct for back side projection - #if defined(TRIPLANAR_CORRECT_PROJECTED_U) - uvX.x *= axisSign.x; - uvY.x *= axisSign.y; - uvZ.x *= -axisSign.z; - #endif - - // albedo textures - fixed4 colX = tex2D(_MainTex, uvX); - fixed4 colY = tex2D(_MainTex, uvY); - fixed4 colZ = tex2D(_MainTex, uvZ); - fixed4 col = colX * triblend.x + colY * triblend.y + colZ * triblend.z; - - // occlusion textures - half occX = tex2D(_OcclusionMap, uvX).g; - half occY = tex2D(_OcclusionMap, uvY).g; - half occZ = tex2D(_OcclusionMap, uvZ).g; - half occ = LerpOneTo(occX * triblend.x + occY * triblend.y + occZ * triblend.z, _OcclusionStrength); - - // tangent space normal maps - half3 tnormalX = UnpackNormal(tex2D(_BumpMap, uvX)); - half3 tnormalY = UnpackNormal(tex2D(_BumpMap, uvY)); - half3 tnormalZ = UnpackNormal(tex2D(_BumpMap, uvZ)); - - // flip normal maps' x axis to account for flipped UVs - #if defined(TRIPLANAR_CORRECT_PROJECTED_U) - tnormalX.x *= axisSign.x; - tnormalY.x *= axisSign.y; - tnormalZ.x *= -axisSign.z; - #endif - - half3 absVertNormal = abs(IN.worldNormal); - - // swizzle world normals to match tangent space and apply reoriented normal mapping blend - tnormalX = blend_rnm(half3(IN.worldNormal.zy, absVertNormal.x), tnormalX); - tnormalY = blend_rnm(half3(IN.worldNormal.xz, absVertNormal.y), tnormalY); - tnormalZ = blend_rnm(half3(IN.worldNormal.xy, absVertNormal.z), tnormalZ); - - // apply world space sign to tangent space Z - tnormalX.z *= axisSign.x; - tnormalY.z *= axisSign.y; - tnormalZ.z *= axisSign.z; - - // sizzle tangent normals to match world normal and blend together - half3 worldNormal = normalize( - tnormalX.zyx * triblend.x + - tnormalY.xzy * triblend.y + - tnormalZ.xyz * triblend.z - ); - - // set surface ouput properties - o.Albedo = col.rgb; - o.Metallic = _Metallic; - o.Smoothness = _Glossiness; - o.Occlusion = occ; - - // convert world space normals into tangent normals - o.Normal = WorldToTangentNormalVector(IN, worldNormal); - } - ENDCG - } - FallBack "Diffuse" -} diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Shaders/Built-in_RP/Triplanar.shader.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Shaders/Built-in_RP/Triplanar.shader.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 2595eb9..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Shaders/Built-in_RP/Triplanar.shader.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: e61aeb7487ccb5e4fb6d45036e33fb7b -ShaderImporter: - externalObjects: {} - defaultTextures: [] - nonModifiableTextures: [] - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Environment/Shaders/URP_HDRP_ShaderGraph.meta 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2.3164883} - m_UseBoundingSphereOverride: 0 - m_UseViewFrustumForShadowCasterCull: 1 - m_ShadowRadius: 0 - m_ShadowAngle: 0 ---- !u!4 &2114283754330233426 -Transform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 2114283754330233424} - m_LocalRotation: {x: 0.40821788, y: -0.23456968, z: 0.10938163, w: 0.8754261} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 39.455, y: 0, z: 7.815} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: [] - m_Father: {fileID: 2114283753834967213} - m_RootOrder: 0 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 50, y: -30, z: 0} ---- !u!1001 &5393215579111688471 -PrefabInstance: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - serializedVersion: 2 - m_Modification: - m_TransformParent: {fileID: 0} - m_Modifications: - - target: {fileID: 8616685848737228372, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, - type: 3} - propertyPath: m_Name - value: PlayerCapsule - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 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- value: 0 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8762286023885395322, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, - type: 3} - propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.z - value: 0 - objectReference: {fileID: 0} - - target: {fileID: 8762286023885395323, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, - type: 3} - propertyPath: m_Follow - value: - objectReference: {fileID: 8338988565591873055} - m_RemovedComponents: [] - m_SourcePrefab: {fileID: 100100000, guid: 9c489a8547f4d9e4387da15a4ff82c81, type: 3} ---- !u!4 &8338988565591873055 stripped -Transform: - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 4135013735270702856, guid: c5efc39a8aaf6e64ea40e9ad573e9b47, - type: 3} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 5393215579111688471} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scenes/Playground/LightingData.asset b/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scenes/Playground/LightingData.asset deleted file mode 100644 index 2b511ff..0000000 Binary files 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a/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scenes/PlaygroundSettings.lighting b/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scenes/PlaygroundSettings.lighting deleted file mode 100644 index e3c26e1..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scenes/PlaygroundSettings.lighting +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -%YAML 1.1 -%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: ---- !u!850595691 &4890085278179872738 -LightingSettings: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_Name: PlaygroundSettings - serializedVersion: 3 - m_GIWorkflowMode: 1 - m_EnableBakedLightmaps: 1 - m_EnableRealtimeLightmaps: 0 - m_RealtimeEnvironmentLighting: 1 - m_BounceScale: 1 - m_AlbedoBoost: 1 - m_IndirectOutputScale: 1 - m_UsingShadowmask: 0 - m_BakeBackend: 1 - m_LightmapMaxSize: 1024 - m_BakeResolution: 16 - m_Padding: 2 - m_TextureCompression: 1 - m_AO: 0 - m_AOMaxDistance: 1 - m_CompAOExponent: 0.4 - m_CompAOExponentDirect: 0.4 - m_ExtractAO: 0 - m_MixedBakeMode: 0 - m_LightmapsBakeMode: 1 - m_FilterMode: 1 - m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 15204, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} - m_ExportTrainingData: 0 - m_TrainingDataDestination: TrainingData - m_RealtimeResolution: 2 - m_ForceWhiteAlbedo: 0 - m_ForceUpdates: 0 - m_FinalGather: 0 - m_FinalGatherRayCount: 256 - m_FinalGatherFiltering: 1 - m_PVRCulling: 0 - m_PVRSampling: 1 - m_PVRDirectSampleCount: 100 - m_PVRSampleCount: 200 - m_PVREnvironmentSampleCount: 300 - m_PVREnvironmentReferencePointCount: 2048 - m_LightProbeSampleCountMultiplier: 15 - m_PVRBounces: 6 - m_PVRMinBounces: 3 - m_PVREnvironmentMIS: 1 - m_PVRFilteringMode: 1 - m_PVRDenoiserTypeDirect: 1 - m_PVRDenoiserTypeIndirect: 1 - m_PVRDenoiserTypeAO: 1 - m_PVRFilterTypeDirect: 0 - m_PVRFilterTypeIndirect: 0 - m_PVRFilterTypeAO: 0 - m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusDirect: 1 - m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusIndirect: 5 - m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusAO: 2 - m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaDirect: 0.5 - m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaIndirect: 2 - m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaAO: 1 diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scenes/PlaygroundSettings.lighting.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scenes/PlaygroundSettings.lighting.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 5b745a1..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scenes/PlaygroundSettings.lighting.