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2022-12-13 01:08:09 -07:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
2022-12-18 13:09:27 -07:00
<script type="module" id="cuphead">
2022-12-13 01:08:09 -07:00
import * as d3 from "";
2022-12-18 13:09:27 -07:00
const jsonData = d3.json("http://localhost:8888");
2022-12-13 01:08:09 -07:00
jsonData.then(function (data){
2022-12-18 13:09:27 -07:00
let dataset = data.reports;
2022-12-13 01:08:09 -07:00
function processData(data) {
2022-12-18 13:09:27 -07:00
let parsedCupheadData = [];
let indexWorking = 0;
let indexBroken = 1;
let prevDate = 14;
2022-12-13 01:08:09 -07:00
2022-12-18 13:09:27 -07:00
parsedCupheadData[indexWorking] = new Object();
parsedCupheadData[indexWorking].date = new Date("2019-11-01");
parsedCupheadData[indexWorking].title = "Working";
parsedCupheadData[indexWorking].number = 0;
parsedCupheadData[indexBroken] = new Object();
parsedCupheadData[indexBroken].date = new Date("2019-11-01");
parsedCupheadData[indexBroken].title = "Borked";
parsedCupheadData[indexBroken].number = 0;
2022-12-13 01:08:09 -07:00
for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
2022-12-18 13:09:27 -07:00
let currentReport = data[i];
let currentDate = new Date(data[i].timestamp * 1000);
let dateString = currentDate.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + currentDate.getMonth().toString() + "-" + currentDate.getDate().toString();
if(data[i].game_title != "Cuphead")
{continue;} else {
if(currentDate.getDate() != prevDate) {
prevDate = currentDate.getDate();
indexBroken = indexBroken + 2;
indexWorking = indexWorking + 2;
parsedCupheadData[indexWorking] = new Object();
parsedCupheadData[indexWorking].date = currentDate;
parsedCupheadData[indexWorking].title = "Working";
parsedCupheadData[indexWorking].number = 0;
2022-12-13 01:08:09 -07:00
2022-12-18 13:09:27 -07:00
parsedCupheadData[indexBroken] = new Object();
parsedCupheadData[indexBroken].date = currentDate;
parsedCupheadData[indexBroken].title = "Borked";
parsedCupheadData[indexBroken].number = 0;
if(data[i].verdict == 0) {
if(data[i].verdict == 1) {
2022-12-13 01:08:09 -07:00
2022-12-18 13:09:27 -07:00
document.getElementById("visCuphead").appendChild(StackedAreaChart(parsedCupheadData, {
x: d =>,
y: d => d.number,
z: d => d.title,
yLabel: "Number of Reports--Cuphead",
width: 700,
height: 250
// Copyright 2021 Observable, Inc.
// Released under the ISC license.
function StackedAreaChart(data, {
x = ([x]) => x, // given d in data, returns the (ordinal) x-value
y = ([, y]) => y, // given d in data, returns the (quantitative) y-value
z = () => 1, // given d in data, returns the (categorical) z-value
marginTop = 20, // top margin, in pixels
marginRight = 30, // right margin, in pixels
marginBottom = 30, // bottom margin, in pixels
marginLeft = 40, // left margin, in pixels
width = 640, // outer width, in pixels
height = 400, // outer height, in pixels
xType = d3.scaleUtc, // type of x-scale
xDomain, // [xmin, xmax]
xRange = [marginLeft, width - marginRight], // [left, right]
yType = d3.scaleLinear, // type of y-scale
yDomain, // [ymin, ymax]
yRange = [height - marginBottom, marginTop], // [bottom, top]
zDomain, // array of z-values
offset = d3.stackOffsetExpand, // stack offset method
order = d3.stackOrderNone, // stack order method
yLabel, // a label for the y-axis
xFormat, // a format specifier string for the x-axis
yFormat = "%", // a format specifier string for the y-axis
colors = d3.schemeDark2, // an array of colors for the (z) categories
} = {}) {
// Compute values.
const X =, x);
const Y =, y);
const Z =, z);
// Compute default x- and z-domains, and unique the z-domain.
if (xDomain === undefined) xDomain = d3.extent(X);
if (zDomain === undefined) zDomain = Z;
zDomain = new d3.InternSet(zDomain);
// Omit any data not present in the z-domain.
const I = d3.range(X.length).filter(i => zDomain.has(Z[i]));
2022-12-13 01:08:09 -07:00
2022-12-18 13:09:27 -07:00
// Compute a nested array of series where each series is [[y1, y2], [y1, y2],
// [y1, y2], …] representing the y-extent of each stacked rect. In addition,
// each tuple has an i (index) property so that we can refer back to the
// original data point (data[i]). This code assumes that there is only one
// data point for a given unique x- and z-value.
const series = d3.stack()
.value(([x, I], z) => Y[I.get(z)])
(d3.rollup(I, ([i]) => i, i => X[i], i => Z[i]))
.map(s => => Object.assign(d, {i:[1].get(s.key)})));
// Compute the default y-domain. Note: diverging stacks can be negative.
if (yDomain === undefined) yDomain = d3.extent(series.flat(2));
// Construct scales and axes.
const xScale = xType(xDomain, xRange);
const yScale = yType(yDomain, yRange);
const color = d3.scaleOrdinal(zDomain, colors);
const xAxis = d3.axisBottom(xScale).ticks(width / 80, xFormat).tickSizeOuter(0);
const yAxis = d3.axisLeft(yScale).ticks(height / 50, yFormat);
const area = d3.area()
.x(({i}) => xScale(X[i]))
.y0(([y1]) => yScale(y1))
.y1(([, y2]) => yScale(y2));
const svg = d3.create("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.attr("viewBox", [0, 0, width, height])
.attr("style", "max-width: 100%; height: auto; height: intrinsic;");
.attr("fill", ([{i}]) => color(Z[i]))
.attr("d", area)
.text(([{i}]) => Z[i]);
.attr("transform", `translate(0,${height - marginBottom})`)
.call(g =>".domain").remove());
.attr("transform", `translate(${marginLeft},0)`)
.call(g =>".domain").remove())
.call(g => g.selectAll(".tick line")
.filter(d => d === 0 || d === 1)
.attr("x2", width - marginLeft - marginRight))
.call(g => g.append("text")
.attr("x", -marginLeft)
.attr("y", 10)
.attr("fill", "currentColor")
.attr("text-anchor", "start")
return Object.assign(svg.node(), {scales: {color}});
2022-12-13 01:08:09 -07:00
2022-12-18 13:09:27 -07:00
<svg width="500" height="500" id="visCuphead" class="overflow"></svg>
2022-12-13 01:08:09 -07:00