using UnityEngine.Video; //Must be using UnityEngine.Video using UnityEngine; public class VideoPlayerManager : MonoBehaviour { public VideoPlayer videoPlayer; //Our video player component variable. Can be set in inspector or through code in Start() public VideoClip[] clips; //Array for video clips // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { videoPlayer = GetComponent(); //Stores our video player component into our videoPlayer variable } private void Update() { //Check to see if the current clip has ended. Once it's over, call to PlayClip() if ((videoPlayer.frame) > 0 && (videoPlayer.isPlaying == false)) { PlayClip(); } } public void PlayClip() { if (videoPlayer.clip == clips[0]) //Checks to see if the clip that just played was the first video { int randClip = Random.Range(1, 3); //Randomly picks one of the remaining three videos videoPlayer.clip = clips[randClip]; //Sets the videoPlayer clip to the next chosen video } else if(videoPlayer.clip == clips[1] || videoPlayer.clip == clips[2] || videoPlayer.clip == clips[3]) { videoPlayer.clip = clips[4]; // play the last clip } else if (videoPlayer.clip == clips[4]) //If we've just played the last clip, play a bit of blackness. { videoPlayer.clip = clips[5]; } else { videoPlayer.clip = clips[0]; //If the last played video wasn't the first video, then go back to playing that first video } } }