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 027dc98253d80d849acc2271be9bffaf -NativeFormatImporter: - externalObjects: {} - mainObjectFileID: 4890085278179872738 - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scripts.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scripts.meta deleted file mode 100644 index e22189e..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scripts.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: d945aebbdf256954aadf016c19fcea09 -folderAsset: yes -DefaultImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scripts/BasicRigidBodyPush.cs b/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scripts/BasicRigidBodyPush.cs deleted file mode 100644 index c222c11..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scripts/BasicRigidBodyPush.cs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -using UnityEngine; - -public class BasicRigidBodyPush : MonoBehaviour -{ - public LayerMask pushLayers; - public bool canPush; - [Range(0.5f, 5f)] public float strength = 1.1f; - - private void OnControllerColliderHit(ControllerColliderHit hit) - { - if (canPush) PushRigidBodies(hit); - } - - private void PushRigidBodies(ControllerColliderHit hit) - { - // https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/CharacterController.OnControllerColliderHit.html - - // make sure we hit a non kinematic rigidbody - Rigidbody body = hit.collider.attachedRigidbody; - if (body == null || body.isKinematic) return; - - // make sure we only push desired layer(s) - var bodyLayerMask = 1 << body.gameObject.layer; - if ((bodyLayerMask & pushLayers.value) == 0) return; - - // We dont want to push objects below us - if (hit.moveDirection.y < -0.3f) return; - - // Calculate push direction from move direction, horizontal motion only - Vector3 pushDir = new Vector3(hit.moveDirection.x, 0.0f, hit.moveDirection.z); - - // Apply the push and take strength into account - body.AddForce(pushDir * strength, ForceMode.Impulse); - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scripts/BasicRigidBodyPush.cs.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scripts/BasicRigidBodyPush.cs.meta deleted file mode 100644 index d0dc3af..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scripts/BasicRigidBodyPush.cs.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 909d917d73a63f940ac158d02e936645 -MonoImporter: - externalObjects: {} - serializedVersion: 2 - defaultReferences: [] - executionOrder: 0 - icon: {instanceID: 0} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scripts/FirstPersonController.cs b/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scripts/FirstPersonController.cs deleted file mode 100644 index 2b44b28..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scripts/FirstPersonController.cs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,247 +0,0 @@ -using UnityEngine; -#if ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM && STARTER_ASSETS_PACKAGES_CHECKED -using UnityEngine.InputSystem; -#endif - -/* Note: animations are called via the controller for both the character and capsule using animator null checks - */ - -namespace StarterAssets -{ - [RequireComponent(typeof(CharacterController))] -#if ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM && STARTER_ASSETS_PACKAGES_CHECKED - [RequireComponent(typeof(PlayerInput))] -#endif - public class FirstPersonController : MonoBehaviour - { - [Header("Player")] - [Tooltip("Move speed of the character in m/s")] - public float MoveSpeed = 4.0f; - [Tooltip("Sprint speed of the character in m/s")] - public float SprintSpeed = 6.0f; - [Tooltip("Rotation speed of the character")] - public float RotationSpeed = 1.0f; - [Tooltip("Acceleration and deceleration")] - public float SpeedChangeRate = 10.0f; - - [Space(10)] - [Tooltip("The height the player can jump")] - public float JumpHeight = 1.2f; - [Tooltip("The character uses its own gravity value. The engine default is -9.81f")] - public float Gravity = -15.0f; - - [Space(10)] - [Tooltip("Time required to pass before being able to jump again. Set to 0f to instantly jump again")] - public float JumpTimeout = 0.1f; - [Tooltip("Time required to pass before entering the fall state. Useful for walking down stairs")] - public float FallTimeout = 0.15f; - - [Header("Player Grounded")] - [Tooltip("If the character is grounded or not. Not part of the CharacterController built in grounded check")] - public bool Grounded = true; - [Tooltip("Useful for rough ground")] - public float GroundedOffset = -0.14f; - [Tooltip("The radius of the grounded check. Should match the radius of the CharacterController")] - public float GroundedRadius = 0.5f; - [Tooltip("What layers the character uses as ground")] - public LayerMask GroundLayers; - - [Header("Cinemachine")] - [Tooltip("The follow target set in the Cinemachine Virtual Camera that the camera will follow")] - public GameObject CinemachineCameraTarget; - [Tooltip("How far in degrees can you move the camera up")] - public float TopClamp = 90.0f; - [Tooltip("How far in degrees can you move the camera down")] - public float BottomClamp = -90.0f; - - // cinemachine - private float _cinemachineTargetPitch; - - // player - private float _speed; - private float _rotationVelocity; - private float _verticalVelocity; - private float _terminalVelocity = 53.0f; - - // timeout deltatime - private float _jumpTimeoutDelta; - private float _fallTimeoutDelta; - - private CharacterController _controller; - private StarterAssetsInputs _input; - private GameObject _mainCamera; - - private const float _threshold = 0.01f; - - private void Awake() - { - // get a reference to our main camera - if (_mainCamera == null) - { - _mainCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera"); - } - } - - private void Start() - { - _controller = GetComponent(); - _input = GetComponent(); - - // reset our timeouts on start - _jumpTimeoutDelta = JumpTimeout; - _fallTimeoutDelta = FallTimeout; - } - - private void Update() - { - JumpAndGravity(); - GroundedCheck(); - Move(); - } - - private void LateUpdate() - { - CameraRotation(); - } - - private void GroundedCheck() - { - // set sphere position, with offset - Vector3 spherePosition = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y - GroundedOffset, transform.position.z); - Grounded = Physics.CheckSphere(spherePosition, GroundedRadius, GroundLayers, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore); - } - - private void CameraRotation() - { - // if there is an input - if (_input.look.sqrMagnitude >= _threshold) - { - _cinemachineTargetPitch += _input.look.y * RotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime; - _rotationVelocity = _input.look.x * RotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime; - - // clamp our pitch rotation - _cinemachineTargetPitch = ClampAngle(_cinemachineTargetPitch, BottomClamp, TopClamp); - - // Update Cinemachine camera target pitch - CinemachineCameraTarget.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(_cinemachineTargetPitch, 0.0f, 0.0f); - - // rotate the player left and right - transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * _rotationVelocity); - } - } - - private void Move() - { - // set target speed based on move speed, sprint speed and if sprint is pressed - float targetSpeed = _input.sprint ? SprintSpeed : MoveSpeed; - - // a simplistic acceleration and deceleration designed to be easy to remove, replace, or iterate upon - - // note: Vector2's == operator uses approximation so is not floating point error prone, and is cheaper than magnitude - // if there is no input, set the target speed to 0 - if (_input.move == Vector2.zero) targetSpeed = 0.0f; - - // a reference to the players current horizontal velocity - float currentHorizontalSpeed = new Vector3(_controller.velocity.x, 0.0f, _controller.velocity.z).magnitude; - - float speedOffset = 0.1f; - float inputMagnitude = _input.analogMovement ? _input.move.magnitude : 1f; - - // accelerate or decelerate to target speed - if (currentHorizontalSpeed < targetSpeed - speedOffset || currentHorizontalSpeed > targetSpeed + speedOffset) - { - // creates curved result rather than a linear one giving a more organic speed change - // note T in Lerp is clamped, so we don't need to clamp our speed - _speed = Mathf.Lerp(currentHorizontalSpeed, targetSpeed * inputMagnitude, Time.deltaTime * SpeedChangeRate); - - // round speed to 3 decimal places - _speed = Mathf.Round(_speed * 1000f) / 1000f; - } - else - { - _speed = targetSpeed; - } - - // normalise input direction - Vector3 inputDirection = new Vector3(_input.move.x, 0.0f, _input.move.y).normalized; - - // note: Vector2's != operator uses approximation so is not floating point error prone, and is cheaper than magnitude - // if there is a move input rotate player when the player is moving - if (_input.move != Vector2.zero) - { - // move - inputDirection = transform.right * _input.move.x + transform.forward * _input.move.y; - } - - // move the player - _controller.Move(inputDirection.normalized * (_speed * Time.deltaTime) + new Vector3(0.0f, _verticalVelocity, 0.0f) * Time.deltaTime); - } - - private void JumpAndGravity() - { - if (Grounded) - { - // reset the fall timeout timer - _fallTimeoutDelta = FallTimeout; - - // stop our velocity dropping infinitely when grounded - if (_verticalVelocity < 0.0f) - { - _verticalVelocity = -2f; - } - - // Jump - if (_input.jump && _jumpTimeoutDelta <= 0.0f) - { - // the square root of H * -2 * G = how much velocity needed to reach desired height - _verticalVelocity = Mathf.Sqrt(JumpHeight * -2f * Gravity); - } - - // jump timeout - if (_jumpTimeoutDelta >= 0.0f) - { - _jumpTimeoutDelta -= Time.deltaTime; - } - } - else - { - // reset the jump timeout timer - _jumpTimeoutDelta = JumpTimeout; - - // fall timeout - if (_fallTimeoutDelta >= 0.0f) - { - _fallTimeoutDelta -= Time.deltaTime; - } - - // if we are not grounded, do not jump - _input.jump = false; - } - - // apply gravity over time if under terminal (multiply by delta time twice to linearly speed up over time) - if (_verticalVelocity < _terminalVelocity) - { - _verticalVelocity += Gravity * Time.deltaTime; - } - } - - private static float ClampAngle(float lfAngle, float lfMin, float lfMax) - { - if (lfAngle < -360f) lfAngle += 360f; - if (lfAngle > 360f) lfAngle -= 360f; - return Mathf.Clamp(lfAngle, lfMin, lfMax); - } - - private void OnDrawGizmosSelected() - { - Color transparentGreen = new Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.35f); - Color transparentRed = new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.35f); - - if (Grounded) Gizmos.color = transparentGreen; - else Gizmos.color = transparentRed; - - // when selected, draw a gizmo in the position of, and matching radius of, the grounded collider - Gizmos.DrawSphere(new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y - GroundedOffset, transform.position.z), GroundedRadius); - } - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scripts/FirstPersonController.cs.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scripts/FirstPersonController.cs.meta deleted file mode 100644 index bde0fdf..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scripts/FirstPersonController.cs.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 55919ac34a26952479f3fc91f777b2fa -MonoImporter: - externalObjects: {} - serializedVersion: 2 - defaultReferences: [] - executionOrder: 0 - icon: {instanceID: 0} - 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{ - MoveInput(value.Get()); - } - - public void OnLook(InputValue value) - { - if(cursorInputForLook) - { - LookInput(value.Get()); - } - } - - public void OnJump(InputValue value) - { - JumpInput(value.isPressed); - } - - public void OnSprint(InputValue value) - { - SprintInput(value.isPressed); - } -#else - // old input sys if we do decide to have it (most likely wont)... -#endif - - - public void MoveInput(Vector2 newMoveDirection) - { - move = newMoveDirection; - } - - public void LookInput(Vector2 newLookDirection) - { - look = newLookDirection; - } - - public void JumpInput(bool newJumpState) - { - jump = newJumpState; - } - - public void SprintInput(bool newSprintState) - { - sprint = newSprintState; - } - -#if !UNITY_IOS || !UNITY_ANDROID - - private void OnApplicationFocus(bool hasFocus) - { - SetCursorState(cursorLocked); - } - - private void SetCursorState(bool newState) - { - Cursor.lockState = newState ? CursorLockMode.Locked : CursorLockMode.None; - } - -#endif - - } - -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/InputSystem/StarterAssetsInputs.cs.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/InputSystem/StarterAssetsInputs.cs.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 796f375..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/InputSystem/StarterAssetsInputs.cs.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: e087ecce43ebbff45a1b360637807d93 -MonoImporter: - externalObjects: {} - serializedVersion: 2 - defaultReferences: [] - executionOrder: 0 - icon: {instanceID: 0} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 96939f2..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 1d9a48e14080daf4794b86b4911eef32 -folderAsset: yes -DefaultImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Prefabs.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Prefabs.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 0d761da..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Prefabs.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 49852dd85b2de7b4997a61317937f2e1 -folderAsset: yes -DefaultImporter: - 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m_PersistentCalls: - m_Calls: [] - m_Sprite: {fileID: 21300000, guid: b74c31d447d2f5d41a61081bdf5e7126, type: 3} - m_Type: 0 - m_PreserveAspect: 0 - m_FillCenter: 1 - m_FillMethod: 4 - m_FillAmount: 1 - m_FillClockwise: 1 - m_FillOrigin: 0 - m_UseSpriteMesh: 0 - m_PixelsPerUnitMultiplier: 1 diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Prefabs/VirtualInputs/UI_Virtual_Joystick.prefab.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Prefabs/VirtualInputs/UI_Virtual_Joystick.prefab.meta deleted file mode 100644 index c1b4235..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Prefabs/VirtualInputs/UI_Virtual_Joystick.prefab.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 6eb08bfc0fd869c47b796c42ada099da -PrefabImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Prefabs/VirtualInputs/UI_Virtual_TouchZone.prefab b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Prefabs/VirtualInputs/UI_Virtual_TouchZone.prefab deleted file mode 100644 index 859127a..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Prefabs/VirtualInputs/UI_Virtual_TouchZone.prefab +++ /dev/null @@ -1,263 +0,0 @@ -%YAML 1.1 -%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: ---- !u!1 &1837564145867584781 -GameObject: - 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m_Pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} ---- !u!222 &1681218170225375998 -CanvasRenderer: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 1837564145867584781} - m_CullTransparentMesh: 1 ---- !u!114 &1495516281102152583 -MonoBehaviour: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 1837564145867584781} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_EditorHideFlags: 0 - m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: fe87c0e1cc204ed48ad3b37840f39efc, type: 3} - m_Name: - m_EditorClassIdentifier: - m_Material: {fileID: 0} - m_Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1} - m_RaycastTarget: 1 - m_RaycastPadding: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} - m_Maskable: 1 - m_OnCullStateChanged: - m_PersistentCalls: - m_Calls: [] - m_Sprite: {fileID: 21300000, guid: ff7bfa7addf40784d86f62b8e4a034a6, type: 3} - m_Type: 0 - m_PreserveAspect: 0 - m_FillCenter: 1 - m_FillMethod: 4 - m_FillAmount: 1 - m_FillClockwise: 1 - m_FillOrigin: 0 - m_UseSpriteMesh: 0 - m_PixelsPerUnitMultiplier: 1 ---- !u!1 &4475312012745311023 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 4475312012745311020} - - component: {fileID: 4475312012745310994} - - component: {fileID: 4767772227563435449} - - component: {fileID: 4767772227563435448} - m_Layer: 5 - m_Name: UI_Virtual_TouchZone - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!224 &4475312012745311020 -RectTransform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 4475312012745311023} - m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: - - {fileID: 4767772227758557155} - m_Father: {fileID: 0} - m_RootOrder: 0 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_AnchorMin: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} - m_AnchorMax: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} - m_AnchoredPosition: {x: 0, y: 0} - m_SizeDelta: {x: 639.4351, y: 389.6286} - m_Pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} ---- !u!222 &4475312012745310994 -CanvasRenderer: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 4475312012745311023} - m_CullTransparentMesh: 1 ---- !u!114 &4767772227563435449 -MonoBehaviour: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 4475312012745311023} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_EditorHideFlags: 0 - m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: fe87c0e1cc204ed48ad3b37840f39efc, type: 3} - m_Name: - m_EditorClassIdentifier: - m_Material: {fileID: 0} - m_Color: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0.18431373} - m_RaycastTarget: 1 - m_RaycastPadding: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} - m_Maskable: 1 - m_OnCullStateChanged: - m_PersistentCalls: - m_Calls: [] - m_Sprite: {fileID: 0} - m_Type: 1 - m_PreserveAspect: 0 - m_FillCenter: 1 - m_FillMethod: 4 - m_FillAmount: 1 - m_FillClockwise: 1 - m_FillOrigin: 0 - m_UseSpriteMesh: 0 - m_PixelsPerUnitMultiplier: 1 ---- !u!114 &4767772227563435448 -MonoBehaviour: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 4475312012745311023} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_EditorHideFlags: 0 - m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 65870f34fef70aa44b0f562cfc810220, type: 3} - m_Name: - m_EditorClassIdentifier: - containerRect: {fileID: 4475312012745311020} - handleRect: {fileID: 4767772227758557155} - clampToMagnitude: 1 - magnitudeMultiplier: 1 - invertXOutputValue: 0 - invertYOutputValue: 0 - touchZoneOutputEvent: - m_PersistentCalls: - m_Calls: - - m_Target: {fileID: 0} - m_TargetAssemblyTypeName: StarterAssets.UICanvasControllerInput, Assembly-CSharp - m_MethodName: VirtualMoveInput - m_Mode: 0 - m_Arguments: - m_ObjectArgument: {fileID: 0} - m_ObjectArgumentAssemblyTypeName: UnityEngine.Object, UnityEngine - m_IntArgument: 0 - m_FloatArgument: 0 - m_StringArgument: - m_BoolArgument: 0 - m_CallState: 2 ---- !u!1 &4767772227758557154 -GameObject: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - serializedVersion: 6 - m_Component: - - component: {fileID: 4767772227758557155} - - component: {fileID: 4767772227758556957} - - component: {fileID: 4767772227758556956} - m_Layer: 5 - m_Name: Image_Handle - m_TagString: Untagged - m_Icon: {fileID: 0} - m_NavMeshLayer: 0 - m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 - m_IsActive: 1 ---- !u!224 &4767772227758557155 -RectTransform: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 4767772227758557154} - m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} - m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} - m_Children: - - {fileID: 3500080046422971095} - m_Father: {fileID: 4475312012745311020} - m_RootOrder: 0 - m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} - m_AnchorMin: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} - m_AnchorMax: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} - m_AnchoredPosition: {x: 0, y: 0} - m_SizeDelta: {x: 50, y: 50} - m_Pivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} ---- !u!222 &4767772227758556957 -CanvasRenderer: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 4767772227758557154} - m_CullTransparentMesh: 1 ---- !u!114 &4767772227758556956 -MonoBehaviour: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 4767772227758557154} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_EditorHideFlags: 0 - m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: fe87c0e1cc204ed48ad3b37840f39efc, type: 3} - m_Name: - m_EditorClassIdentifier: - m_Material: {fileID: 0} - m_Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 0.78431374} - m_RaycastTarget: 1 - m_RaycastPadding: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} - m_Maskable: 1 - m_OnCullStateChanged: - m_PersistentCalls: - m_Calls: [] - m_Sprite: {fileID: 21300000, guid: b74c31d447d2f5d41a61081bdf5e7126, type: 3} - m_Type: 0 - m_PreserveAspect: 0 - m_FillCenter: 1 - m_FillMethod: 4 - m_FillAmount: 1 - m_FillClockwise: 1 - m_FillOrigin: 0 - m_UseSpriteMesh: 0 - m_PixelsPerUnitMultiplier: 1 diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Prefabs/VirtualInputs/UI_Virtual_TouchZone.prefab.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Prefabs/VirtualInputs/UI_Virtual_TouchZone.prefab.meta deleted file mode 100644 index d5630a7..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Prefabs/VirtualInputs/UI_Virtual_TouchZone.prefab.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: c82978c3789dad44da354dc354c782b2 -PrefabImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts.meta deleted file mode 100644 index fe0a26e..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 7b0e507958fc3a940b3afabb02fdb2cc -folderAsset: yes -DefaultImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/CanvasInputs.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/CanvasInputs.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 566f32f..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/CanvasInputs.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 0777899404b4b2b4696f1032f3231697 -folderAsset: yes -DefaultImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/CanvasInputs/UICanvasControllerInput.cs b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/CanvasInputs/UICanvasControllerInput.cs deleted file mode 100644 index c22981b..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/CanvasInputs/UICanvasControllerInput.cs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -using UnityEngine; - -namespace StarterAssets -{ - public class UICanvasControllerInput : MonoBehaviour - { - - [Header("Output")] - public StarterAssetsInputs starterAssetsInputs; - - public void VirtualMoveInput(Vector2 virtualMoveDirection) - { - starterAssetsInputs.MoveInput(virtualMoveDirection); - } - - public void VirtualLookInput(Vector2 virtualLookDirection) - { - starterAssetsInputs.LookInput(virtualLookDirection); - } - - public void VirtualJumpInput(bool virtualJumpState) - { - starterAssetsInputs.JumpInput(virtualJumpState); - } - - public void VirtualSprintInput(bool virtualSprintState) - { - starterAssetsInputs.SprintInput(virtualSprintState); - } - - } - -} diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/CanvasInputs/UICanvasControllerInput.cs.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/CanvasInputs/UICanvasControllerInput.cs.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 96039d0..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/CanvasInputs/UICanvasControllerInput.cs.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 4a300d010f57451488aa99000126fbd5 -MonoImporter: - externalObjects: {} - serializedVersion: 2 - defaultReferences: [] - executionOrder: 0 - icon: {instanceID: 0} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/Utilities.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/Utilities.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 0f5fd43..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/Utilities.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: a499c73a35b488449a6f9e9db9e88120 -folderAsset: yes -DefaultImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/Utilities/MobileDisableAutoSwitchControls.cs b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/Utilities/MobileDisableAutoSwitchControls.cs deleted file mode 100644 index d9100ce..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/Utilities/MobileDisableAutoSwitchControls.cs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -/* -The PlayerInput component has an auto-switch control scheme action that allows automatic changing of connected devices. -IE: Switching from Keyboard to Gamepad in-game. -When built to a mobile phone; in most cases, there is no concept of switching connected devices as controls are typically driven through what is on the device's hardware (Screen, Tilt, etc) -In Input System 1.0.2, if the PlayerInput component has Auto Switch enabled, it will search the mobile device for connected devices; which is very costly and results in bad performance. -This is fixed in Input System 1.1. -For the time-being; this script will disable a PlayerInput's auto switch control schemes; when project is built to mobile. -*/ - -using UnityEngine; -#if ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM && STARTER_ASSETS_PACKAGES_CHECKED -using UnityEngine.InputSystem; -#endif - -public class MobileDisableAutoSwitchControls : MonoBehaviour -{ - -#if ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM && (UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID) && STARTER_ASSETS_PACKAGES_CHECKED - - [Header("Target")] - public PlayerInput playerInput; - - void Start() - { - DisableAutoSwitchControls(); - } - - void DisableAutoSwitchControls() - { - playerInput.neverAutoSwitchControlSchemes = true; - } - -#endif - -} diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/Utilities/MobileDisableAutoSwitchControls.cs.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/Utilities/MobileDisableAutoSwitchControls.cs.meta deleted file mode 100644 index bbb08c4..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/Utilities/MobileDisableAutoSwitchControls.cs.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 901182334643ba1438a25accc6bd0c79 -MonoImporter: - externalObjects: {} - serializedVersion: 2 - defaultReferences: [] - executionOrder: 0 - icon: {instanceID: 0} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 498a3fb..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: bcc364c89270bab40a69cac58f5ae926 -folderAsset: yes -DefaultImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualButton.cs b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualButton.cs deleted file mode 100644 index f9ae9ee..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualButton.cs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -using System.Collections; -using System.Collections.Generic; -using UnityEngine; -using UnityEngine.EventSystems; -using UnityEngine.Events; - -public class UIVirtualButton : MonoBehaviour, IPointerDownHandler, IPointerUpHandler, IPointerClickHandler -{ - - [Header("Output")] - public UnityEvent buttonStateOutputEvent; - public UnityEvent buttonClickOutputEvent; - - public void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) - { - OutputButtonStateValue(true); - } - - public void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData) - { - OutputButtonStateValue(false); - } - - public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) - { - OutputButtonClickEvent(); - } - - void OutputButtonStateValue(bool buttonState) - { - buttonStateOutputEvent.Invoke(buttonState); - } - - void OutputButtonClickEvent() - { - buttonClickOutputEvent.Invoke(); - } - -} diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualButton.cs.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualButton.cs.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 1847085..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualButton.cs.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 448cd6d8e2f2cb04096e777d99974bc4 -MonoImporter: - externalObjects: {} - serializedVersion: 2 - defaultReferences: [] - executionOrder: 0 - icon: {instanceID: 0} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualJoystick.cs b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualJoystick.cs deleted file mode 100644 index 1ec5044..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualJoystick.cs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -using System.Collections; -using System.Collections.Generic; -using UnityEngine; -using UnityEngine.EventSystems; -using UnityEngine.Events; - -public class UIVirtualJoystick : MonoBehaviour, IPointerDownHandler, IDragHandler, IPointerUpHandler -{ - - - [Header("Rect References")] - public RectTransform containerRect; - public RectTransform handleRect; - - [Header("Settings")] - public float joystickRange = 50f; - public float magnitudeMultiplier = 1f; - public bool invertXOutputValue; - public bool invertYOutputValue; - - [Header("Output")] - public UnityEvent joystickOutputEvent; - - void Start() - { - SetupHandle(); - } - - private void SetupHandle() - { - if(handleRect) - { - UpdateHandleRectPosition(Vector2.zero); - } - } - - public void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) - { - OnDrag(eventData); - } - - public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) - { - - RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(containerRect, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out Vector2 position); - - position = ApplySizeDelta(position); - - Vector2 clampedPosition = ClampValuesToMagnitude(position); - - Vector2 outputPosition = ApplyInversionFilter(position); - - OutputPointerEventValue(outputPosition * magnitudeMultiplier); - - if(handleRect) - { - UpdateHandleRectPosition(clampedPosition * joystickRange); - } - - } - - public void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData) - { - OutputPointerEventValue(Vector2.zero); - - if(handleRect) - { - UpdateHandleRectPosition(Vector2.zero); - } - } - - private void OutputPointerEventValue(Vector2 pointerPosition) - { - joystickOutputEvent.Invoke(pointerPosition); - } - - private void UpdateHandleRectPosition(Vector2 newPosition) - { - handleRect.anchoredPosition = newPosition; - } - - Vector2 ApplySizeDelta(Vector2 position) - { - float x = (position.x/containerRect.sizeDelta.x) * 2.5f; - float y = (position.y/containerRect.sizeDelta.y) * 2.5f; - return new Vector2(x, y); - } - - Vector2 ClampValuesToMagnitude(Vector2 position) - { - return Vector2.ClampMagnitude(position, 1); - } - - Vector2 ApplyInversionFilter(Vector2 position) - { - if(invertXOutputValue) - { - position.x = InvertValue(position.x); - } - - if(invertYOutputValue) - { - position.y = InvertValue(position.y); - } - - return position; - } - - float InvertValue(float value) - { - return -value; - } - -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualJoystick.cs.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualJoystick.cs.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 584222b..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualJoystick.cs.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: f2cb8c4d669392748bb924209de33b85 -MonoImporter: - externalObjects: {} - serializedVersion: 2 - defaultReferences: [] - executionOrder: 0 - icon: {instanceID: 0} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualTouchZone.cs b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualTouchZone.cs deleted file mode 100644 index 8359339..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualTouchZone.cs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ -using System.Collections; -using System.Collections.Generic; -using UnityEngine; -using UnityEngine.EventSystems; -using UnityEngine.Events; - -public class UIVirtualTouchZone : MonoBehaviour, IPointerDownHandler, IDragHandler, IPointerUpHandler -{ - - [Header("Rect References")] - public RectTransform containerRect; - public RectTransform handleRect; - - [Header("Settings")] - public bool clampToMagnitude; - public float magnitudeMultiplier = 1f; - public bool invertXOutputValue; - public bool invertYOutputValue; - - //Stored Pointer Values - private Vector2 pointerDownPosition; - private Vector2 currentPointerPosition; - - [Header("Output")] - public UnityEvent touchZoneOutputEvent; - - void Start() - { - SetupHandle(); - } - - private void SetupHandle() - { - if(handleRect) - { - SetObjectActiveState(handleRect.gameObject, false); - } - } - - public void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData) - { - - RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(containerRect, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out pointerDownPosition); - - if(handleRect) - { - SetObjectActiveState(handleRect.gameObject, true); - UpdateHandleRectPosition(pointerDownPosition); - } - } - - public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) - { - - RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(containerRect, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out currentPointerPosition); - - Vector2 positionDelta = GetDeltaBetweenPositions(pointerDownPosition, currentPointerPosition); - - Vector2 clampedPosition = ClampValuesToMagnitude(positionDelta); - - Vector2 outputPosition = ApplyInversionFilter(clampedPosition); - - OutputPointerEventValue(outputPosition * magnitudeMultiplier); - } - - public void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData) - { - pointerDownPosition = Vector2.zero; - currentPointerPosition = Vector2.zero; - - OutputPointerEventValue(Vector2.zero); - - if(handleRect) - { - SetObjectActiveState(handleRect.gameObject, false); - UpdateHandleRectPosition(Vector2.zero); - } - } - - void OutputPointerEventValue(Vector2 pointerPosition) - { - touchZoneOutputEvent.Invoke(pointerPosition); - } - - void UpdateHandleRectPosition(Vector2 newPosition) - { - handleRect.anchoredPosition = newPosition; - } - - void SetObjectActiveState(GameObject targetObject, bool newState) - { - targetObject.SetActive(newState); - } - - Vector2 GetDeltaBetweenPositions(Vector2 firstPosition, Vector2 secondPosition) - { - return secondPosition - firstPosition; - } - - Vector2 ClampValuesToMagnitude(Vector2 position) - { - return Vector2.ClampMagnitude(position, 1); - } - - Vector2 ApplyInversionFilter(Vector2 position) - { - if(invertXOutputValue) - { - position.x = InvertValue(position.x); - } - - if(invertYOutputValue) - { - position.y = InvertValue(position.y); - } - - return position; - } - - float InvertValue(float value) - { - return -value; - } - -} diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualTouchZone.cs.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualTouchZone.cs.meta deleted file mode 100644 index c477322..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/Scripts/VirtualInputs/UIVirtualTouchZone.cs.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 65870f34fef70aa44b0f562cfc810220 -MonoImporter: - externalObjects: {} - serializedVersion: 2 - defaultReferences: [] - executionOrder: 0 - icon: {instanceID: 0} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/UI.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/UI.meta deleted file mode 100644 index bece0ca..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Mobile/UI.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: e7fdf9603bb47074a9b04a3eb60ffcd8 -folderAsset: yes -DefaultImporter: - 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textureFormat: 4 - textureCompression: 0 - compressionQuality: 50 - crunchedCompression: 0 - allowsAlphaSplitting: 0 - overridden: 0 - androidETC2FallbackOverride: 0 - forceMaximumCompressionQuality_BC6H_BC7: 0 - - serializedVersion: 3 - buildTarget: WebGL - maxTextureSize: 2048 - resizeAlgorithm: 0 - textureFormat: 4 - textureCompression: 0 - compressionQuality: 50 - crunchedCompression: 0 - allowsAlphaSplitting: 0 - overridden: 0 - androidETC2FallbackOverride: 0 - forceMaximumCompressionQuality_BC6H_BC7: 0 - spriteSheet: - serializedVersion: 2 - sprites: [] - outline: [] - physicsShape: [] - bones: [] - spriteID: 5e97eb03825dee720800000000000000 - internalID: 0 - vertices: [] - indices: - edges: [] - weights: [] - secondaryTextures: [] - spritePackingTag: - pSDRemoveMatte: 0 - pSDShowRemoveMatteOption: 0 - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Readme.asset b/Assets/StarterAssets/Readme.asset deleted file mode 100644 index 9f783b2..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Readme.asset +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -%YAML 1.1 -%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: ---- !u!114 &11400000 -MonoBehaviour: - m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 - m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} - m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} - m_GameObject: {fileID: 0} - m_Enabled: 1 - m_EditorHideFlags: 0 - m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: fcf7219bab7fe46a1ad266029b2fee19, type: 3} - m_Name: Readme - m_EditorClassIdentifier: - icon: {fileID: 2800000, guid: 44a17a5b205fcd349a24700e6f5615bd, type: 3} - title: Welcome to Starter Assets! - sections: - - heading: Starter Assets Readme - text: - linkText: - url: - - heading: - text: 'Starter Assets include First and Third Person Character controllers built - in a modular way as a solid foundation for any game genre. ' - linkText: Starter Assets - First Person Character Controller - url: http://u3d.as/2z1q - - heading: - text: - linkText: Starter Assets - Third Person Character Controller - url: http://u3d.as/2z1r - - heading: - text: "The Starter Assets packages are compatible with Unity 2020.3 LTS and leverage - Unity\u2019s CharacterController component." - linkText: - url: - - heading: Important note - text: The Starter Assets packages require the Input System and Cinemachine packages - to work. See the documentation (Assets/StarterAssets/StarterAssets_Documentation.pdf) - for more information. - linkText: - url: - - heading: 'Get started ' - text: In StarterAssets/ThirdPersonController/Scenes or StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scenes, - you will find the Playground Scene. Here you can use the Starter Assets controller - in a simple playground environment and start adjusting the controller settings - to your liking. - linkText: - url: - - heading: Documentation - text: See the documentation (Assets/StarterAssets/StarterAssets_Documentation.pdf) - for more information on how to set up the Starter Assets in a new Scene, in - HDRP/URP, or for mobile devices. - linkText: - url: - - heading: 'We want to hear your feedback! ' - text: - linkText: Click here to let us know what you think about this package. - url: https://unitysoftware.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5cg7IkyOprbHqia?packagename=starterassets - loadedLayout: 1 diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/Readme.asset.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/Readme.asset.meta deleted file mode 100644 index fee5858..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/Readme.asset.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 4181bfe715a83e843b7538d750dc57cc -timeCreated: 1484217493 -licenseType: Store -NativeFormatImporter: - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/StarterAssets_Documentation.pdf b/Assets/StarterAssets/StarterAssets_Documentation.pdf deleted file mode 100644 index 8d4ae49..0000000 Binary files a/Assets/StarterAssets/StarterAssets_Documentation.pdf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/StarterAssets_Documentation.pdf.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/StarterAssets_Documentation.pdf.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 4f31eab..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/StarterAssets_Documentation.pdf.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: a4b3ee9030379a042983d43d671fcc92 -DefaultImporter: - 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internalIDToNameTable: [] - externalObjects: {} - serializedVersion: 11 - mipmaps: - mipMapMode: 0 - enableMipMap: 1 - sRGBTexture: 1 - linearTexture: 0 - fadeOut: 0 - borderMipMap: 0 - mipMapsPreserveCoverage: 0 - alphaTestReferenceValue: 0.5 - mipMapFadeDistanceStart: 1 - mipMapFadeDistanceEnd: 3 - bumpmap: - convertToNormalMap: 0 - externalNormalMap: 0 - heightScale: 0.25 - normalMapFilter: 0 - isReadable: 0 - streamingMipmaps: 0 - streamingMipmapsPriority: 0 - vTOnly: 0 - grayScaleToAlpha: 0 - generateCubemap: 6 - cubemapConvolution: 0 - seamlessCubemap: 0 - textureFormat: 1 - maxTextureSize: 2048 - textureSettings: - serializedVersion: 2 - filterMode: -1 - aniso: -1 - mipBias: -100 - wrapU: -1 - wrapV: -1 - wrapW: -1 - nPOTScale: 1 - lightmap: 0 - compressionQuality: 50 - spriteMode: 0 - spriteExtrude: 1 - spriteMeshType: 1 - alignment: 0 - spritePivot: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5} - spritePixelsToUnits: 100 - spriteBorder: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0} - spriteGenerateFallbackPhysicsShape: 1 - alphaUsage: 1 - alphaIsTransparency: 0 - spriteTessellationDetail: -1 - textureType: 0 - textureShape: 1 - singleChannelComponent: 0 - flipbookRows: 1 - flipbookColumns: 1 - maxTextureSizeSet: 0 - compressionQualitySet: 0 - textureFormatSet: 0 - ignorePngGamma: 0 - applyGammaDecoding: 0 - platformSettings: - - serializedVersion: 3 - buildTarget: DefaultTexturePlatform - maxTextureSize: 2048 - resizeAlgorithm: 0 - textureFormat: -1 - textureCompression: 1 - compressionQuality: 50 - crunchedCompression: 0 - allowsAlphaSplitting: 0 - overridden: 0 - androidETC2FallbackOverride: 0 - forceMaximumCompressionQuality_BC6H_BC7: 0 - spriteSheet: - serializedVersion: 2 - sprites: [] - outline: [] - physicsShape: [] - bones: [] - spriteID: - internalID: 0 - vertices: [] - indices: - edges: [] - weights: [] - secondaryTextures: [] - spritePackingTag: - pSDRemoveMatte: 0 - pSDShowRemoveMatteOption: 0 - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts.meta deleted file mode 100644 index d2a3d51..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 678725003e9fcca47b890bd03ec3aec7 -folderAsset: yes -DefaultImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts/Editor.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts/Editor.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 200a3aa..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts/Editor.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 05ec20ec4f7518c45a79ab227732cff4 -folderAsset: yes -DefaultImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts/Editor/ReadmeEditor.cs b/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts/Editor/ReadmeEditor.cs deleted file mode 100644 index 2e59477..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts/Editor/ReadmeEditor.cs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,158 +0,0 @@ -using System.Collections; -using System.Collections.Generic; -using UnityEngine; -using UnityEditor; -using System; -using System.IO; -using System.Reflection; - -[CustomEditor(typeof(Readme))] -[InitializeOnLoad] -public class ReadmeEditor : Editor { - - static string kShowedReadmeSessionStateName = "ReadmeEditor.showedReadme"; - - static float kSpace = 16f; - - static ReadmeEditor() - { - EditorApplication.delayCall += SelectReadmeAutomatically; - } - - static void SelectReadmeAutomatically() - { - if (!SessionState.GetBool(kShowedReadmeSessionStateName, false )) - { - var readme = SelectReadme(); - SessionState.SetBool(kShowedReadmeSessionStateName, true); - - if (readme && !readme.loadedLayout) - { - LoadLayout(); - readme.loadedLayout = true; - } - } - } - - static void LoadLayout() - { - var assembly = typeof(EditorApplication).Assembly; - var windowLayoutType = assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.WindowLayout", true); - var method = windowLayoutType.GetMethod("LoadWindowLayout", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); - method.Invoke(null, new object[]{Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "TutorialInfo/Layout.wlt"), false}); - } - - [MenuItem("Tutorial/Show Tutorial Instructions")] - static Readme SelectReadme() - { - var ids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("Readme t:Readme"); - if (ids.Length == 1) - { - var readmeObject = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(ids[0])); - - Selection.objects = new UnityEngine.Object[]{readmeObject}; - - return (Readme)readmeObject; - } - else - { - Debug.Log("Couldn't find a readme"); - return null; - } - } - - protected override void OnHeaderGUI() - { - var readme = (Readme)target; - Init(); - - var iconWidth = Mathf.Min(EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth/3f - 20f, 128f); - - GUILayout.BeginHorizontal("In BigTitle"); - { - GUILayout.Label(readme.icon, GUILayout.Width(iconWidth), GUILayout.Height(iconWidth)); - GUILayout.Label(readme.title, TitleStyle); - } - GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); - } - - public override void OnInspectorGUI() - { - var readme = (Readme)target; - Init(); - - foreach (var section in readme.sections) - { - if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(section.heading)) - { - GUILayout.Label(section.heading, HeadingStyle); - } - if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(section.text)) - { - GUILayout.Label(section.text, BodyStyle); - } - if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(section.linkText)) - { - if (LinkLabel(new GUIContent(section.linkText))) - { - Application.OpenURL(section.url); - } - } - GUILayout.Space(kSpace); - } - } - - - bool m_Initialized; - - GUIStyle LinkStyle { get { return m_LinkStyle; } } - [SerializeField] GUIStyle m_LinkStyle; - - GUIStyle TitleStyle { get { return m_TitleStyle; } } - [SerializeField] GUIStyle m_TitleStyle; - - GUIStyle HeadingStyle { get { return m_HeadingStyle; } } - [SerializeField] GUIStyle m_HeadingStyle; - - GUIStyle BodyStyle { get { return m_BodyStyle; } } - [SerializeField] GUIStyle m_BodyStyle; - - void Init() - { - if (m_Initialized) - return; - m_BodyStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label); - m_BodyStyle.wordWrap = true; - m_BodyStyle.fontSize = 14; - - m_TitleStyle = new GUIStyle(m_BodyStyle); - m_TitleStyle.fontSize = 26; - - m_HeadingStyle = new GUIStyle(m_BodyStyle); - m_HeadingStyle.fontSize = 18 ; - - m_LinkStyle = new GUIStyle(m_BodyStyle); - m_LinkStyle.wordWrap = false; - // Match selection color which works nicely for both light and dark skins - m_LinkStyle.normal.textColor = new Color (0x00/255f, 0x78/255f, 0xDA/255f, 1f); - m_LinkStyle.stretchWidth = false; - - m_Initialized = true; - } - - bool LinkLabel (GUIContent label, params GUILayoutOption[] options) - { - var position = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(label, LinkStyle, options); - - Handles.BeginGUI (); - Handles.color = LinkStyle.normal.textColor; - Handles.DrawLine (new Vector3(position.xMin, position.yMax), new Vector3(position.xMax, position.yMax)); - Handles.color = Color.white; - Handles.EndGUI (); - - EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect (position, MouseCursor.Link); - - return GUI.Button (position, label, LinkStyle); - } -} - diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts/Editor/ReadmeEditor.cs.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts/Editor/ReadmeEditor.cs.meta deleted file mode 100644 index f038618..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts/Editor/ReadmeEditor.cs.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: 476cc7d7cd9874016adc216baab94a0a -timeCreated: 1484146680 -licenseType: Store -MonoImporter: - serializedVersion: 2 - defaultReferences: [] - executionOrder: 0 - icon: {instanceID: 0} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts/Readme.cs b/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts/Readme.cs deleted file mode 100644 index 48843db..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts/Readme.cs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -using System; -using UnityEngine; - -public class Readme : ScriptableObject { - public Texture2D icon; - public string title; - public Section[] sections; - public bool loadedLayout; - - [Serializable] - public class Section { - public string heading, text, linkText, url; - } -} diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts/Readme.cs.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts/Readme.cs.meta deleted file mode 100644 index 0dd2604..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/TutorialInfo/Scripts/Readme.cs.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: fcf7219bab7fe46a1ad266029b2fee19 -MonoImporter: - externalObjects: {} - serializedVersion: 2 - defaultReferences: - - icon: {fileID: 2800000, guid: d4743ba2e2a59f946b2125c074582ce7, type: 3} - executionOrder: 0 - icon: {fileID: 2800000, guid: a186f8a87ca4f4d3aa864638ad5dfb65, type: 3} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/license.txt b/Assets/StarterAssets/license.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 3f19c88..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/license.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -This package is licensed under the Unity Companion License. -For full license terms, please see: https://unity3d.com/legal/licenses/Unity_Companion_License \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Assets/StarterAssets/license.txt.meta b/Assets/StarterAssets/license.txt.meta deleted file mode 100644 index c749929..0000000 --- a/Assets/StarterAssets/license.txt.meta +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -fileFormatVersion: 2 -guid: b846ecad8a98bd34dba8a5daf996d86e -TextScriptImporter: - externalObjects: {} - userData: - assetBundleName: - assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Packages/manifest.json b/Packages/manifest.json index 04390ca..9262e58 100644 --- a/Packages/manifest.json +++ b/Packages/manifest.json @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "com.unity.cinemachine": "2.8.4", "com.unity.collab-proxy": "1.15.16", "com.unity.feature.development": "1.0.1", - "com.unity.ide.rider": "3.0.13", + "com.unity.ide.rider": "3.0.14", "com.unity.ide.visualstudio": "2.0.15", "com.unity.ide.vscode": "1.2.5", "com.unity.inputsystem": "1.3.0", diff --git a/Packages/packages-lock.json b/Packages/packages-lock.json index f45c665..659acb0 100644 --- a/Packages/packages-lock.json +++ b/Packages/packages-lock.json @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ } }, "com.unity.ide.rider": { - "version": "3.0.13", + "version": "3.0.14", "depth": 0, "source": "registry", "dependencies": { diff --git a/ProjectSettings/Packages/com.unity.probuilder/Settings.json b/ProjectSettings/Packages/com.unity.probuilder/Settings.json index d697210..bf69cda 100644 --- a/ProjectSettings/Packages/com.unity.probuilder/Settings.json +++ b/ProjectSettings/Packages/com.unity.probuilder/Settings.json @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ { "type": "UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.CoreModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", "key": "ShapeBuilder.LastSize", - "value": "{\"m_Value\":{\"x\":-19.63416290283203,\"y\":7.392993927001953,\"z\":-13.80473518371582}}" + "value": "{\"m_Value\":{\"x\":19.394981384277345,\"y\":-1.8654950857162476,\"z\":19.952726364135743}}" }, { "type": "UnityEngine.Quaternion, UnityEngine.CoreModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", diff --git a/ProjectSettings/RiderScriptEditorPersistedState.asset b/ProjectSettings/RiderScriptEditorPersistedState.asset index fb71d94..0001bc4 100644 --- a/ProjectSettings/RiderScriptEditorPersistedState.asset +++ b/ProjectSettings/RiderScriptEditorPersistedState.asset @@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ MonoBehaviour: m_Script: {fileID: 0} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: Unity.Rider.Editor:Packages.Rider.Editor:RiderScriptEditorPersistedState - lastWriteTicks: -8585512951325381503 + lastWriteTicks: -8585507643542249847